Let’s face it: it can be easy to get caught up in our daily hustle and bustle of work, school, and everything in between, leaving us to forget about the bigger picture. This bigger picture includes doing good for yourself, others in your community and the world, which is a sentiment that can easily be forgotten. That’s why Her Campus and bareMinerals teamed up for the Power of Good Tour — to promote the message of helping ourselves, our communities and the world around us through even the smallest acts of kindness.
When it comes to making a positive impact in your world, it doesn’t have to be done through any grand gesture, but simply through good-hearted choices. Here are three easy ways that you can embrace the #PowerofGood:
1. Gift someone a compliment
Never underestimate the power of a compliment — it can easily brighten someone’s day or pick up someone who’s going through a rough patch. We all know that receiving an authentic and kind compliment is one of the best feelings, so don’t be afraid to pay that feeling forward! Just a few kind words can make a big difference.
2. Lend a friend a helping hand
Know a friend struggling with passing an exam for that tough class? Offer to study together or even tutor them if you see them getting nervous for the upcoming test. Just offering your assistance is sure to make your friend feel less anxious about the class since they know they have someone by their side.
3. Perform a random act of kindness
Experiencing a kind act of service from a complete stranger is one of the most wonderful ways to spread goodness around. Try paying for the coffee or meal of the person behind you — it will be sure to make their day and perhaps spark inspiration for them to do the same to a stranger. Even something as simple as telling a stranger “good morning” can make a positive impact. It’s really that easy to bring the power of good into a stranger’s life!
Don’t be afraid to step out of the day-to-day routine to do something small yet extraordinary. You’re sure to make someone’s day just a little happier through embracing the #PowerOfGood.