The Game of Thrones cast never fail to clap back at the president, whether it be in interviews or on social media. And they had the best response to a meme Trump tweeted on Friday.
Trump’s meme said “Sanctions Are Coming,” which is inspired by the show’s iconic “Winter Is Coming” tagline. It’s also written in the same legendary font Game of Thrones uses. According to Huffington Post, the tweet was supposed to announce that on Monday the U.S. will re-impose sanctions on Iran. Trump previously decided to withdraw from the Obama-Era nuclear deal, which lifted sanctions in 2015 as an attempt to avert Iran from developing nuclear weapons. The White House Twitter account later confirmed the president’s tweet.
In perfect style, two Game of Thrones stars quickly criticized the president for using the show for his political agenda. Maisie Williams, who plays Arya Stark, captioned her clap back with the phrase “Not Today.” For all my fellow GOT-lovers, this is a reference to the show as well. In Season 1, Arya’s sword-fighting teacher tells her that “there’s one thing we say to death,” which she responds, “Not today.”
Not today.
— Maisie Williams (@Maisie_Williams) November 2, 2018
Sophie Turner, who plays her older sister, Sansa Stark, took a rather different approach simply writing “Ew.”
— Sophie Turner (@SophieT) November 2, 2018
The two stars weren’t the only ones to respond. “We were not aware of this messaging and would prefer our trademark not be misappropriated for political purposes,” HBO said in a statement to CNBC. The network also took to twitter to express their disapproval.
How do you say trademark misuse in Dothraki?
— HBO (@HBO) November 2, 2018
And if that wasn’t satisfying enough for you, even George R.R. Martin, who authored the book series on which the show is based on, responded to the meme. He urged voters to go to the polls for next Tuesday’s midterms because “fear cuts deeper than swords.”
— George RR Martin (@GRRMspeaking) November 2, 2018
Excuse me while I give these two incredibly strong and outspoken women a round of applause.