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Harry Styles & Timothee Chalamet Had a Deep Conversation & This Is A Dream Come True


Things have been rough in the real world lately so if you've been in need of a pick-me-up, Timothée Chalamet and Harry Styles are here for you. 

The former One Direction member interviewed the young Oscar nominee for i-D magazine, and in this interview, not only did my wildest dreams come true, but we also learned a lot about both Timmy and Harry. 

1. Timothée still eats peaches.

It’s a fact that any journalist is contractually obligated to ask Timothée Chalamet about that infamous peach scene from Call Me By Your Name (ya know, the one where his character…experiments…with the fruit). Being the hard-hitting journalist that Harry is, he didn’t hold back. 

“Can you still eat peaches?” he asked. 

“Umm…I can,” Timothée responded. “But not without thinking about it.”

Timothée also admitted that it’s awkward knowing that his parents have watched that scene, which is definitely understandable. 

2. They’re both bad boy risk takers. 

Early on, Harry asked Timothée about being creative, and using fear and uncertainty to produce your best work. Harry emphasized that it can get boring playing it safe, and Timothée echoed that sentiment, saying, that it’s important to “be bad and take risks.” Both of these artists have pushed the limits of artistry and fashion (hello, floral suits), and it’s cool to hear all about their processes. 

3. Timothée is woke AF. 

Timothée already made headlines after he announced he was donating his salary from a Woody Allen film to multiple charities, and, in line with that, he is continuing to prove that he is aware of important social issues. His new film, Beautiful Boy, deals with topics surrounding addiction and substance abuse, and Timothée is well aware of the significance of this latest project. 

“I’m no authority on this, but I think it’s because it’s easier to see it that way. It’s comforting for people to give a face to addiction and think it couldn’t affect you, your family or your loved ones. When the reality, like you said, is that it’s an illness that doesn’t discriminate. It knows no race, class or gender. It’s a very human illness that affects a lot of people our age.”

Using his platform for good instead of evil is one of the many reasons I stan Timothée Chalamet. 

4. Harry Styles uses his work to send secret messages. 

No, he’s not a spy (but how cool would that movie be????), but Harry Styles admitted that he will sometimes slip secret messages in music videos, or wear jewelry that loved ones have given him. 

Is Harry asking me to go back and watch all of his music videos again to find these mementos? I think so. 

5. There may be a Call Me By Your Name sequel. 

In the CMBYN community, rumblings of a sequel to the 2017 film have been causing a lot of drama. But, Timothée tells Harry, “I would love to do a sequel, that challenge is really exciting to me.”

6. They are both family men. 

Let’s get the collective “awwwwwww” out of the way now. It is so sweet to hear both of these talented, a-list celebs talk about how much their families mean to them. Harry mentioned that “sometimes my parents will come on tour and it’s always nice to have them around,” while Timothée talked about how much support from his parents has meant to him. “My mum recently put this photo up of her and my dad at the LA premiere of Beautiful Boy and it's heart shattering in a great way, they’re just beaming with pride. It’s almost overwhelming,” he said.

7. They both journal. 

This is nothing earth-shattering, but both Timothée and Harry revealed that they journal to keep track of their crazy lives, and gain appreciation for everything that has come their way. 

I now have a very real fantasy of going to a stationary store with both Harry Styles and Timothée Chalamet to purchase washi tape, calligraphy pens and fancy paper products. We are all dressed in bold floral prints. A girl can dream, can’t she? 

8. They talked about getting political and conquering major social issues. 

It’s an endless debate about whether or not celebs should get involved in the political sphere, and Timothée admitted that he “[does] feel as though it is a responsibility though.” He also mentioned activist Emma Gonzalez, the importance of activism that has taken place in Hollywood over the past year and how social media has the power to be a tool for social change but can also be detrimental in this day and age.

“I am envious of a time when people really locked eyes and there wasn’t the escape of a screen,” Chalamet said. “It’s the caricature of someone at a party scrolling through Tetris.”

9. Harry Styles talked about how happy he is away from social media. 

It’s something we all know, but Harry put it perfectly into words. 

“On a personal level, I feel a noticeable change in how happy I am when I’m not on social media. Someone once described it to me like a house party, where there are three people who are great and 23 people who aren’t that nice. You just wouldn’t go to that party would you? That kind of summarizes my feelings about social media. I dip in. I see the friends I want to see and I dip out.”

10. They’re both huge fans of Christopher Nolan (and each other). 

Harry starred in Nolan’s 2017 film, Dunkirk, while Timmy had a role in 2014’s Interstellar. And Timmy fangirled over Harry, hard. 

Harry expressed interest in doing another film someday to which Timmy replied, “Oh man, I really hope you act in something else. Because, I don’t know if it means anything from me, but I thought you were really fucking excellent in that movie.”

Well said, Timothée, well said. 

11. They discussed masculinity, in the most intelligent of ways. 

Harry spoke of his somewhat unconventional upbringing. “I didn’t grow up in a man’s man world. I grew up with my mum and my sister. But I definitely think in the last two years, I’ve become a lot more content with who I am. I think there’s so much masculinity in being vulnerable and allowing yourself to be feminine, and I’m very comfortable with that.”

Timothée echoed his feelings about the intertwined nature of masculinity and vulnerability. “That’s really beautiful and inspiring…It’s the craziest feeling to achieve that vulnerability. If us having this conversation, in any infinitesimal way, can help anyone, a guy, a girl, realize that being vulnerable is not a weakness, not a social barrier. It doesn’t mean you’re crazy or hyper emotional, you’re just human…Humans are complex; we need to feel a lot of things. We are not homogeneous.”

Kudos to them for having this open and powerful discussion. 

12. Timothée Chalamet knows the meaning of life. 

When Styles asked this deep question, Timothée had the perfect response. “That we’re all only here for so long,” Timothée said. “Live and let live. Love deeply. Love openly. And know that the wise man knows he’s ignorant but cultivates more understanding.”

That’s beautiful.

And now for some quick hits…

13. Timothée’s favorite show is The Office.

14. Harry’s desert island movie would be Goodfellas.

15. Timothée Chalamet sleeps in the nude. I’ll just leave that there…

Check out the full article, and join the legions of fans crying over this perfect alignment stars. 

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