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Trump Mocked Kavanaugh Accuser Christine Blasey Ford & Senators Find It 'Wholly Inappropriate'


With the fate of Supreme Court nominee, Brett Kavanuagh’s approval hanging in the balance, President Donald Trump used a campaign rally on Tuesday to blatantly express his doubts of the nominee’s sexual assault accuser. 

During Dr. Ford’s testimony last week, she recounted her alleged assault at the hands of Kavanuagh with as much detail as she could remember. 

"I had one beer. Well, do you think it was -- nope, it was one beer," Trump said during the rally. "How did you get home? I don't remember. How'd you get there? I don't remember. Where is the place? I don't remember. How many years ago was it? I don't know."

The president’s mockery of Dr. Ford drew large cheers from the crowd who were in attendance, but several senators who will vote on Kavanaugh’s confirmation, were deeply troubled by the president’s comments. 

Senator Jeff Flake, an once outspoken supporter of Kavnaugh’s confirmation, who has now called for an FBI investigation into Dr. Ford’s allegations, said President Trump’s remarks were just wrong. 

"I thought it was obviously insensitive and appalling, frankly. There's no time or place, but particularly, to discuss something so sensitive at a political rally is just wrong," he told CNN

President Donald Trump was in Mississippi to speak about his trade deal with Canada and Mexico and give one final push for his re-election campaign, The Washington Post reports, but his remarks regarding Dr. Ford were the focal point of the night for many. 

Senator Lisa Murkowski of Arkansas, who is still on the fence about where she stands with her vote told reporters, “I am taking everything into account. The President’s comments yesterday mocking Dr. Ford were wholly inappropriate”

Senator Richard Blumenthal of Connecticut told CNN, "This vile, mocking attack on a credible, immensely powerfully eloquent survivor of sexual assault is a mark of disrespect and disregard not only for Dr. Blasey Ford but the entire survivor community.”

Senator Angus King of Maine also said the comments "made me feel sort of sick."

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