A series of photos of model and reality star Kendall Jenner in the nude were leaked and shared online on Tuesday, according to USA Today, and Twitter users took it as an opportunity to target Jenner with body-shaming comments. In what appears to be a statement regarding the photo leak, Elle reports that Jenner shared a video of her younger sister and lip kit mogul, Kylie Jenner, discussing her experience with online harassment and bullying.
The bullying PSA features a video montage and dramatic music, but it all heightens the message in the youngest Jenner’s voiceover.
❤️ @KylieJennerpic.twitter.com/6uqTFsgiSh
— Kendall (@KendallJenner) September 13, 2018
In the video, which was originally a series of Snapchat videos, Kylie says: “Half of you guys think that I’m weird, and the other half think I’m funny. But I’ve been bullied since I’ve been nine, from the whole world it feels like sometimes. And I think—I think that I’ve done a really great job in handling all of this. But there’s bullies everywhere so this is just a little—this is just a little late Snapchat to tell whoever with their own bullies that the only opinion that really matters is yours and to never change. This isn’t a pity party though, don’t get it twisted. This is for those with bullies out there to know that you’re not alone. Now good night, spread love.”
Kylie first posted the message in June 2015 shortly before she unveiled her #IAmMoreThan anti-bullying campaign.
Sharing the video with her 26 million followers on Twitter, Kendall captioned the video with a heart emoji.
The photos, TMZ reports, were illegally obtained from photographer Russell James. The photos, which were from a photo shoot with James, were meant to be published in an upcoming book about Victoria’s Secret models titled “Angels,” and were released without James’ permission.
Jenner, who has been attending fashion shows in New York as part of New York Fashion Week, nor James have officially publicly commented on the photo leak.
Either way, it’s not right to invade an individual’s privacy, and it’s especially wrong to bully and body-shame someone.