Kylie Jenner delighted fans by uploading a surprise Q&A video to her YouTube account on Friday. She and BFF Jordyn Woods discussed a range of topics — most notably, Kylie's daughter, Stormi.
The new mother was more candid about Stormi than she has been in the past, especially since she revealed last month that she wasn't planning on posting any photos of her daughter for awhile.
"Stormi, she's my twin," Kylie said in the video, later admitting that as she gets older, she actually looks more like her dad, Travis Scott.
"She has the most perfect lips in the entire world," Kylie said before poking fun at herself. "She didn't get those from me, I think her dad has those."
Stormi did take after her mother in a few ways, though.
"I prayed and prayed she would have my big eyes and she has the biggest eyes ever," Kylie said. "I have a three head — it only fits three, my fourth finger comes down to my eyebrows, so I have a three-head and she has a three-head too."
In the video, Kylie also discussed her own body post-baby.
"I feel like people think that I bounced back super fast, which I guess I did," she said, adding that "people can get the wrong idea on Instagram sometimes."
Kylie's still dealing with a number of insecurities, though.
"My boobs are definitely, like, three times the size, which bothers me," she said. "I have, like, stretch marks on my boobs. I feel like, you know, my stomach isn’t the same, my waist isn’t the same, my butt’s bigger, my thighs are bigger. It's just a change, and honestly, I’m finding I have to change my style a little because nothing in my closet fits me from before."
Props to Kylie for her honesty!