College stress can bring on a lot of things, acne and bad skin included, so it's essential to have a good skincare plan to keep you looking fresh. Unhealthy skin and bags under your eyes are completely avoidable, even with the amount of stress college bears. Drug store peel-off masks can be really overrated, but not to worry. Here are some facial products that college women swear by, each unique and proven to help college women of all skin types. All of these products were recommended by fellow collegiettes.
1. Lush Cosmetics facial cleansers and masks
Lush Cosmetics is widely known for their out-of-this-world bath bombs, but what many don't know is that their facial cleaners and masks are also to die for. Offering many different options, such as Ocean Salt ($21.95), Dark Angels ($14.95), and Herbalism ($16.95), Lush provides high quality face masks and scrubs that many college women can't live without. Kayleen Parra-Padron, a senior at Florida International University, discovered one that is great for a pesky skin problem. "I use the Rosy Cheeks ($12.95) face mask from Lush!" she says. "It really helped with my rosacea." These masks and cleansers make it easy and affordable to have the glowing, healthy skin that you want.
2. Charcoal face masks
Videos of people everywhere peeling off charcoal face masks have gone viral because of their ability to remove deep blackheads, a skin problem many collegiate women deal with. Ashley Drayton, a graduate of Georgia State University, swears by them, saying, "Charocal masks have been great for my combination skin and clearing up any scars." These magical masks can be found in a lot of different stores, including the Origins Charcoal Mask ($27) and the boscia Charcoal Pore-Minimizing Hydrogel Mask ($17.99, pictured above). If you're looking for a deep facial cleanse, these are the masks for you.
Related: DIY Face Masks For Every Day of the Week
3. Argan oil and tea tree oil masks and moisturizers
Argan oil is an organic ingredient that is great on skin, and tea tree oil is known to fight against stubborn acne. There are many facial masks with these ingredients, including the Shea Moisture Clarifying Mud Mask ($14.99 for 6 oz. tub, $2.49 for .5 oz packet), which can be purchased at Target, and the Shea Moisture 100% Pure Argan Oil ($9.99), which can be purchased at Ulta. Margeaux Biche, a Barnard College senior, says, "Both [ingredients] are natural and amazing for restorative skincare." If you struggle with dry or rough skin or acne breakouts, these ingredients should be a crucial part of your beauty routine.
4. Aztec Secret Indian Healing Clay
This healing clay is a secret to many, as the title alludes, but has been discovered by collegiettes. Emily Schmidt, a freshman at Stanford University, shares, "I started using it for my cystic acne last fall and have been using it twice a week ever since! My skin is super clear except for the pesky surface zits that show up around that time of the month. The mask also helps the excessive oil stay under control."Aztec Secret Indian Healing Clay ($8.30) can be purchaed on Amazon. This is a great product for getting deep into your pores and fighting deep acne.
With these products, you skin will be healthier than ever. College women swear by them, so why not give them a shot?