Mandy Moore, the talented and well-liked actress currently known for her portrayal of Rebecca on the hit NBC show This is Us, recently revealed her thoughts about the ex-boyfriend who claimed he took her virginity.
Moore sat down to talk with Howard Stern on SiriusXM Wednesday, and the subject of Wilmer Valderrama—the actor she dated as a teenager—came up in the conversation.
In 2006, several years after the two split up, Valderrama was a guest on Howard Stern's Show and made inappropriate comments regarding Moore's virginity by saying, "The sex with Mandy was good, but it wasn't like warm apple pie." Understandably, Moore was shocked and described the incident after it happened as, "utterly tacky, not even true, and it hurt my feelings because I like him."
Reflecting on those events earlier this week, Moore told Stern, "I dated him when I was 16 and 17. I love him and I still love him, and he’s a very good friend and that’s why I was so shocked by it because not only was it a fib, but it was so unlike him, it was so uncharacteristic." She also said she has since forgiven Valderrama and has moved on from it. "I moved past it now," the This Is Us star said. "I mean, this was like 2005 or something? We’re not that close, but we’re friendly. We have some mutual friends so yeah, we’ll see each other around every now and then. He came to my house a couple months ago, I had some friends over. He’s a good guy, he really is."
Although it's diplomatic of Moore to move past what Valderrama said, it doesn't excuse how utterly tasteless his comments were. It should never be acceptable to discuss your sex life with an ex in such a disrespectful manner, especially when you were lying about it to begin with.