You guys. YOU GUYS. I tried a laser for my acne and my mind is so beyond blown right now, because like, it worked?? Is this real life?
So here's the deal: I'm the resident skincare-obsessed Social Media Editor who you might know from Face Mask & Chill, our weekly Instagram Story (and if you don't, well, go follow us on Instagram because I try a lot of weird stuff there, too, you're welcome). And most recently, I tried the ESPADA from Foreo, aka a little laser for zits. In short? I'm obsessed.
Here's what it is.
Foreo is an extremely cool brand that makes absurdly ~snazzy~ skincare tools, so it's basically a company after my heart. I am, after all, willing to try most things in pursuit of glowing, happy skin. The ESPADA from Foreo is a "blue light acne treatment with laser-precision targeting," which basically means it shines a targeted laser on your face. The process itself is pretty relaxing, and so easy. First, I charged the ESPADA with my laptop, because it's 2018 and that's how skincare works right now. Then, I pressed the little button on its soft little body. Once it's on, a red "x" shape forms, and you hold that right over your zit of the day.
Once it registers your skin, it begins to pulse, and it kind of feels like a vibrator for your face, but in a good way. It delivers a 30 second treatment, and you know it's done when it finishes buzzing.
You can either repeat the treatment up to four times on a single blemish, or continue your trip around your face and grab some other zits.
Here's how it went down.
I had a delightful, nasty pimple on my cheek, so I gave it two zaps and went to bed.
And then it was almost gone???
I honestly didn't think this was going to work. Not that I don't believe in Foreo, but that there are so many skincare gimmicks happening right now. I try a lot of them – some are total flops, or they make my skin freak out and turn red, or they birth a zillion tiny, angry zits. But this actually helped the zit destruction process make some seriously major progress. I didn't expect the ESPADA to make my skin smooth and flawless overnight, but I was beyond thrilled to see that the zit had gone from day one stage to like, week two, and was basically hardly there at all. Instead, there was just a kind of red mark where it once was, which I'll work on healing with my beloved stash of acids and a good face mask or two.
What I love the most about this product is that I don't have to keep buying pieces to replace, or cartridges, or anything like that. I'll just keep it clean and charged and use it forever, which helps me justify the price tag. I'm going to keep trying this on my zits, and I'll report back on Face Mask and Chill on Instagram Stories. But until then, this gets a solid 🙌🙌🙌 in my book.