Future royal Meghan Markle has had quite the week. After her engagement to Prince Harry was announced on Monday, she officially departed from her TV show Suits, her wedding venue was revealed and plans for her to become a British citizen were confirmed. Although she may have said in the couple's engagement interview that she didn't know much about Harry and his family growing up, Meghan's teenage self has betrayed at least some interest in royal life (I mean, don't we all blame things on our 15-year-old selves?). Cosmopolitan reports that a photo of 15-year-old Meghan in front of Buckingham Palace has hit the British press circuit, showing just how eerie fate can be.
Amazing picture of a young #MeghanMarkle outside #BuckinghamPalace on the front cover of the Daily Mail today. The actress announced her engagement to #PrinceHarry on Monday, the couple are due to wed in May 2018. #RoyalWeddingpic.twitter.com/ZhKp76jKzp
— Splash News (@_splashnews) November 29, 2017
British tabloid newspaper The Daily Mail featured the 1996 photo on its front cover on Wednesday. In it, Meghan and a friend pose on a gate a short distance away from the palace, which is Queen Elizabeth's official London residence. While Meghan has moved into the nearby Kensington Palace with Harry and will continue to live there after their wedding next year, I'm sure she'll end up making plenty of appearances at Buckingham throughout the years.
Obviously, the quintessentially '90s-looking photo has Twitter dying.
#MeghanMarkle in 2017: I didn't know much about #PrinceHarry when we started dating.
Meghan Markle as a teenager outside Buckingham Palace: I'm gonna get me one of these princes!! pic.twitter.com/KCRWziSf2R
— Perez (@ThePerezHilton) November 28, 2017
My youngest did this recently perhaps she is planning on snaring marrying George!
— Tiffany Kelsey (@tiffany_kelsey) November 29, 2017
Brilliant photo on @DailyMail front page today - Meghan Markle outside Buckingham Palace at the age of 15. Dreaming wistfully of one day landing a handsome Prince? pic.twitter.com/EAgeCq3KiU
— Piers Morgan (@piersmorgan) November 29, 2017
Here's the proof that you never know what happens next
— The Italian Girl(@withaposhaccent) November 29, 2017
This love story just continues to be a Hallmark movie come to life. If I share the photo of me in front of Buckingham Palace, do I magically meet an obscure royal cousin?