This past summer's debut of the Warner Bros. film Wonder Woman was an incredible step forward for the representation of women in action films. Title star Gal Gadot has definitely become #goals for so many of us, and she continues to prove that she's just as much of a Wonder Woman in real life. The actress is reportedly refusing to sign on for a sequel if Brett Ratner, the center of new sexual misconduct allegations and a producer whose company helped fund Wonder Woman, is involved in its making, HelloGiggles reports.
Six women, including X-Men franchise star Olivia Munn, have recently accused Ratner of sexual harassment. While Ratner has sued one of the women for defamation, he has chosen to step away from all of his Warner Bros. projects in the meantime. While Ratner may claim that it was his own decision to take time off, Warner Bros. expressed differently—the company publicly announced its cutting of ties with Ratner following the allegations breaking.
Reports of Gadot's disapproval of his Wonder Woman connection originally appeared from Page Six, which cited that she backed out of a dinner honoring Ratner last month despite her being scheduled to present him with an award. A source at Warners Bros. said about Gadot, "She's tough and stands by her principles. She also knows the best way to hit people like Brett Ratner is in the wallet. She also knows that Warner Bros. has to side with her on this issue as it develops. They can't have a movie rooted in women's empowerment being part-financed by a man accused of sexual misconduct against women."
Well, amen to that.
Although Gadot and Warner Bros. have yet to comment on this update, Gadot took to Instagram last month when she didn't attend Ratner's commemorative dinner, sending a clear message of why she wasn't giving in to Ratner's power in the industry.
Well said, Wonder Woman. Well said.