On Monday night, in a Facebook post, actress Kristina Cohen shared her story of how Gossip Girl star Ed Westwick allegedly raped her. Despite Cohen’s harrowing, and quite frankly horrifying, account, Westwick, in his own social media post Tuesday morning, claimed that he was innocent. “I do not know this woman. I have never forced myself in any manner, on any woman. I certainly have never committed rape,” he wrote.
On Tuesday afternoon, Cohen filed a police report with the LAPD. A copy of the report that was shared with The Hollywood Reporter said the LAPD is looking into Cohen’s claims that the “suspect forced victim to have sexual intercourse inside his residence…three years ago.”
Cohen claims that she went to Westwick's home three years ago with a producer she was dating at the time. After Westwick allegedly suggested "We should all fuck," Cohen says she went to a guest room to lie down, and when she awoke, Westwick was on top of her. "I fought him off as hard as I could but he grabbed my face in his hands, shaking me, telling me he wanted to fuck me," Cohen wrote on Facebook. "I was paralyzed, terrified. I couldn’t speak, I could no longer move. He held me down and raped me."
While Westwick has not been officially charged by the police, the fact that they are opening an investigation is a huge step. So many people never report their rapes or sexual assaults to the police, for fear that the authorities will do nothing. It is good to see that the LAPD is taking Cohen’s allegations seriously.