Following the heartbreaking news that Selena Gomez and The Weeknd have split, Justin Bieber has reportedly been trying to prove he's worth Selena's time. The duo have quite the history and have recently been hanging out again, going to breakfast and church together. Though reports claim Sel and The Weeknd didn't split because of Bieber, it sounds like Justin wants to show her that he's not the man he used to be.
A source close to Justin told PEOPLE he's changed. "Justin is aware Selena’s family is not thrilled they are hanging out. They think he caused Selena a lot of grief. Justin hopes he can prove to them that he has changed," the source said. "He has changed a lot in the past few months. He is a very different person. They have a lot to talk about and are having fun catching up." So, is Bieber hoping for a rekindled romance?
The two are not together at this point, but maybe they will be. It's safe to say The Weeknd has been trying to move on since he's unfollowed several people close to Selena on Instagram—including her mom and her best friend, Francia Raisa. Yikes.
As much as I used to love Justin and Selena when they were a couple, I'm not sure how to feel about all of this now. Maybe I'm still sad that things didn't work with The Weeknd, but I also hope Justin really has changed his ways. I guess we'll have to wait and see what happens—only time will tell.