After a stellar and hilarious night on Saturday Night Live, Ryan Gosling popped over to Jimmy Kimmel Live on Tuesday night. The actor and late-night host discussed how Gosling has “this weird disorder where when I find something funny, I laugh.” Then, Jimmy asked Ryan if he brought the fam (you know, Eva Mendes and their two sure-to-be adorable daughters) with him to New York. And Ryan had the best story about introducing his one-year-old daughter Amada to the Big Apple.
He said, “I brought her to the window in the morning and I said, ‘Sweetheart, welcome to New York.’ Two cars went ‘smash’ and smoke started pouring out…these two guys got out and I won’t repeat the hand gestures for you, but I quickly covered her eyes and ran away from the window.”
What a way to be introduced to NYC. Maybe next time he should play “Welcome to New York” by T. Swift and call it good.