It's never too early to start obsessing over Halloween. We all know you've been searching for the perfect Halloween costume on Pinterest since last November, and here are 16 reasons why that's totally okay.
1. Costumes are a year-round thing
Anyone who says otherwise is probably lying or boring.
2. Candy is also a year-round thing
If candy is associated with Halloween and people eat candy all year, we already celebrate at least one aspect of Halloween all year.
3. Thinking of the perfect Halloween costume takes time
You have to get in the total Halloween spirit before you can choose the best costume.
4. You aren’t about to spend money on decorations that will only be up for a week
You're not going to build an elaborate haunted house for just one day. You have to buy the spooky decorations early.
5. Halloween makeup tutorials can provide useful tips any time of year
Spooky makeup is always cool.
6. One night is not an adequate amount of time for all of the great things associated with Halloween
Psh. Ridiculous.
7. Christmas music gets all the credit, but Halloween music is just as fun
Stores play Christmas music for months, so it seems completely appropriate to listen to Halloween songs at the beginning of September.
8. It allows you to feel young(ish) again
Can't people just let you have fun every so often?
9. Going to haunted houses helps you take your mind off of other scary things like grad school apps
People think goblins are just for October, but they also think worrying about deadlines and student debt are acceptable all the time. Hmm...
10. It’s another great excuse to have a party
I'll take any excuse I can get.
11. Jack-O-Lanterns are just plain cool
Who doesn't love them?
12. It’s been too long since you’ve had a reason to be festive
Look, the last holiday I actually celebrated was like months ago for Fourth of July. TOO LONG.
13. Halloween means Mean Girls is relevant
Dressing up as an animal is so basic yet also iconic.
14. Waiting until October to enjoy cute Halloween snacks and pumpkins is unreasonable
It's clearly already time for caramel apples.
15. You just want to make the most of every situation…and sometimes that means celebrating early
Halloween parties are the wildest parties, because of the ~anonymity~
16. Because you can
Why not?