You probably know the feeling of scrolling through your favorite online store when you definitely shouldn't be. As soon as you click "complete purchase" on that blouse that looked SO cute on the model, you wish you could take it back. Ladies, we've all been there.
However, today is #blessed day because Icebox, created by, actually stops you from impulse buying! We need this, like, now. Icebox is a Chrome plugin that replaces the "Buy Now" button on some of the most popular commerce sites, allowing you instead to "Put it on Ice" for a cooling period. You won't be able to buy the product for 30 days, but that's so helpful for those of who struggle determine if we really need the product. After the waiting period, you may find you don't even want it anymore! conducted a study this past July and found that about 88 percent of Americans make impulse buys, and about 64 percent of them do this at least once a month. "When having the urge to buy something, by putting it on ice you can be confident in your decision when the waiting time is up. Reduce the likelihood of regret and stretch your dollar further," Consumer Advocate Jennifer McDermot explains.
Basically, unless you're looking for something specific, maybe it's time to put some items on ice. Just wait and see how much you save each month!