With the series finale of the beloved Pretty Little Liars set to air soon, the seven-year reign of A is about to come to an end. A's identity will no doubt be revealed, as fans have been eagerly waiting for years to find out who the ultimate troublemaker is. However, if there's one lesson this show has taught us, it's to expect the unexpected. With all the theories out there, it's clear that anything could happen. We're hoping for the best but preparing for the worst. Here are some of the worst ways Pretty Little Liars could end.
The writers completely decimate any friendship and love the Liars have for one another
These girls have been through a ton of ups and downs. There's something heartwarming about watching a group of girls mend broken friendships and work together to figure out who's been terrorizing them. When they're not preoccupied running from a murderer or escaping death, it's easy to find things about each of them that remind you of your own friends. Tearing apart close bonds that were forged through common experiences and trauma? Destroying female friendships? That's definitely not cool.
One or more of the Liars gets killed off before figuring out A's identity
The girls have been playing a dangerous game for years, and honestly, it's amazing they've all made it this far alive. Since they've all survived so far, to off even one of them would be such a disappointment.
The final episode ends like a typical episode
Leaving you with more questions than answers—that would be pretty anticlimactic after seven seasons of waiting for Uber A to be revealed and justice to be served. The least the writers could do is answer the one question we've all been dying to know.
A finally gets arrested, but A's identity is still not revealed
There has been far too much murder, endless drama and countless secrets throughout this show's existence. Since the whole plot revolves around finding out who A is, this ending would be a total contradiction to the entire series. Not to mention a ton of super-invested fans would be ready to riot. Nobody has agonized over the identity of Uber A more than faithful viewers.
The Liars all decide to leave Rosewood and give up on their pursuit to find out who A is
As they should because this is common sense when a pyschopath is chasing after you. But this would satisfy nobody as A would still be out there. Heck, the show could've ended long before now if there was no A mystery to solve.
Ezra and Aria get married
These two have been through so much together it's unreal. However, given recent events, it's become clear that Ezria should not be together forever. Marriage means you are there for your spouse, for better or for worse, during their time of need. While we've watched Aria go through something so traumatic in this seventh season, Ezra has been oblivious to the fact that she needs him. He's been caught up in Nicole's drama and has been selfish and juvenile in the way he's dealt with Nicole and her family's issues. Ezra doesn't even talk to Aria about his choices, like disappearing without telling his fiancée and spending their money on trips to New York. This should be a clear warning to Aria about the kind of husband he's going to be. This isn't exactly a model, healthy relationship.
They find out who A is but don't turn the person in because he's Emily's baby daddy
In a potential shocking plot twist, what if A turned out to be the father of Emily's baby (which Alison is pregnant with)? I mean, if Ali can be artificially inseminated without her knowledge or consent, anything's possible. Despite the hell A has put Alison, Emily and the rest of the Liars through, what if Emison convinced the other Liars not to turn A in? Even if A was arrested and thrown in jail, it's possible A could still threaten and harass the Liars from behind bars.
A blackmails Emison into giving up the baby
Arguably, if A got a hold of that baby and raised it, they could brainwash it to believe the Liars were the real villains. That could spawn a sequel of sorts if the child decided to continue A's work and destroy the girls once and for all. Far-fetched? Maybe. Impossible? Nope. Nothing is impossible when it comes to PLL.