If you love Sex and the City or strive to be a columnist living in New York City one day, Carrie Bradshaw is likely your spirit animal. With so many epic moments, we often find ourselves wishing we could be friends with her. Below are 17 times Carrie was our soulmate.
1. When she lands Mr. Big
2. When she wakes up in Sam’s gross apartment
3. When she gets $1,000 after a one-night stand
4. When she farts in Mr. Big’s bed
5. When she stands up for herself against Big
6. When she gets back with Big
7. When she purposefully leaves personal items at Big’s apartment
8. When she skips the gym
9. When she gets her heart broken
10. When she meets Matthew McConaughey
11. When she tells it like it is
12. When she dances like nobody's watching
13. When she knows shopping is more important than cooking
14. When she writes her column in her pajamas
15. When she orders a Cosmopolitan
16. When she eats leftover Chinese
17. When she looks effortlessly flawless
Which Carrie Bradshaw moment is your favorite, collegiettes?