So, funny story, French high-fashion brand Balenciaga apparently ran out of ideas and decided to remake a classic instead: the iconic 99-cent IKEA shopping bag. The Balenciaga version costs $2,145 and is made of leather glazed to look like plastic, which, just, why. Essentially, if you bought some affordable Swedish homeware recently, you are now a fashion icon (what do you mean, that's not how it works?). Whatever Balenciaga's reasoning for this fashion-forward creation, the internet had thoughts, per usu.
I think for 99c I'll sew it up put lining inside it add a zipper on it badda bing baddaboom Balenciaga bag.
— Stacy says no... (@WhatSheSaid_91) April 19, 2017
Go home Balenciaga, you're drunk.
The IKEA bag is too iconic to imitate— Leigh Travers (@LeighTravers) April 19, 2017
Who wore it better? Balenciaga or IKEA?
— Mikael Pawlo (@mpawlo) April 18, 2017
Balenciaga designers really running out of ideas first the grandma comforter bag now this
— find OUR girls (@FChiantelle) April 19, 2017
IKEA "deeply flattered that Balenciaga tote bag resembles the Ikea iconic sustainable blue bag for 99 cents."B'ciaga ($2,145) yet to comment
— Olivia Bergman (@BergmanOlivia) April 19, 2017
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