Who doesn’t love a good meme? Part of the popularity of the ongoing viral trend is that memes aren’t just funny—they’re relatable. Most of us have become pretty literate in the world of popular memes. The Kim Kardashian crying meme is perfect for when you get to your fave pizza joint five minutes after it closes. Evil Kermit is perfect for when you are conflicted about whether you should hit up that frat party or go to sleep in time to wake up for your very important 8 a.m. lecture. You are the Take My Money meme every time you walk into Sephora. I see you.
Besides tagging your best friend in every meme that you come across, and tweeting out the occasional golden one, there was no really tangible way that you can show your love of memes to the rest of the world… until now. The latest Instagram-worthy makeup trend is meme eyeshadow designs.
Alaskan...Bull...WORM! pic.twitter.com/GP1Gp9QjDl
— Alexis (@_aleeexiis) March 15, 2017
This isn’t your average smokey eye, and more than likely can’t be accomplished with your tried and true Naked Palette. However, it is sure to impress both meme and makeup lovers alike.
"If you know how I feel, why would you say that?" -@KimKardashianpic.twitter.com/75ouDcUlPd
— Alexis (@_aleeexiis) March 17, 2017
I'm here for this meme makeup trend God bless @thai_browspic.twitter.com/tmMHdlooIK
— الجنة (@_jsxo_) March 15, 2017
Instead of wearing your heart on your sleeve, you can now wear your meme (and the way that it expresses your feelings) on your eyes—which, let's face it, is so much better. Here are some possible ideas:
- Overly Attached Girlfriend is a perfect beauty look for your first date—start your relationship off strong by letting your date know how committed you already are to them.
- No. Rage Face can be used the next time someone tells you that you wear too much makeup.
- All the Things is perfect for completing the makeup look that took you three hours to create—and used every single product that you own.
- The Success Kid should be used for when you finally get that contour on fleek.
Would you try this trend? I’m not saying that I wouldn't be willing to try out an Evil Kermit look…. I just need to brush up my makeup skills before I attempt anything.