Today’s A Day Without a Woman strike, organized by the group behind the Women’s March, is spreading its action to colleges, where students are eagerly participating in huge numbers, according to USA Today College.
According to the official Women’s March website, “women and our allies will act together for equity, justice and the human rights of women and all gender-oppressed people, through a one-day demonstration of economic solidarity" on International Women's Day (today!). Women are encouraged to take the day off from labor (both paid and unpaid), to avoid shopping, and/or to wear red in solidarity.
And for us college women, who don’t all work, there's the opportunity to "strike" by taking off class, according to USA Today College.
Madison Thomas, the National Coordinator for College Engagement for the Women’s March, told USA Today College that 275 colleges have planned official actions for today and that an estimated tens of thousands of students are participating.
And the best part? Professors are pretty much on board.
A third professor just cancelled class on Wednesday. So far that's 3/4. #daywithoutawoman#adaywithoutawoman
— I Am Rekia Boyd (@KayLamb510) March 6, 2017
my professor isn't lecturing on #daywithoutawoman and my discomfort helps me realize a new sense of appreciation for what women do.
— anna's hummingbird (@calypte_anna) March 8, 2017
To all of the ladies participating in this day that might just go down in history, all the power to you! Use the hashtag #daywithoutawoman in any posts today to keep raising awareness.