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All the Best Signs Women Are Holding at Marches Around the Country


Yesterday, the United States inaugurated its 45th president. Today, thousands of women are marching in Washington D.C. and in other major cities throughout the country, marking the beginning of the long, four year fight for female and minority equality under a new government that, well, doesn't exactly have the best track record in those departments. 

One way women (and the woke AF men marching alongside them) are getting their message out to Donald Trump? Elaborate, insanely creative signs - some of which are hysterically sassy, some of which are giving us some serious ~feels~, all of which completely nailed everything women are feeling right now as their equality and rights are threatened. And if you needed further proof that women are going to be a powerful force in Washington today? According to CNN, several stores in the D.C. area were out of poster boards last night.

Of the thousands of signs we've seen so far today, here are some of our favorites.


A photo posted by Olivia Sanabria (@sanabss) on


A photo posted by Rainee (@rainees.gram) on


No woman was too young or old to participate:


This Carrie Fisher-inspired poster totally nailed it:


A photo posted by @sethdhansen on


Some got super creative and decided to forgo the poster board altogether:



And lastly, a quick reminder to our new president:


A photo posted by La Dulce Luna (@ladulceluna) on

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