Do you dream of food on a daily basis? Is your mood determined by the last time you ate? Do you find people more and more annoying as it gets closer to lunchtime? If any of these apply to you, you've experienced one of the most dreadful emotions known to exist: hangryness. A combination of hungry and angry, this horrifying condition can have serious side effects and is known to affect college students the most.
Here are some warning signs you've experienced the hangry phenomenon.
1. Having a panic attack when you realize you didn't pack a snack
If I don't make it, tell my family I love them.
2. Getting weird looks when your deprived stomach starts acting up in class
Is it a crime to be hungry?!
3. Giving dirty looks to anyone who tries to talk to you
Can you like, go away? Or possibly fetch me some food?
4. Considering jumping across the table Mean Girls-style when you see someone else with food
5. Your friends know when to avoid talking to you
6. Spending class mapping out the quickest route to Chipotle
I bet I can get there in eight minutes if I fast walk.
7. Not understanding how a"cleanse" is actually a thing
So wait, when does the food come in?
8. Responding to every invitation with, “Will there be food?”
Sorry, pizza is slightly more important to me than our friendship.
9. The moment of euphoria when you see your food arrive
Love at first sight exists when it's with a cheesesteak.
10. Refusing to wait for a table that takes any longer than 15 minutes
I can get five Happy Meals in half that time.
11. Ordering an appetizer to avoid eating the table while you wait
I need some mozzarella sticks STAT.
12. Being the worst date in the world because you’re only there for the food
You're paying? Filet mignon it is.
13. Spending way more money on food than on drinks any given night
Alcohol without food is dangerous. I'm just trying to be safe.
14. Crying real tears when you realize you’ve burnt your dinner and have to start all over again
So this is what heartbreak feels like?
15. Asking your waiter how long 'til your food arrives if it takes more than 10 minutes
How long does it take to make nachos?!
16. Eating crumbs out of your bag from a granola bar you ate three months ago so you don't actually die
It's survival of the fittest out here.
17. Unfriending anyone who dares to ask for a bite of your food
Take my clothes, take my money, but DO NOT TOUCH MY FOOD.