Ever that bombshell of a hot mic tape was released, it's seemed like Camp Trump is a bit of a sinking ship. Republican politicians are pretty much pulling their support left and right, from Paul Ryan to John McCain. But one demographic Trump doesn't think he's lost yet is women. That’s right, women. The same demographic whose genitals he suggest he could “grab” without consequence because of his so called celebrity status.
In an interview with Bill O’Reilly, the Republican nominee not only disavowed all those who have pulled their endorsement, but asserted he has not lost women in this diabolical plot he calls a campaign. According to The Washington Post, the former Apprentice host not only only denied he has lost women but shrugged when presented with the evidence of this loss.
"I’m not sure I believe that," he told the FOX News Host. O’Reilly replied, “Whether you believe it or not, that’s what the polling says.”
And the polls really show a lot more than just his unpopularity with women. In a recent CNN poll, the network found that women largely believe Hillary Clinton is more competent than Mr. Trump when it comes to issues like immigration, ISIS and the criminal justice system. In fact, women picked Clinton as the better overall leader than Trump 51- 36. Nate Silver better illustrated this point by drawing together all polls and showed the obvious gender gap between Clinton and Trump. He concluded that if Trump loses, it would because he lost the women vote.
Photo via Washington Post
This fallacy in thinking is not Trump’s first. He has also previously said he doesn’t believe in global warming, a belief Secretary Clinton has brandished in recent speeches and ads. And as if the global warming thing wasn't dangerous enough, the nominee has also recently said he does not believe in the innocence of the Central Park Five. If you are unfamiliar, the Central Park Five is a group of five black and Latino youths in NYC who were accused of the vicious rape of a women in Central Park in 1989. They were coerced into a confession by police, and were eventually convicted at trial, but maintained their innocence throughout. Trump himself took out an ad and called for their execution during the trial, causing an uproar. The Five were exonerated years later after a convicted criminal, who had gone on to rape more women and even murder one, came forward to confess his crime. They were recently given a settlement. Despite this, Trump told CNN Friday "They admitted they were guilty...The fact that the case was settled with so much evidence against them is outrageous." Many of the men of the Central Park Five have spoken out against this statement, claiming it makes them feel persecuted all over again by Mr. Trump.
Despite these constant (and just a bit deluded) assertions, Mr. Trump still insists he will be just fine (kinda like me with my bank account). But Mr. Trump, we all have to grow up sometime. I think it's just about time for you to face the facts.