Former secretary of state Colin Powell became the most recent victim of hackers when, a site with alleged links to Russian intelligence agents, leaked his personal emails, many of which comment on the election and Trump's movement of "racism."
According to BuzzFeed News, which read and reported on the leaked emails, Powell slams Republican nominee Donald Trump throughout his personal correspondences, saying he is a "national disgrace" and an "international pariah."
One instance of Trump's disgracing America, in Powell's view, was recounted in an August 2016 email from him to Emily Miller, his former aide and a current journalist. Powell wrote that Trump was racist for trying to spark the belief President Obama was not born in the U.S. "Yup, the whole birth movement was racist," he wrote. "That's what the 99% believe. When Trump couldn't keep that up he said he also wanted to see if the certificate noted that he was a Muslim."
"As I have said before, 'What if he was?' Muslims are born as Americans everyday," Powell continued to Miller, before detailing Obama's merits, like graduating from Harvard Law School.
Powell also wrote in a May 2016 email, "As I said before the 2012 election, 'There is a level of intolerance in parts of the Republican Party." The email's subject line read, "racism."
As if his feelings on Trump were not already clear, Powell wrote in an email to CNN anchor Fareed Zakaria, "You guys are playing his game, [the press is] his oxygen."
The December 2015 email continued, saying, "He outraged us again today with his comments on Paris no-go for police districts. I will watch and pick the timing, not respond to the latest outrage." Thanks to, of course, that timing is now.
Powell did not just stick to the topic of Donald Trump. As it is an important and divisive presidential election this year, Powell also commented on another former secretary of state, current Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton. This time, he talked about the email controversy.
Back in August, media outlets noted that Clinton often referred to Powell, saying that she chose to use a personal email because he advised her to.
In an August 2016 email to NBC News reporter Andrea Mitchell, Powell claimed his advice was a little different than what the Clinton party wanted the public to believe. According to BuzzFeed News, Powell wrote, "I told her how I was using my personal computer for [unclassified] emails. I said nothing about servers, basements, domains, Clinton foundation, [or] government employees."
"I have told Hilleary's [sic] minions repeatedly that they are making a mistake trying to drag me in, yet they still try," wrote Powell this May in another email. "The media isn't fooled and she is getting crucified...The differences are profound and they know it."
In August, he wrote, "Sad thing it that HRC could have killed this two years ago by merely telling everyone honestly what she had done and not tie me into it. I told her staff three times not to try that gambit. I had to throw a mini tantrum at a Hampton’s party to get their attention. She keeps tripping into these ‘character’ minefields."
He didn't stop at the emails, either; he attacked her character, too, calling her "greedy, not-transformational" and declaring in one email, "Everything HRC touches she kind of screws up with hubris." He also added that despite his personal relationship with the Clintons, he would "rather not have to vote for her."
That's a lot of political commentary for someone who publicly remains calm and, for the most part, somewhat quiet. As a public figure, having your emails leaked can be unnerving. However, Powell told BuzzFeed, "I have no further comment. I'm not denying it."
The former secretary of state's words of wisdom, frustrations and honest remarks are now out there for everyone, so it makes sense that he won't even bother to deny it. At least we can all stop wondering what Powell was really thinking about Trump's speedy rise to power.