Going to the store usually involves buying some milk and bread, and maybe even some toilet paper if you're on the wild side. No one would ever expect it to be a place of hateful and aggressive misogyny, but that's what it turned into for U.S. Navy veteran Rebecca Landis Hayes.
According to Cosmopolitan, Hayes parked in the "veterans only" parking spot outside a food market in North Carolina, only to come back and find this rude note on her car windshield:
The note reads, "This parking is for veterans, lady. Learn to read and have some respect."
Aside from the note just being blatantly wrong, it's also exceptionally sexist. It clearly didn't occur to this ignorant man that women are veterans too. Hayes quickly took to Facebook to tear him apart, and also to educate on the issue.
She calls him out on his "narrow misogynistic world view" but also laments that they "didn't get to have this conversation face to face." Too bad, because Hayes definitely could have taught him a thing or two about sexist assumptions.