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HC Wake-Up Call: Texas Rep. Apologizes for a Nude Photo, Facebook Will Let You Know if You Liked Russian Propaganda & a Baby Will Be Named After Olive Garden


Good morning Her Campus! With a break-neck news cycle, there is no possible way for you to stay on top of every story that comes across your feeds—we’re all only human, after all.

But, life comes at you fast. So grab a cup of coffee and settle in for this quick and dirty guide to stories you might’ve been sleeping on (like, literally. It’s early.)

Texas Representative Apologizes for His Nude Photo in Anonymous Tweet

Texas Republican Rep. Joe Barton has apologized after an anonymous tweet containing a nude image of him went viral, CNN says. "While separated from my second wife, prior to the divorce, I had sexual relationships with other mature adult women," Barton said in a statement. "Each was consensual. Those relationships have ended. I am sorry I did not use better judgment during those days. I am sorry that I let my constituents down."

It is unknown who released the photo, but it was not Barton, who is the longest serving member of the Texas House delegation. The representative's plans to run for another Congress term remain intact. Barton caught attention earlier this year for telling a constituent "shut up" at a town hall meeting where he addressed his choice to vote against a bill aimed to end violence against women.

Facebook Will Tell You Whether or Not You Liked Russian Propaganda During the 2016 Election Season

Facebook has introduced a new portal that will allow people to see which Internet Research Agency-linked Facebook or Instagram pages they followed between January 2015 and August 2017, CNN says. A troll farm that's connected to the Russian government, the Internet Research Agency wrote, "It is important that people understand how foreign actors tried to sow division and mistrust using Facebook before and after the 2016 election."

The portal, accessible through Facebook's Help Center, will only be available to those who followed or liked this specific accounts. 

Couple Names Their Baby After Olive Garden, Which Actually Works

According to Refinery29, Justin and Jordan Garton are such fans of Olive Garden that they're ready for a lifelong reminder of their love for the restaurant. On Twitter, Justin announced name plans for his child, due on Dec. 6, saying, "We spent the first part of our lives loving Olive Garden, now we get to spend the rest of our lives loving Olivia Garton."

Justin posted the tweet alongside a picture of a baby onesie decorated with the name. Olive Garden has since reached out to him, wanting to send a gift for the new arrival. Given the couple's history with the restaurant, this budding friendship between the restaurant and the couple is honestly perfect. 

"For six or seven weeks straight we ate Olive Garden every day and that saved us a ton of money," Justin explained. "We became friends with the staff and that helped make that time period very memorable for us."

He did clarify that the restaurant isn't totally to thank for the name, saying, "We had considered the name Olive and we get a big kick out of the pun 'Olive Garton' given our history with the restaurant but we wanted it to be a bit more subtle."

What to look out for...

Happy Thanksgiving!

How To Support Your Friends Living With Eating Disorders During The Holidays


Time Magazine infamously reported earlier this year that millennials are not buying homes at the same rate their parent’s generation was, because they are too busy spending their money on avocado toast and $4 coffees. While this obviously raised some eyebrows, it’s a bold and accurate statement to where the men and women of the millennial generation currently are in their lives. Food is an epicenter of their culture: Vrom social media to viral videos to waiting in line for hours for the latest food trend, restaurants are even plating their dishes more beautifully in hopes diners will notice and share to social media. While the excitement that has surrounded the new food-centered millennium is easy to get caught up in, it’s also easy to forget that there is a group fighting a different battle everyday. 

NationalEatingDisorders.org estimates that of the current population, 20 million women and 10 million men will battle an eating disorder at some point in their lives. Eating disorders can range from under-eating, to purging to over-eating and the mental side effects are equally as harmful as the physical. The daily struggle of choosing what to eat and when to eat is a struggle enough, but as the holidays approach the fear and anxieties are only amplified as those living with eating disorders are now forced to face their struggles with people around, and more importantly people who might be aware of what they’re going through. 

Chelsea Jackson, a junior at Iowa State knows firsthand just how hard the battle of an eating disorder can be, and even more so around this time of year.

 “While I don't celebrate Thanksgiving, I know that holidays can be the most difficult time for anyone suffering from eating disorders," she said. "As someone who has battled with bouts of anorexia and bulimia since I was 6-years-old, I know the best thing that friends and family can do whenever they eat around an ED survivor is to ignore how much they're eating and make no mention of their weight or eating habits."

And, of course, when in doubt, it's never a bad idea to refrain from commenting on someone's eating habits in the first place.

"Mentioning a survivor's 'healthy' weight or appearance can as be a harmful trigger," Jackson said. "While they might be a healthy weight, they could still be struggling with the fact that they have gained weight and the implication of this weight gain can risk their progress.” 

And while progress and recovery is key, tackling a Thanksgiving meal should be done so at your own pace. Joanne Larsen, dietitian at  www.dietitian.com offers.

 “People in recovery from eating disorders can decide for themselves what and how much to eat at Thanksgiving. They don't and will resist monitoring by other well-intended folks...Modeling mindful eating by not eating to excess helps reinforce that a person can select moderate portions of food and push away your plate when full.” She also adds, “A pause in eating is a good sign to stop eating and push away your plate signaling to others at the table that you are done eating. Talking during a meal when not eating is helpful in slowing down the pace of a meal by engaging people in conversation.”


Eating disorders go beyond the pumpkin pie and second helpings of stuffing during Thanksgiving and can pinpoint underlying issues that may have been brewing under the surface. Research shows that eating disorders can be linked back to personality traits such as perfectionism, childhood trauma and low self-esteem. Therefore, the environment someone with an eating disorder finds themselves in, could be just as difficult to deal with, as the food itself. 

Rebecca*, a sophomore in college who has battled with an eating disorder notes, "Remember why you used to love Thanksgiving. It was never the food, was it? You liked the food, but more importantly, you loved spending time with family. You loved cooking with your mom. You loved the warmth of the fireplace and hearing your family joke around and seeing your cousins. The goal for today is for you to enjoy that stuff. So as much as you can, don't stress about food. If you think you can conquer a fear food today, then do it, but if you're more comfortable sticking to your meal plan or any foods that you're comfortable with, then do that. 

And her advice for those who know of someone battling an eating disorder at the Thanksgiving table? "Don't talk about calories. Don't act like you need to burn things off. There's no place for that at the Thanksgiving dinner. Talk about what you're thankful for. Bring love to the table. This goes regardless of whether you have a family member recovering from an eating disorder. You never know what people are dealing with!"

Thanksgiving is a time to come together and reflect on all the wonderful things we have been given. So whether you're battling an eating disorder or know someone who is this holiday season, be mindful of yourself and others, and above all else practice self-love. The food is merely what brought you to the table, now use that table for good. 

*Her name has been changed to respect her privacy

How To Ask For Feedback At Your Internship Or Job


Starting a new internship or job can be intimidating enough without having to worry about how well you’re doing and what others—especially your superiors—think about your performance. If your new position doesn’t include a mandated performance review after 60 to 90 days, your first instinct might be to rejoice. You might be thinking about how lucky you are to avoid such an awkward and terrifying exchange. However, a performance review is actually an invaluable career tool in your journey to success.

It’s important to know how you’re progressing within your company. Do others value your input? Can you use your talents to help other departments? Have you encountered any challenges that are inhibiting your learning and productivity? Are there any opportunities for improvement?

These are all questions that your boss will be happy to discuss with you; he or she will be especially impressed if you initiate this discussion without prompting. Seeking feedback shows that you care about your job and that you are genuinely interested in doing your best. If you’re not entirely sure how to ask for feedback, we’ve compiled a list of tips from the experts.

Ask for feedback sooner rather than later

Typically, managers will schedule periodic one-on-one meetings with their employees to check in; however, millennial career expert at kununu and workplace psychology writer Caroline Beatonsuggests touching base more regularly and intermittently. “Designated reviews are ideal for broad statements of progress and your general performance,” she explains. However, she cautions, “The last thing you want is to segue into the nitty-gritty details of a project in one of these meetings.” Your boss may have other things he or she planned to discuss.

What’s worse is that, according to Beaton, “This kind of feedback request can also throw managers for a loop, who can’t understand why you waited so long to check in and, in the meantime, made progress in the wrong direction.”

Don’t wait until you encounter a challenge or problem to reach out to your boss, and don’t expect that all of your concerns will be addressed in scheduled performance reviews. Talk to your boss about the possibility of setting up a quick meeting to discuss your role at the company and the progress you’ve made so far. Isabel Calkins, a junior at New York University, says, “When I was an intern at Cosmopolitan.com, I made it a point to email my boss to set up a time to chat about my progress and things I could personally work on. It was a very casual conversation where I got productive feedback and got to talk about any concerns that I may be having.”

If you are still relatively new, this is a good opportunity to ask any questions you may have about the company and its functions. If you have recently been assigned to a new project, you’ll have the perfect time to discuss what’s expected of you and to identify ways to put your talents to their best use. When you’ve completed the task, inquire casually about ways you could improve next time.

Medical intern director Dr. Luz Claudio says that the absolute worst mistake you can make as an intern is waiting until the completion of your program to ask for feedback. “At that point, there's not much that you can do to make changes that would help you improve in your current internship,” she warns. She encourages her interns to remember that they are, of course, not expected to know everything. But, according to Dr. Claudio, “Asking for feedback and taking criticism maturely will always be noticed and appreciated.”

As a general rule, asking for feedback should be a part of your regular conversations with your boss. This way, the process becomes less intimidating and more familiar, and you become a more competent employee.

Be specific

This is the key to what Tyler King, CEO of start-up company Less Annoying CRM, calls actionable feedback. Remember that the point of getting feedback is to identify your strengths and work on your weaknesses. You are no better off with vague statements about your performance that offer very little examples or suggestions for improvement.

King advises that you identify a real learning experience you wish to discuss with your boss. “In the past month, was there anything you didn’t understand the reasoning behind, like a decision that was made or the outcome of a particular project? Ask your boss for the ‘why’” he says. Another way to ensure actionable feedback is to bring up one thing that you struggled with at your workplace. Explain to your boss what you found challenging about the situation and ask for ways that you could have handled things differently or better. 

Stephanie Shyu, founder of admitsee, a company dedicated to helping high-school students with college applications, adds that you can also be more specific by identifying a particular skill or area of knowledge that you hope to strengthen through professional development opportunities. “This demonstrates that you’re proactive about bringing value to the team and can even result in your company paying for a course you want to take!”

Unless there’s something terribly worrying, your boss will likely give you general notes on your performance; however, King says, “Make your one-on-one as valuable as possible you should bring something tangible to the table.” After an effective performance review, you should be able to create a list of action items for yourself and several strategies to achieve each goal on this list.


Find a balance between taking constructive criticism and standing your ground

The most frightening part of receiving feedback is the potential to feel personally attacked. Beaton says, “Where I see young professionals stumble most often is not asking for feedback because they’re scared to, and then taking the feedback they do finally receive as personal criticism.” Remember that the feedback you receive is meant to help you become the best worker you can be. Your boss will applaud your ability to respond well to constructive criticism and your interest in your own professional development as well as the success of your team.

On the other hand, Beaton warns, “Being too agreeable is bad for career advancement and bad for business.” She explains that less agreeable employees earn approximately 20 percent more than agreeable employees. “Although some managers may prefer to surround themselves with sycophants, most hire candidates who demonstrate that they can think for themselves,” she says. This does not mean that you should always be on the defensive; but if you are confident in your strengths, don’t be afraid to stand up for yourself.

All that being said, there is such a thing as too much feedback. Beaton explains, “Constantly asking for approval reflects insecurity and lack of self-sufficiency. You’ll know you’re checking in too much when you start to see feedback as ‘affirmation’ or you notice that the feedback is no longer instructive, likely because the instructions have already been given.” You don’t want your boss to see you as needy or, worse, incompetent.

Related: Should You Quit Your Internship

Nevertheless, detailed feedback that is tailored to you will be exceptionally beneficial to your overall growth and success within the company. Be mindful of when you ask for feedback, preferably scheduling it ahead of time, and be specific about the action items you intend to improve upon. Your initiative and drive to succeed will pay off in the end.

Everything You Need To Know About Overnight Face Masks


Overnight sleep masks, which are masks that are applied before bed and washed off in the morning, are a hot new trend in beauty. The trend, which took off in South Korea, is not only fun, but a great way to take care of your skin. But like any trend, it can be difficult to separate fact from fiction. How exactly should you use a sleep mask? What products are the best to use? What even qualifies as an overnight sleep mask? Well, set your worries aside. Here are some answers to your biggest sleep mask questions. 

What is a sleep mask?

According to Jordana Mattioli, an esthetician with Complete Skin MD in New York City, a sleep mask, or sleeping pack, is a mask that is left on the skin overnight. These differ from clay masks and sheet masks, as clay masks must be rinsed off, and sheet masks are removed after a certain time period. These sleeping packs can contain different formulas and compounds depending on the type of skin issue you want to address. 

What are the benefits of using sleep masks?

Different masks will have different ingredients that are designed to target specific skin concerns. But at the end of the day all masks have the same goal—hydration. Mattioli says that one benefit of using a sleep mask is to hydrate the skin and lock in other products that have been layered under the sleep mask. “Creating this seal with a sleep mask makes anything underneath penetrate more effectively,” she says. Bonus: Sleep masks tend to be less rich than night creams, so there isn’t any mess left on your pillowcase!

Related: The Mask You Should Add To Your Skincare Routine, Based on Your Skin Type 

How do you use a sleep mask?

Mattioli says you should use a sleep mask after cleansing and exfoliating. Additionally, you should apply serums and essences, and then use the sleep mask to lock everything in. The masks can be used every night, and should be used at least two to three times a week. Mattioli also says that those living in drier climates should use them to take advantage of the hydrating benefits. Claire Biggerstaff, a junior at Davidson College, is a big fan of the trend: “Sleeping masks are awesome,” she says. “Especially during the cooler months, it’s so important to keep your skin from getting dry and flaky.” As the winter months approach, now is the perfect time to start using sleep masks. Start using them once or twice a week to see if they work with your skincare routine. If you like the results, you can progress to using them multiple times a week. Your skin will surely thank you!

What should you look for in a sleep mask?

You should pick your mask based on what any skin concerns you have. So, for example, if you want to brighten your skin tone, look for a sleep mask that has ingredients to help with brightening. Mattioli also recommends “going for sleeping masks in an airtight container instead of a jar so the ingredients stay potent and active longer.” There are so many products out there, you are sure to find the perfect mask for your specific needs. 

Related: 7 Holy Grail Skincare Products Every Woman Should Try

Are there any drawbacks or safety concerns to using sleep masks? Is there anyone who shouldn’t use sleep masks?

Mattioli says that any skin type that needs moisture should use a sleep mask, with some exceptions. “Very oily skin or skin types with a lot of active acne [shouldn't use them]," she says. "A sleep mask essentially locks in everything underneath, and with very oily skin [you] don’t want all that oil getting trapped.” Bottom line: if your skin is flaky, a sleep mask will work great for you. But, if your face constantly feels oily, you may want to skip the sleep mask, and check out another skin care product.

What are some product recommendations?

Mattioli has two specific product recommendations that she likes because they provide more benefits than just hydration. The masks can be used on their own without adding anything else underneath. The Allies of Skin Overnight Mask“contains a gentle form of retinol to increase cellular renewal which softens fine lines and brightening antioxidants, it's great for fine lines and brightening dull skin.” Mattioli also recommends the Peter Thomas Roth Camu Camu Power C x 30 Vitamin C Brightening Sleeping Mask because “this formula has a high concentration of vitamin C and brightening peptides which make it great for uneven skin tone.” Additionally, Claire likes the Tony Moly Water Recharge Sleeping Pack. She says, “It’s basically a thick gel type mask that sinks into your skin as you sleep.” With a variety of products at a wide range of price points, it’s easy to find the perfect mask for your skin (and your budget!).

Sleep masks are a great way to amp up your skincare routine. With almost no drawbacks, nearly everyone can use a sleep mask to get better looking, healthier skin. Remember, if you take good care of your skin today, your future self will thank you!

I Don’t Celebrate Thanksgiving & Maybe You Should Rethink It Too


Growing up in a primarily Sinti household, I didn’t learn that much about Native American culture or my Muscogee family members. Regardless, my family never celebrated a traditional Thanksgiving. Sometimes we’d enjoy dinner with members of our extended family if they were in town. However, from an early age I was taught the brutal truth about Thanksgiving Day.

Because I never grew up with Muscogee culture or learned any of the three Muscogee languages, I don’t consider myself Native American (plus, I look whiter than Woah Vicky). Regardless, my parents were diligent when educating me about Native American history, which is why I choose not to celebrate a holiday that’s based on falsehoods. (Don't worry, I'm not repressed because I never got to stuff my face with turkey and cranberries once a year.)
Though most Americans think Thanksgiving celebrates the infamous day in history when — in 1621— Puritan Pilgrims (who weren't even really pilgrims to begin with) welcomed Wampanoag Native Americans to enjoy a gargantuan feast with them, this simply isn’t the case

Many scholars argue that 1621 didn’t ignite the Thanksgiving holiday that Americans observe today. Although 1637 might not seem like an important date in American history, this is when the brunt of the Pequot War Pequot Massacre took place. Then Massachusetts Governor, John Winthrop, also declared this year the first official “Day of Thanksgiving, thanking God that they had eliminated over 700 men, women and children.”

Thus, Thanksgiving was born after the original illegal European immigrants committed genocide on Pequot Native Americans (who were just defending their property) and enslaved the lucky few who survived the massacre.

Unfortunately, the Pequot Massacre isn’t the only travesty that the Puritans afflicted onto Native American communities on Thanksgiving (not to mention the other 364 days of the year). However, present-day Americans have cherry-picked the “good” parts about past Thanksgiving celebrations to create a pleasant narrative of the holiday.

Now, Americans paint the false picture that Thanksgiving began on 1621 when the Pilgrims and Native Americans got along. During present-day celebrations, there’s never any mention of the smallpox that these same Pilgrim gave the Wampanoag Native Americans shortly after this joyous day in 1621. (Nor is there any acknowledgement that in the Puritans’ quest for “religious freedom,” they stole the liberty and freedom of millions of Native Americans.)

This whitewashed version of Thanksgiving history doesn't even begin to describe the injustices Native American communities have suffered. Seeing as Abraham Lincoln declared Thanksgiving Day an official national holiday in 1863. However, Lincoln betrayed Sioux Native Americans after each respective party had already agreed on two territory treaties in 1851. Because Lincoln is known for his fight to abolish slavery, his reputation as a revolutionary president overshadowed the fact that he lied (after all, how could honest Abe lie to anyone?) to the Sioux Native Americans and only gave them half of the land that was originally promised to them — which wasn't even the worse thing he did to Native Americans. Not only did honest Abe's deception revoke their rights to property that should have been theirs to begin with, his seemingly spotless image nearly erased this necessary narrative from history.

But why does this gruesome back story matter, especially if we “celebrate” Thanksgiving for different reasons today? Although we might currently celebration Thanksgiving to “give thanks,” we shouldn’t forget why Thanksgiving was originally established.

While we’d like to think the meaning of Thanksgiving has changed just because many have forgotten about these murders, this doesn’t change the crimes that the Puritans committed against Native American citizens. Nor should we feed ourselves lies that we’re celebrating Thanksgiving to give thanks and celebrate our gratitude.

While many people (who aren’t history buffs or Native American citizens) have easily forgotten Thanksgiving’s gruesome origins, that doesn’t mean we should blindly change the meaning of Thanksgiving to make it seem like a peaceful affair. (Because it obviously wasn’t, and it shouldn’t be celebrated as such.)

It’s 2017 and Native American citizens still aren’t treated equally. We’re still hijacking (and polluting) Native Americans’ property and killing Native American citizens, yet we lie to ourselves and say that Thanksgiving is an inclusive holiday.

Honestly, any form of celebration seems insensitive on Thanksgiving Day, but it’s even more offensive that the US celebrates this day during Native American Heritage Month. If we truly want to celebrate Native American Heritage Month, then Thanksgiving Day should be renamed and utilized as a day to observe and respect all of the fallen Native Americans during the Europeans' genocidal tirade.

It might not be a bad idea to show your gratitude for your life and everyone in your life every day—rather than using a historically inaccurate holiday to give thanks once a year as a day off work and school to spend time with your family. Omit the “need” for Thanksgiving by giving your family a new and more respectful tradition and give thanks to Native American communities by donating to a Native American organization

Sure, you could always blame the tryptophan from your turkey as to why you're asleep about changing your Thanksgiving traditions. However, because your "family has always celebrated Thanksgiving," shouldn't be an excuse to continue to celebrate this occasion blindly and to fall back on a dangerous, revisionist myth. Tradition isn’t a valid reason to continue to do or celebrate something without thinking critically about it.

HC Wake-Up Call: Oscar Pistorius's Sentence Doubled, Texas Tosses Out A D&E Abortion Ban & A 'Potentially Hazardous' Asteroid


Good morning Her Campus! With a break-neck news cycle, there is no possible way for you to stay on top of every story that comes across your feeds—we’re all only human, after all.

But, life comes at you fast. So grab a cup of coffee and settle in for this quick and dirty guide to stories you might’ve been sleeping on (like, literally. It’s early.

Oscar Pistorius' Sentence Just Got Doubled For Murder Of His Girlfriend

In South Africa, the Supreme Court of Appeals just ruled to increase former Olympic and Paralympic spring Oscar Pistorius's prison sentence from six years to 13 years and five months following being charged for the death of his girlfriend, Reeva Steenkamp, in 2013, CNN reports

Supreme Court Justice Willie Seriti told CNN that "The sentence of six years' imprisonment is shockingly lenient to a point where it has the effect of trivializing this serious offense."

Pistorius said that he killed Steenkamp after mistaking her for an intruder on Valentine's Day in 2013. He was charged and originally given the shorter sentence, however Steenkamp's family and supporters consistently called for "justice for Reeva," calling for the court to reconsider the more lenient sentence. Following the announcement, a spokesperson for Steenkamp's family said they hope "this is the end of the road and that everyone can move forward."

Pistorius can still appeal the latest sentence, but there's no word yet whether he plans to do so.

Texas Judge Throws Out Attempt To Ban Common Abortion Procedure

Although Texas State lawmakers passed a bill in spring that would ban a common method of abortion used during the second trimester, a federal judge in the lone-star state overturned the Texas Senate Bill 8 on Wednesday, The New York Timesreports.

"That a woman may make the decision to have an abortion before a fetus may survive outside her womb is solely and exclusively the woman's decision," U.S. District Judge Lee Yeakel wrote. "The power to make this decision is her right."

The bill looked to ban dilation and extraction (also known as a D&E abortion — in which a doctor dilates the cervix and removes the fetus) unless doctors first stopped a fetus' heartbeat using another method. Due to the complicated, hard to pin down definition of a heartbeat (because heart tissue can even beat in a petri dish), many abortion advocates and providers considered it an unnecessary barrier. 

According to Yeakel's decision, opponents of the bill made a strong case that denying women access to the procedure would require them to potentially seek riskier alternatives and that was a hard line to cross. 

"The court concludes that requiring a woman to undergo an unwanted, risky, invasive, and experimental procedure in exchange for exercising her right to choose an abortion, substantially burdens that right," Yeakel wrote.

A 'Potentially Hazardous' Asteroid Is Heading Near Earth in December

Apparently, an asteroid (with a diameter of about 3 miles) is set to come pretty damn close to earth in time for Christmas. As the Mirror reports, the asteroid, 32000 Phaethon (named after the Greek demi-god whose whole relatable schtick was almost setting earth on fire) is expected to come within 6.5 miles of earth on December 16. While it's pretty close for an asteroid but still like 27 times farther away from us than the moon.

Classified as "potentially hazardous" by the Minor Planet Center, scientists are hoping to use this brush with the large, funky-shaped asteroid to get a decent 3D model of it. 

But, yeah, no — we won't be going the way of the dinosaurs before Christmas. Just in case you were worried. 

What to look out for... 

After you've safely made it home from your Black Friday outings and came through with your Cyber Monday steals, don't forget that Giving Tuesday is also a thing

If 2017 has taught us anything, it's that giving back to a non-profit or charity that does great work makes a great gift (or spite gift) for any relative and any occasion. 

The CEO Of HQ Threatened To Fire Their Host If 'The Daily Beast' Printed That He Liked Sweetgreen Salads Or That The Public Liked Trivia


Co-founder and CEO of the wildly popular app HQ, Rus Yusupov threatened to fire his break-out star host, for some less than normal reasons earlier this week.

HQ, a live-trivia app that allows smartphone users to log in twice a day to play in real time for real cash, has quickly become one of the most popular apps on the market. The Outline, recently referred to it as the “Future of TV.”  The success of the app might be due to it’s founder, Rus Yusupov and Colin Kroll, who co-created Vine in 2012. While Yusupov and Kroll are the brains behind the app, the star of the show is Scott Rogowsky, the host of the daily trivia games.

A former stand-up comedian, Rogowsky quickly rose to fame within the tech and start-up world and due to his increase in popularity, The Daily Beast reached out to him directly to request an interview about his success and what his daily life looks like for a pretty standard, light-hearted profile. Rogowsky agreed to the interview, and hours after speaking with a reporter, things got hectic.

The Daily Beast reached out to HQ’s HR department to inform them of the interview they would be running on their star host and according to The Daily Beast, Yusupov responded to their email by saying HQ is, “Not making Scott available to discuss his involvement with HQ with the media/press.” The reporter responded to Yusupov’s concerned email and even offered their cellphone number. Yusupov called the reporter immediately and said they were, “completely unauthorized” to report such a story without going through the proper protocol of reaching out initially through HQ’s press channels. 

The reporter ensured Yusupov that Rogowsky stated nothing personal about HQ or released any corporate information, it was strictly a piece that would highlight Rogowsky’s personal life. Yusupov fired back with, “You’re putting Scott’s job in jeopardy. Is that what you want? Scott could lose his job.”

At this point in the conversation, Yusupov demanded to hear or read the entire story that was written. His first issue came with the line, “Scott said that despite the attention, he’s still able to walk down the street and order his favorite salad from Sweetgreen without being accosted.” To which he reportedly fired back with, "He cannot say that! We do not have a brand deal with Sweetgreen! Under no circumstances can he say that.”

The second issue came with the line, “I can make people happy and give them the trivia they so desperately love and want. It’s been so great to build this community,” To which Yusupov told the reporter to “Take that out. He cannot say that people want trivia.”  The phone call shortly ended after this strange exchange and The Daily Beast did not run the story on Rogowsky. The Daily Beast did however, reframe the story around Yusupov’s claims of terminating Rogowsky and when they presented this new story line to Yusupov, he claimed, “I don’t want to fire Scott. Scott is our guy.”

How to Deal When You're a Hypochondriac in College


Every year it happens: colder weather hits college campuses, and before long it feels like you’re living in a fishbowl. People are cramped inside overheated buildings, breathing the same air, and when one person starts to sniffle it’s inevitable that all of their friends will soon catch whatever illness they have.

After awhile, most students seem to get used to this. But what if you can’t? Do you find yourself constantly obsessing about getting sick, or hyper-focusing on a common cold or mild symptoms? If so, you may suffer from a form of hypochondria. This word is often associated with a person who always thinks they’re sick, but there’s a lot more to it than that. Read on to say if you can relate, and what you can do about it.

What is hypochondria?

You’ve likely heard the word “hypochondria” before, but it’s actually no longer used in most professional capacities. “…hypochondria, though commonly used, is no longer listed by itself in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fifth Edition, put out by the American Psychiatric Association,” says Dr. Roy Stefanik, a clinical assistant professor in the Department of Psychiatry at George Washington University. This is THE book that mental health professionals use to diagnose patients, so it’s a big deal that the word “hypochondria” is no longer used.

Now, hypochondria is broken up into two categories: illness anxiety disorder and somatic symptom disorder. “Illness anxiety disorder is when you excessively worry about whether you are or may become seriously ill,” Dr. Stefanik says. “In somatic symptom disorder, you may find yourself focused on one or two physical problems you may be dealing with, such as pain or fatigue, and become convinced you have a major illness to the point it consumes you.” With illness anxiety disorder, chances are you're not exhibiting any physical symptoms beyond the mild discomforts that come with everyday life, and you believe those everyday discomforts to be part of a much bigger, more serious problem. With somatic symptom disorder you focus on a minor illness or injury so much that you become at risk for developing a more serious medical condition.

How to tell if you’re suffering

According to the American Psychological Association, 41.6 percent of college students have expressed anxiety as a top concern of theirs. But how can you tell when you’re suffering from more than just general anxiety disorder? According to Dr. Stefanik, “Sometimes anxiety can manifest itself in ways where you can become overly focused on physical problems, rather than looking at all the potential factors contributing to it.” This means that many people tend to focus on the physical symptoms that represent their anxiety, worrying about the fact that they’ve broken out into hives or are picking at their skin instead of thinking about the event that triggered an anxiety attack.

If you find yourself going to the doctor or your student health clinic multiple times for the same problem, only to leave dissatisfied or uneasy, Dr. Stefanik recommends expressing your concerns the next time you go. “Suggest you’ve become excessively focused on your physical problems,” he says. Suffering from these disorders does not mean that your sicknesses and pains aren’t legitimate, but there reaches a point when excessive worry limits and prevents you from enjoying everyday life. One of the biggest signs you may be suffering, according to Dr. Stefanik, is not getting any reassurance or relief when you speak to a healthcare professional, or multiple. This includes going to friends and family members for advice or assurance.

How to deal

Illness anxiety disorder and somatic symptom disorder are legitimate mental illness, and they should be treated as such. If the symptoms listed above sound a little too familiar, talk to your doctor or college’s counseling center or health center about treatment options in addition to the following.

1. Stay offline

Look, the Internet is great. The amount of knowledge we have access to at the drop of a hat is truly astounding, but it is possible to have too much information. Typing your symptoms into WebMD is one of the worst things you can do when suffering from illness anxiety disorder or somatic symptom disorder. There is no situation in which looking up your symptoms will make you feel better. It will only send you into a panicked downward spiral, and most of the diseases you’ll come into contact with while surfing the web are completely irrelevant. Basically, as Dr. Stefanik says, “stop consulting with Dr. Google.” Also remember that seeking advice from online chat rooms will not make you feel better. People who feel the need to talk about their medical traumas online, either to get advice or offer it, are not a reliable source.

Related: How to Stay Healthy When Everyone On Campus Is Getting Sick

2. Focus on what you DO have control over

One of the worst parts about getting sick or worrying about getting sick is the lack of control. So take a deep breath and focus on the aspects of your life that are completely within your control. Exercise and maintain a healthy, balanced diet. Dr. Stefanik says this is one of the best ways to ease your mind while also keeping your body healthy. Avoid drinking caffeine and using recreational drugs, because they do intensify hypochondria symptoms. Go to bed at a reasonable hour so that you’re getting enough sleep.

If you do find yourself spiraling or suffering from a panic attack, Dr. Stefanik recommends finding a quiet area with few interruptions or distractions. Close your eyes, find a comfortable position, and breathe deeply and slowly for at least one minute. Drink some water and then something warm, like decaffeinated tea or coffee, and talk to someone who makes you feel grounded and safe, like a family member or a loved one. “Try to learn some relaxation techniques in advance of an attack,” Dr. Stefanik says. “If all else fails, contact Student Health Services at your school or your family physician and follow their recommendations.”

3. Distract yourself

Dr. Stefanik says that doing something you love is one of the best distractions there is. Spend time with your friends. Try something new, like an exercise class or visiting a new place near your college. Join a club. Find a way to express your creativity. Spend time outdoors, going on bike rides or hikes. Find ways activities you like doing with friends and by yourself. Meditate. Or if you hate all of these things, focus on whatever it is that you love to do, and designate a set time every day or every week for you to do that activity. If you find yourself worrying about getting sick, think about whatever it is that you’re looking forward to doing. If you’re able to continually focus on something positive you’re less likely to stress about getting sick or injured.

4. Stick with one doctor

People will illness anxiety disorder and somatic symptom disorder have a tendency to doctor hop when you don’t hear what you want. You assume that the first doctor you talked to was wrong, so you go to another one, and another one, and another one. This will only result in incorrect diagnoses and unnecessary, expensive tests. Find a doctor that you feel comfortable around, and stick with them. Do your best to form a good and open relationship with them, and be honest when talking about your worries. “This is very different from having a medical problem that is not responding to treatment, in which case seeking a second opinion may be helpful,” says Dr. Stefanik. “Getting some perspective from someone whose opinion you trust about the matter can alleviate some of the anxiety associated with it.”

5. Seek counseling

There’s only so much you can do without seeking professional medical help. Hopefully the things listed above will help you cope with these disorders, but if problems persist it is crucial to seek counseling. Anxiety has a tendency to exacerbate problems in other areas of your life, such as relationships, and can very quickly spiral out of control. Talk to your school’s counseling center if you don’t know where to start. Chances are they offer consultations with professional mental health experts, and if they don’t they’ll most definitely be able to connect you with a therapist and help set up any treatment you need. Many doctors recommend cognitive behavior therapy, which is a therapy designed to help you recognize, and eventually stop, the behavior that triggers your anxiety. This may not be for everyone, and it’s an intense process that takes time, but talk to your therapist about it if you think it will work for you.

Illness anxiety disorder and somatic symptom disorder are confusing illnesses, and they tend not to be talked about that much. If you think you may be suffering from one of these, really the first thing to do is learn as much as you can about the disorders.

Chelsea Clinton & Ivanka Trump Are Sticking Up for Malia Obama After Videos of Her at Harvard Surfaced Online


Malia Obama is just trying to live her life like any other college freshman — which yes, sometimes includes romantic relationships and partying. Unfortunately, it's not that simple when you're a former first daughter.

As the Washington Post reports, tabloids and conservative news outlets were abuzz earlier this week after videos and photos surfaced Malia Obama kissing a possible new beau, British Harvard student Rory Farquharson, at the Harvard-Yale game, and blowing smoke rings at a party. While these wouldn't be newsworthy activities for literally any other Harvard student, both stories went viral, prompting two other first daughters to come to publicly her defense and stick up for her in an amazing way.

Surprisingly, the first to do so was current first daughter Ivanka Trump, who tweeted on Friday afternoon, "Malia Obama should be allowed the same privacy as her school aged peers. She is a young adult and private citizen, and should be OFF limits."

Shortly after, Chelsea Clinton followed suit with a similar message for the media: leave Malia alone.

Traditionally, the media has typically left children of presidents and former presidents out of the spotlight and given them some privacy. While Barack Obama was still in the White House, the former POTUS had previously asked the media to not cover the activities of the Obama daughters when they were without their parents and there was, "no vital news interest,"CBS News notes.

"From the beginning of the administration, the White House has asked news outlets not to report on or photograph the Obama children when they are not with their parents and there is no vital news interest," a 2013 statement from the White House said after images were published of Malia's spring break trip to Mexico. "We have reminded outlets of this request in order to protect the privacy and security of these girls."

The bottom line: Can we please all just let poor Malia live?

Donald Trump Is Claiming That He Turned Down 'Time's''2017 Person of the Year'& the Magazine Has Some ~Thoughts~ About It


File under news that will absolutely not shock you at all: on Friday, President Trump tweeted that Time magazine told him he would "probably" be 2017's "Person of the Year," but that he turned down the annual honor. Time, on the other hand, begs to differ.

As you may remember, the president was 2016's Time "Person of the Year" — and he's now claiming that the magazine called to say they were thinking of selecting him again in 2017.

"Time Magazine called to say that I was PROBABLY going to be named “Man (Person) of the Year,” like last year, but I would have to agree to an interview and a major photo shoot," the POTUS tweeted Friday evening. "I said probably is no good and took a pass. Thanks anyway!"

Hmm. Okay. If the whole scenario sounds kind of ridiculous, it's because it probably never happened. According to Time, Trump's story is completely false — and that the president is wrong about how the magazine even chooses its annual "Person of the Year."

"The President is incorrect about how we choose Person of the Year. TIME does not comment on our choice until publication, which is December 6," the magazine tweeted in a statement following the controversy surrounding Trump's tweet.

As CNN reports, this isn't the first time the president has been outspoken about his feelings toward the magazine, often changing his opinion on it entirely. As early as 2012, Trump was tweeting that Time "lost all credibility" after it didn't name him as one of its "100 Most Influential People." He had similar sentiments toward the magazine in 2013 when he was, once again, not on the list.

However, his tune changed when he was named "Person of the Year" in 2016. "Thank you to Time Magazine and Financial Times for naming me "Person of the Year" - a great honor!" he tweeted only less than a year ago.

Clearly, the president doesn't even take a break from his pettiness for the long holiday weekend.

Kylie Jenner Hosted the Kardashian Family's Thanksgiving and It Was Just as Extra as You'd Expect


According to social media posts by members of the Kardashian fam, this year's Thanksgiving celebration was held at Kylie's place. As photos evidence suggests, everything was just as you'd expect: extra AF.

The youngest Kardashian-Jenner sister reportedly hosted momager Kris Jenner, along with Kendall, Kim, Kourtney and Rob for the holiday, People says. Throughout the day, she and her family took to Snapchat and Instagram to give us all a glimpse into what a Kardashian Thanksgiving looks like.

From the looks of it, Kylie's all-pink-everything dining room was flawlessly decorated for the occasion, right down to the turkey day-themed plates. Because celebs are obviously just like us, the menu consisted of traditional Thanksgiving food, including turkey, stuffing, mashed potatoes, mac and cheese and of course, the canned cranberry sauce.

Kylie's desserts were especially 'gram-worthy, thanks to some adorable pumpkin-shaped cake pops and Rice Krispie treats created to look like little turkeys:

As per her last few months since rumors started circulating that she's pregnant, Kylie wasn't featured in any of the photos from the family's celebration on Thursday, only leading us to wonder even more whether she's hiding a baby bump. According to a source that spoke to People, she plans to continue laying low until after the birth of the baby she may or may not be expecting.

"Kylie wants to disappear and be out of the spotlight and focus on her health and happiness,” the source told People. "She isn’t going to publicly address her pregnancy until she gives birth. She’s not doing any public appearances and just wanted to take six months off."

6 Hairstyles That Take 5 Minutes or Less


Whether we're making our way out the door for an early class or for our first day at our internship, we all have those days when spending extra time on our hair just isn’t a priority. Sometimes we’d rather sacrifice our appearance for a few extra minutes of sleep (and there’s nothing wrong with that). For days like these, we turn to our handy-dandy list of hairstyles that can take us from drab to fab in five minutes or less. Whether you woke up late, or your hair just isn’t cooperating, these six quick and easy hairstyles can help you pull yourself together in no time.

1. Loose side braid

So you’ve never been very good at braiding hair. Lucky for you, you don’t have to be a pro at braiding to pull off this style. This is a perfectly imperfect hairstyle that will give you a bit of a romantic look while also allowing you to show off your inner boho girl.

Tutorial from A Beautiful Mess 

  1. French braid your hair from the back to the side.
  2. Use a hair elastic to tie a side ponytail.
  3. Using a comb, tease the ponytail as much as possible.
  4. Braid the teased hair into a regular braid.
  5. Pull the braid so that it's uneven and loose.
  6. Cut the top hair elastic off.

2. Ballerina bun

You don’t have to be a ballerina in training to wear this look! A ballerina bun is a great go-to hairstyle for collegiettes who want a look that’s simple but chic. The bun can be worn right on top of your head or lower down.

Tutorial from Beauty High 

  1. Brush your hair into a high ponytail and secure with an elastic at the top of your head. Make sure there aren’t any bumps in your hair. 
  2. Put a hair donut at the base of your ponytail and begin wrapping your hair around the donut, securing with hair pins to keep your hair in place. Continue pinning until your hair completely covers the donut, and wrap it under the base.
  3. Apply a spritz of hairspray to keep the bun in place and make sure there aren’t any loose hairs getting out.

3. High ponytail

Believe it or not, there’s more to a ponytail than just throwing it up on the top of your head and wrapping it with an elastic. The key to a great ponytail is its volume and staying power.

Tutorial from Beauty High 

  1. Give your hair some texture. If your hair is freshly washed and a little too smooth, add some hair spray to your hair. This will allow your ponytail to stay in place all day long.
  2. Pull your hair up towards the crown of your head.
  3. Holding the ponytail in place with one hand, brush out any bumps with the other hand to ensure a smooth, sleek ponytail.
  4. Once you have found the perfect ponytail placement (center of your head, visible from the front), take your hair elastic and secure the pony into place.
  5. To keep your ponytail looking chic and not like you just came from the gym, take a 1-inch section of hair from the underside of your ponytail and wrap it around the hair elastic. Secure the hair with a bobby pin to hide the elastic, pushing the bobby pin in on the underside of the hair elastic so everything is covered up.
  6. For some added volume and texture, tease the ponytail with a fine-tooth comb, gently combing hair upwards and towards the front.
  7. Spray a toothbrush with hairspray and brush down any flyaways.

4. Hair bow bun

A unique take on the classic high bun, this style is cute, easy and fun. Watch this tutorial from Mr. Kate for reference.

  1. Gather all of your hair on the top of your head and start a ponytail with an elastic.
  2. Loop your hair through the elastic. On the last pull through, don’t pull your hair all the way through, and instead create a loop, leaving the tail of your hair (the ends) pointing toward your forehead.
  3. Divide your loop into two halves.
  4. Take the ends/tail of your hair and fold it back through the space in your two looped halves, creating the center “knot” part of the bow. Secure the ends in the elastic behind the bow in the back of your head.
  5. Fluff up your bow by spreading out the loops and gently tugging them tighter.

5. Knotted bun

Simple enough to do in a matter of minutes but elegant enough to pull off at even the fanciest of occasions, this hairstyle is a must-try!

Tutorial fromOnce Wed

  1. Gather your hair to one side and place it in a ponytail behind your ear.
  2. Begin twisting and wrapping the ponytail as if you’re tying a knot.
  3. As you tie the ponytail into a knot, do not pull the tail all the way through.
  4. Secure the knotted bun with large bobby pins.
  5. Gently pull and tug the hair from the crown and throughout the bun to create texture and fullness.
  6. Spray with a finishing product. 

6. Half-crown braid

You get the best of both worlds with this look by being able to wear your hair down without it being in your face.

Tutorial fromHair Romance 

  1. Start by taking a 1-to-2-inch section of hair on one side of your hair above your ear. Split this section in three and make a braid.
  2. Angle the braid back around your head and secure the end of the braid with a small, clear hair elastic.
  3. Repeat on the other side, taking a section above your ear and making a braid. Secure the end with a small, clear elastic.
  4. Bring the first braid across the back of your head and pin in place with bobby pins.
  5. Cross the second braid over the first, and tuck the end in behind the first braid. Secure it in place with bobby pins.

Not every late morning has to result in a bad hair day. Whether your alarm conveniently decided to not go off, or you just needed a few extra minutes with your bed this morning, these simple yet chic hairstyles will get you out the door in no time.

7 Ways to Make Your Dorm Room a Stress-Free Sanctuary


It’s not really up for debate; college is stressful. That being said, you shouldn’t feel caught up in that stress all the time! Your dorm room is one place you can turn into an escape from the constant demands of your school, social and work schedules.

We talked to collegiettes about how they keep their dorms stress-free and compiled their tips in order to give you some respite from your stress—even if it’s only in your room. Read on to find out how to make your dorm room a no-stress zone!

1. Perfect your decor

Your dorm aesthetic is a reflection of you and it can also impact how you inhabit your living space. Customize your space as best you can with decor and furnishings. In the way of maintaining a calming atmosphere, you might want to stick with neutral colors and a very minimalist style.

On the other hand, you might find bright colors and exciting prints more comforting! You can mix styles and have your dorm aesthetic make no sense—the beauty of your own space (even if it’s half or one-third of a shared room) is that it’s all up to you. “I always make sure to decorate with fun colors and patterned pillows," says Autumn Dube, a senior at Emmanuel College. “I never have too much décor though because then it will just feel cluttered.”

To add a personal touch to your décor, give DIY-ing a try! Making your own curtains, mini-rugs and cushions or pillows is super easy. Just check out these handy DIY ideas and instructions! “I’ve hung up fabric color swatches on my walls to make the place more cheerful and appealing to me,” says Jacqueline Marchioni, a senior at the University of British Columbia. “I do a similar thing with quotes that I like, typing them out in fun fonts and colors and putting them up.” A creative, budget-friendly way to spice up those white walls!

Related: Quiz: Which Dorm Style is Right for You?

2. Make your lighting warm and soothing

Lighting is super important. The fluorescent lights that are likely already illuminating your space are awful, and unless you beyond lucked out in your housing lottery, it’s unlikely that you’re just basking in natural light. Warmer lighting options will surely make for a more calming dorm room, and you can create a candlelight-candlelight-esque ambiance with just a few lamps or a desk light.

Our collegiettes are big fans of string lights. They’re cheap, don’t usually require any assembly and are easy to hang on your bed frame or even tape to walls! “I always love to hang Christmas lights! Instant change of atmosphere,” says Christine Burney, a senior at SCAD Atlanta.

String lights are easy to find in most household goods stores. Check out Urban Outfitters, Bed Bath and Beyond or Target to find basic string lights. “I think one of the simplest things to do to make for a comfortable living space is to have white Christmas lights hanging around the walls,” says Autumn. “It makes for a calming feel as opposed to bright fluorescent overhead lights.”

3. Increase the coziness factor

Add pillows, a plush headboard and additional blankets to your room to make it feel cozier. Basically, just make your entire room a giant bed. No surface left un-cushioned!

Pillows are just great, and it’s pretty much impossible to have too many. If you need to justify it, just think about all the guests you could potentially have for a sleepover! “I don't have a desk in my bedroom,” says Megan Sawey, a senior at Temple University. “Instead, I keep a body pillow and a blanket on my floor so that I may sprawl out and do homework.”

Rugs are also a great solution to make a dorm room feel less cold and sterile. “Buy a fuzzy rug for right under your bed,” says Emily DiNuzzo, a senior at Pace University. “When you wake up in the morning you'll be met with warmth instead of harsh, cold linoleum.”

4. Use soothing scents

If you’ve ever been to a spa of any kind, you know they’re not messing around with the scents. Take a page from their book and invest in some candles, diffusers or other aromatherapy products. While candles probably aren’t allowed in your dorm space, they’re a good choice for apartment dwellers, and diffusers and aromatherapy sprays work if you’re living on campus!

Essential oils are another fantastic option for making your space feel more like a spa getaway. These are also easy to find at your local grocery store, and there are a ton of options to choose from so that you can find your preferred anxiety-reducing scent. Sprinkle oils or other diffusers on your bed or your clothes to bathe yourself in a shower of calm.

5. Get (and take care of) some plants

Even if you may feel like you can’t keep yourself alive and thriving, taking care of a plant is proof that you totally can! Succulents and ferns are very spa-esque, and will undoubtedly absorb any bad vibes you’re feeling. Bamboo, aloe and sensitive plants, in addition to being mind-blowingly cool, are all pretty low-maintenance options too.

Honestly, artificial plants are a fully acceptable alternative as well. Fake it til you make it, right? They’ll still maintain that cool rainforest aesthetic that will practically force you to chill out. Even if you’re playing tricks on your mind, houseplants are said to have healing powers!

Related: 12 Things You Shouldn’t Stress About

6. Get into the habit of keeping your space clean

We know. It’s been 20 years, give or take, and this whole neatness thing? Yeah, it’s not taking. We must insist though—a clean room is a clean mind! Just don’t think about cleaning as a chore. Think about it as a way of bettering yourself!

Being able to come back to a tidy sleeping space will make that end-of-day crash feel so much better. “There’s nothing that makes me more anxious than coming home after a long day and having a messy room,” says Nikki Harris, a senior at the University of Connecticut. “When I get it cleaned up, I just feel so much more clear-minded and it’s one less thing to worry about.”

There are plenty of easy little things you can do to keep your space clean and de-cluttered. For example, make your bed in the morning before you leave for class. “I feel like my room reflects my inner state to a certain extent and I always feel better when my room is neat, says Jacqueline. “Even just making the bed is often a big help!”

Straighten up your bedside table (even if this just means stacking things to make them appear organized) and turn your socks and pants outside in when you get undressed so you don’t have to deal with all that extra work when laundry day comes around. See? Three easy steps, and you’re already saving yourself from face-palming later.

7. Keep work out of your living space

Yep, we saved the toughest tip for last. But it’s also probably the most impactful one, so it’s going to take some effort! We’ve heard about good and bad ways/places/times to do homework all our lives, and frankly, we’re lost in all the suggestions. It does make sense, though, that doing homework in your dorm room turns it less into a place of solace and comfort and more into a classroom.

That said, do your best to keep work out of this space. Again, it just means that returning to your dorm space will feel even better because it will have no stress associated with it! “Try not to do your homework in your room,” says Autumn. “Your room should be your escape and not be associated with things that cause you stress.” Give a local café, your favorite library or even your dorm’s lounge a try if you can’t bear leaving the comfort of your building!

Start slowly with this one if you do tend to do work in your room. Just try to do it less and less, and ease your room’s transition into a sanctuary. If you must do work in your room, check out these tips (hint: absolutely no work in bed!).

Have some much-needed rest and relaxation in your now de-stressed dorm room, and then take your stress-free self out into the world! Spread the calm. You’re unstoppable.

At Least 305 Dead & 128 Injured in a Terror Attack at an Egypt Mosque


At least 305 people, including 27 children, were killed and at least 128 injured when militants detonated a bomb and then shot people inside a mosque in Egypt's Sinai Peninsula on Friday, The New York Times reports. The attack has been labeled as the deadliest terrorist attack in the country's modern history. 

The incident marks a new extreme in Egypt's experiences with militant forces, as Coptic Christian churches have been main targets in ISIS attacks in Egypt. Now, with most of these latest victims being Sufi Muslims (a branch of Islam that ISIS views as heretical), a new level of the militant presence in Egypt has been introduced. 

CNN reports that 25 to 30 men wearing military combat uniforms entered the al Rawdah Sufi mosque with automatic machine guns and an Islamic State flag during the mosque's Friday Prayers. The men, who arrived in five four-wheel drive vehicles, stood at the mosque's entrances and in front of the building before the explosion of a bomb likely set off by a suicide bomber struck. The men even set cars outside on fire to prevent worshippers from escaping. When ambulances arrived to save the wounded, the gunmen also lit up those vehicles, causing some injured to escape in the back of cattle trucks. 

Following the attack, Egypt called for three days of national mourning. President Abdel Fattah el-Sisi met with the nation's top security officials to discuss emergency plans, saying in a televised speech, "The military and the police will take revenge."

After the attack, Egyptian military forces oversaw airstrikes aimed at fleeing militants. While ISIS has yet to formally claim responsibility for the attack, the attack displays elements of a typical Islamic State strike. 

7 Things You Need to Know About Your Workout Clothes


With the early stages of 2016 a new workout routine under your belt (...or not), come the opportunity to shop for a new gym wardrobe! But with all the cute options out there and all at different price points, where do you begin? How much should you really spend on a pair of black leggings? What's the right kind of sports bra for your workout routine? And how do you even take care of your gym clothes to ensure they last the longest? We did some digging and got all the answers for you:

1. Those leggings are expensive for a good reason

Shopping for workout clothes can put a dent in your wallet. If you’re looking for name brand or designer workout clothes, you’ll definitely have to splurge a little. But why are workout clothes so expensive?

"There are a lot of reasons why some workout clothes are more expensive than others," says Alexia Clark, a personal trainer. "Sometimes it could just be the 'brand name' but there are a lot of workout clothes that are made from special materials that fight against odor and dry fast so you won't be drenched during your whole workout." Higher priced workout clothes made with sweat-wicking abilities and UV protection will last longer. If you’re worried about the price tag, keep in mind that the items you’re looking at will likely have better performance than cheaper items. It will be worth it in the long run (pun kind of intended)!

2. Wash the entire outfit after every use

Some people think it’s okay to wear workout clothes more than once before washing them. However, this can cause bacteria and yeast to build up, especially if your gear is tight-fitting.

"Gym clothes should be washed after every workout," emphasizes Stephanie Alexis, founder & chief stylist at Style Studio. "There are some clothes that can be worn multiple times before washing, such as jeans, but workout clothes are not one of them. After a workout session, you and your clothes are sweaty, stinky and more than ready for a good wash."

Haley Cahill, a graduate from Appalachian State University, had a negative experience after wearing a sports bra more than once before washing it. “I've always tried to get 2 to 3 or even 4 to 5 wears out of a sports bra before tossing it in the laundry,” she says. “I would typically come home from the gym and shower, but I'd let the sports bra air dry and throw it back in my gym bag for the next day.” Haley noticed that she was getting bad acne on her back and chest, and it only cleared up after she wore a clean sports bra every time she worked out. “Even if I had a light workout and didn't sweat much, I can only imagine the dirt and bacteria that was getting trapped on the sports bra in addition to sweat,” she says. Doing an extra load of laundry is definitely worth avoiding bacteria growth!

Related: A Guide to What Kind of Underwear You Should REALLY Be Wearing to Workout

3. Let each piece dry before putting it in the hamper

If you put sweaty workout clothes into your laundry basket without letting them dry, you’re giving them an environment to grow bacteria in. You may think this doesn’t matter since you’re washing them anyway, but it can give them an unpleasant odor.

"I usually hang my sweaty workout clothes on the side of my hamper so let them dry out a bit before throwing them in with the rest of my clothes," Clark says. "That way my whole hamper full of regular clothes that are not made from special odor-fighting [materials] doesn't get smelly."

In addition to making your clothes smell, putting sweaty workout clothes in your hamper can cause bacteria to grow. "If your gear is super sweaty, let it air dry before throwing it in the hamper so it doesn't grow any mold," says Jenna Transtrum, owner and founder of Senita Athletics. After spending the money on nice workout clothes, bacteria is the last thing you'll want!

Jenna Adrian, a sophomore at Drexel University, makes the same point. “You should never toss them in the hamper while they're still damp and sweaty,” she says. “This can result in a musty odor that is difficult or impossible to get rid of. Instead, hang them up (over the back of a chair, on your drying rack, etc.) to let them dry, then toss them in the hamper.” This simple hack will save you a hassle later on and keep your workout clothes smelling fresh and clean.

4. Avoid fabric softener

Although fabric softener can make your clothes smell good, it’s not ideal for workout clothing.

"Many of the sweat-wicking and compression materials don't do well with the softener and it will shorten the life of your garments," says Victor Adam, a health and fitness expert. Transtrum and Kyle Kranz, a running coach and social media coordinator for SKORA, agrees with Adam: avoiding fabric softeners or extra fragrences is your best bet! If you want your clothes to smell good, try a scented laundry detergent instead. If you spend the money on nice workout clothes, you want them to last!

5. Avoid high heat

Hot water and heat can break down the fabric your clothes are made with and lead to shrinkage. When washing your workout clothes, make sure you put them in cold water. When it comes to drying them, air drying is your best option—drying on low heat if it's a must.

"If it is compression (or generally elastic) it is usually best to dry workout cloths on a medium or medium-low heat," Adam says. "Again, most workout gear will be sweat-wicking/fast drying, so the lower heat won't slow the drying process down much." If you're worried about the material or possible shrinkage, stick to air drying.

"After washing your workout gear, I think it is best to air dry them either by hanging them to dry or laying them flat," Transtrum says. "The dryer could shrink your workout gear or affect the stretching fabrics." If you don’t have the time to air dry, it’s okay to put your clothes in the dryer on the lowest heat setting. As long as you avoid high temperatures as often as you can, your workout clothes should last longer and fit you how they did when you bought them!

6. The best materials are...

When it comes time to buy some new workout clothes, you'll want to know which materials are the best.

"Cotton workout clothes are not going to dry fast," Clark says. "I try to stay away from those because I hate the feeling of heavy sweaty clothes. Mesh and nylon/elastane tops are great!"

So what should you wear, if cotton isn't the way to go? "The best materials to work out in are the technical or performance fabrics," Alexis says. "They are usually made with polyesters and or/Lycra blends; they are designed to draw sweat away from the body. Try to avoid rough fabrics that could irritate your skin during a workout or repetitive movement." The most important thing to remember is to wear workout clothes that make you feel comfortable and confident!

7. Wear them with confidence

Wearing workout clothes that make you feel confident is extremely important. If you feel more comfortable in loose clothing, go with that. If you feel like you have more flexibility and range of motion in more form-fitting pieces, go ahead and rock it!

Now that you know the ins and outs of your workout clothes, you should have no problem hitting all your fitness goals! If you’re spending the money on nice workout clothes, be sure to take care of them correctly so they’ll last you as long as possible. You won’t only look great, but you’ll feel great too. Have a fantastic workout, collegiettes!

Reese Witherspoon's Lookalike Daughter Ava Phillippe Just Dazzled at a Debutante Ball in Paris


I thought debutantes were a thing of the past, stuck in the South in the early twentieth century or at least episodes of Gilmore GirlsApparently, the tradition of presenting young women to society is still alive and thriving, and Reese Witherspoon's lookalike daughter Ava Phillippe is one of the latest ladies to experience the spotlight at a debutante ball. The 18-year-old was one of 20 debutantes to make her official debut at Paris's famous debutante ball, le Bal des Débutantes, Cosmopolitan reports. How fancy!

Joining five other American girls at the event, Phillippe looked stunning in a gold Giambattista Valli Haute Couture gown. E News reports that the annual ball invites young women from notable families around the glove to participate, and many daughters of American actors are known to have debuted there, including Bruce Willis and Demi Moore's daughters. At this year's 25th annual ball, game show host Steve Harvey's daughter Lori also joined Phillippe as a debutante. 


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Phillippe was escorted by 19-year-old Maharaja Padmanabh Singh, who plays for India's national polo team and also attended to support his sister, fellow debutante Princess Gauravi Kumari of Jaipur. If this night didn't look perfect enough, the two even waltzed to music from La La Land, which allowed for a gorgeous showcase of Phillippe's dress.


Le Bal first waltz with @avaphillippe #thepeninsulaparis

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Of course, being one of my favorite mother-daughter pairs, Phillippe was not without mom Witherspoon at the ball. Both her mother and stepfather Jim Toth attended, and Witherspoon and Phillippe posed for photos together, emphasizing their crazy resemblance. 


Ava & Reese @lebal.paris

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I'm in awe at how gorgeous this event looks and how beautiful Phillippe's dress is. I'm rooting for some mother-daughter appearances on the red carpet very soon! 

15 Things Only Girls Who Have No Free Time Understand


When your life is a nonstop marathon of to-dos and deadlines, free time becomes a thing of the past. No matter how hard you try to make time for dinner with friends—or even an episode of Friends—some assignment or obligation always gets in the way. It’s a serious struggle, and the only people who truly understand are your fellow overworked collegiettes. Here are 15 things we all know.

1. You can’t go on casual dates because you’re hopelessly devoted to your job

Sure, I'll grab coffee. Can you bring it to my office?

2. Your meals are always microwaveable

Boil water? Ain't nobody got time for that.

3. If people want to make plans, they have to tell you at least a week in advance

Let me check my schedule.

4. You’ve never experienced the art of binge-watching

It's sad, really.

5. You’re always carrying around half your wardrobe

Three outfit changes in one day takes some serious planning.

6. Your friends and family don’t understand why you’re so busy all the time

It's hard to explain.

7. You don’t know what happened on any show last night

Oh, I missed that episode…and the next…and the one after that.

8. Lazy days are nonexistent

Maybe when I'm 30.

9. You have no idea how anyone has enough time to keep up with the Kardashians

No, I didn't see what Kendall was wearing—nor do I have time to care.

10. You’ve mastered the art of fast walking

Step aside, I've got places to go and people to see!

11. Your friends complain about being tired when you know they got three times the amount of sleep you did

They have no idea what sleep deprivation is.

12. You take long showers because it’s one of the only times you have to yourself


13. You live in a constant state of FOMO

Please stop having fun without me.

14. You're waiting for the day when you let go of your workaholic ways

It'll happen…eventually.

15. On the rare occasion when you find some free time, you have absolutely no idea what to do with it

Now what?

Links We Love 11.26.17


A women-only networking app. [Fast Company]

How did an entire group of people become a fashion trend? [Refinery29]

Women will lead the way to a world with more heart. [Thrive Global]

Anniversary gifts your S.O. will love. [Cosmopolitan]

A Deep Springs College for women. [The New Yorker]

Vegan recipes for people who love Thanksgiving all year long. [The Huffington Post]

Why you shouldn't try to be a morning person. [BBC]

This Paralympian has great advice for young women. [Elite Daily]

Zodiac-inspired makeup brushes. [allure]

James Cameron discusses Jack's death in Titanic. [Entertainment Weekly]

12 Styling Tips All Petite Girls Should Know About


Having a small frame is awesome, but shopping for clothes that fit perfectly can be a major struggle. You always seem to be cuffing up your jeans, rolling up your sleeves, belting literally every pair of pants and swimming in your riding boots. Luckily, we’re here to save you. We’ve compiled 12 of the best style tips for our gorgeous petite collegiettes so you can walk through campus with confidence.

1. Avoid pieces that hit below the knee—embrace minis

While this tip isn’t a “must-follow,” it’s encouraged that petites avoid longer pieces, or choose them wisely. “The fabric pretty much swallows you right up,” says Kayla, a sophomore at Kennesaw State. As cute as they are, midi skirts, tea-length dresses and Bermuda shorts seem to be made specifically for those women that are blessed with long legs. Instead, opt for cute A-line mini skirts or dresses that hit a few inches above the knee. Your legs will look a mile long.

2. Make vertical stripes your best friend

Patterns can be a blessing or a curse for petites. When picking patterns, Mara, a graduate of the University of Southern California, stays away from horizontal stripes. “It’s not that shorter people can't wear that pattern, but it typically makes you look wider and doesn't do anything to lengthen your body as opposed to vertical stripes,” she says. Flip those stripes around, ladies. Vertical stripes elongate your figure making you look taller and slimmer.

3. Find petite-friendly stores

All hail the stores that recognize there’s more than just “short” and “tall” women! Sarah, a junior at the University of Iowa, loves stores that cater to her small frame. “I run into dresses and jeans that are too long or just don't fit right! Places that offer petite sizes, like Old Navy and Topshop, are lifesavers! Otherwise, I end up rolling my jeans, which isn't always the look I want to go for,” she says. Some of our favorite brands that offer petite lines are Old Navy, Loft, Topshop, ASOS, J.Crew and Anthropologie.

4. Choose “boyfriend” pieces wisely

Sorry ladies, but boyfriend jeans, men’s flannels and oversized sweaters just don’t always do your figure justice. “I think petite women should steer clear of anything that is abnormally baggy or boxy,” says Isabel, a junior at NYU.  “It is very easy to look like an outfit is eating you up, so things that show off your figure even in the slightest bit are really helpful.” If you do wear boyfriend jeans or oversized sweaters, pair them with more structured pieces to add balance.

5. Use mini purses

Don’t be swallowed up by your purse; instead, find a cute bag that’s proportional to your body size. Amy, a sophomore at Temple University, says, “I have a stockpile of little clutches and cross-body purses,” she says. “They’re more fun than giant purses because they usually have more flair, and the designs don’t overwhelm the rest of my outfit.” Oversized bags are too heavy, anyways.

Related: 5 Easy Ways to Instantly Elevate Your Style

6. Sick of heels? Try pointed-toe flats

It’s a total myth that petite girls have to wear heels all the time. “It’s weird but the lower the heel, the longer the legs look sometimes. If you try and wear huge heels, it will look super weird and disproportionate,” says Isabel, “Overall, petite women can wear whatever they want but knowing what works for your body is a must.” Pointed-toe flats are stylish, sophisticated and can take you from class to your internship to your dinner date. They create the illusion of a longer leg, and they’re on-trend this fall, too.

7. For those that ~love~ heels, say yes to patterns and no to ankle straps

Ankle straps just make your legs appear shorter. “My rule of thumb is to NEVER wear heels that visibly divide my leg, meaning that they have a strap on/around the ankle,” says Alani, a junior at Northwestern. “They make your legs look even shorter than they are. Pumps or any heel that don’t have ankle straps make your legs look longer.” However, wearing a pair of statement heels draws attention to your legs and actually makes them look longer. Plus, they’re so fun.

8. Find a good tailor

Having a tailor probably hasn’t crossed your mind as a broke college student, but it should. Wearing clothes that fit you properly is key when it comes to walking around with confidence. If you can’t afford an actual tailor or don’t have one near your university, teach yourself or find a friend that can help tweak hemlines, adjust your sleeves, or take waistlines in. Some stores, like Banana Republic and J. Crew, offer tailoring service if you have a store card. Department stores like Nordstrom and Bloomingdales offer tailoring service for any clothes you buy at their store. It makes all the difference; we promise!

9. Bring your waistline up

We are so glad high-waisted skirts, pants, and shorts are trending again. These pieces give the illusion that your legs start at a higher point than they actually do. “If I wear anything high-waisted, I either wear a tighter crop top or a tucked-in shirt to accentuate my small waist,” says Bridget, a junior at UMass Amherst, “Plus, it looks weird with anything else.” Pairing high-waisted bottoms with a cropped or fitted top also emphasizes your gorgeous petite frame.

10. Structured pieces are a must

Clothes with clean lines will always do wonders for your shape. Pick monochromatic pieces to streamline the rest of your outfit. Just watch out for long, structured coats — you don’t want to be swimming in your outerwear. Cropped blazers and jackets elongate your torso, while skinny jeans and fitted dress pants emphasize your shape.

11. Boot season? Aim for ankles

Unfortunately, most riding boots just swallow you up. Like heels with ankle straps, mid-calf and knee-length boots just divide your legs and make them look shorter. A pair of trendy, dainty ankle boots elongates your legs. Plus, velvet, suede and embroidered styles are seriously trending this season.

12. Don’t be afraid to try something that’s usually a “don’t”

If you’re one of those girls that defies the norm, then we say go for it. Some midi skirts actually look super cute on petites. If you choose an A-line shape with a high waist, it will actually elongate your waist. Midi skirts with slits and draped fabric are sexy and won’t swallow you up. Heels with ankle straps aren’t always a bad idea, and they’re just so trendy right now. Wearing boyfriend jeans doesn’t always have to be a catastrophe; pair them with a fitted tee to flatter your figure and finish off your look with pointed heels to lengthen your legs. Nailed it.

The bottom line? If you embrace your small frame with confidence, you can rock ~anything~. Don’t let the body you were born with be a hindrance when finding cute outfits. Use these tips and struggle no more.

Quiz: Tell Us Who You're Shopping For & We'll Find the Perfect Gift


Holiday shopping can be such a struggle––where do you even start when it comes to finding the perfect gift? Lucky for you, we've curated the best products based on who you're shopping for and their personality. Take our quiz now to find the ultimate gift this holiday season! 


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