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People Are Pretending to Be Special Agents So They Can Rob Homes of Hurricane Harvey Victims


Amidst the Houston area’s struggle to recuperate following the disastrous Hurricane Harvey, Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) has announced that it received “disturbing” reports that people are pretending to be Homeland Security Investigations (HSI) special agents. These tricksters are telling Houston residents to leave their homes, ABC News reports.

Believing that these posers are trying to rob people’s homes, ICE officials released a statement on the matter via Twitter.

“Real HSI officials wear badges that are labeled ‘special agent,’ which members of the public can ask to see and verify,” the message read. “Members of the public who receive such visitors should ask to see these properly labeled badges, and their credentials. In addition, these officers and special agents would be conducting hurricane relief operations with other local law enforcement agencies.”

ICE has called forth officials from all over the country to help with Harvey's aftermath, with approximately 200 law enforcement officers now in southeast Texas to "provide security for search and rescue teams." In addition to the warning to look out for fake officers, ICE also emphasized that officials will not be tracking illegal immigrants during any rescue operations. The message comes after Houston's mayor, Sylvester Turner, announced he would represent anyone who faced the threat of deportation after seeking safety.

"If you are in a stressful situation, I don't care who you are, I don't care what your religion is, I don't care what your language is," Turner said during a press conference, "you come and take advantage of every service that we have."

Although the Houston region is far from being back to normal, it's heartfelt warnings and messages like these that prove that the storm won't beat its victims. 

How to be the Best Friend Possible to a Friend Going Through a Breakup


We’ve all been there – the tissues, the endless rom-coms, tons of ice cream and, of course, stashing their phone when needed. Break ups are hard, but having someone by your side makes all the difference.

As stated in the Best Friend Contract, section five subsection A, ‘in case of break up, loads of alcohol, Disney movies and ice cream are necessary.’ You’ll need a breakup survival emergency kit with the above-mentioned supplies as well as additional provisions. Those may include unflattering selfies of the ex, and daily reminders that he or she ain’t shit.

Forget about the SO

Think of your BFF’s ex as Voldemort—he or she shall not be named. Mentioning their name may bring back memories or feelings for your BFF. Pretending they don’t exist (or died in the battle of Hogwarts) is much more comforting than thinking about what their ex is up to now.

 “Don’t bring up her ex-SO and don’t let her fall into the trap of drunk-texting her ex,” Rachna Shah, a freshman at Dartmouth University, says. “Send her a bouquet of roses, take her out for dinner or to the mall, go to the club—just do something fun to remind her that she doesn’t need a SO to be happy!”

Whether your BFF is fighting with her SO or they’ve broken up, friend dates are super necessary during any rough patches in relationships. Some girl time will give her a chance to say things she wouldn’t say to her SO or ex. Now, don’t try to shut your friend up if she mentions her ex either. Validating her feelings and listening to what she has to say is always important.

Delete the old Instagram pictures

Okay its official – your BFF is DONE with her ex. She’s certain they’re never getting back together and it’s time for phase two: deleting the evidence from social media. This step is a MUST if your BFF really wants them out of their life. It might be easier for your BFF if you’re the one to go though and delete all the pictures of them together – that way she won’t be reminded of the good times. Just don’t offer to do it without your BFF asking first, imposing your own inclinations isn’t what she needs right now.

“It all depends on personal preference,” Jessica Morley, a student at University of South Wales, says “If it was a really emotional time, then maybe it's best to just block instead of being reminded of that person, but, if you could be strong and be the better the person I would not block them because it looks like you care and one day it will get easier, and you will see his name and not think twice.”

Dr. Betsy Guerra, a licensed psychotherapist in Miami has helped clients from all backgrounds and types of psychological concerns, and she mainly deals with psychodynamic behaviors and cognitive-behavioral techniques. She says, “Those memories are part of your life, and even when deleted from a phone they remain in your heart. Healing comes from within. However, if you find yourself obsessing over pictures, his social media, or looking at your phone to see if he's written or called – then it may be appropriate to put boundaries on yourself by either deleting pictures or blocking him to ease your anxiet. On the other hand, keeping those pictures helps some women work on their will power by training themselves to not look at them if it’s hurtful. It can also help revive memories of why you are broken up and reassure you of the decision.”

Every break-up is different, and even if it’s a mutual split, every person can react differently. It’s imperative to know how your friend wants to deal with her feelings so you can be there for her in the best way possible. Maybe she doesn’t want to delete the old pictures, and that’s okay! Instead, you can be there by helping her avoid slipping back into a potentially toxic relationship.

Dust off the old dating profile

Phase three: help her set up a dating profile. You’ll need to have a random photoshoot for your BFF so she can post the pics on Tinder, OkCupid, Bumble, etc. Instead of a bland profile description, your job as a BFF is to remind them how great they are and how they should present themselves on these sites — ‘I’m a boss ass Virgo with great tits and aspirations.’ That is of course, if your friend is actually ready to open her profile.

Dr. Guerra, however, suggests being cautious of opening a dating profile while trying to heal. “If you're ready to start dating, open the dating profile. If you're doing it to heal, beware!" she says. "All too often I see people live by the saying ‘un clavo saca a otro,’ When translated, it means ‘one nail can remove another nail,’ this refers to when you start dating someone to forget your ex, or fall in love with a new person to get over the old one. While this may feel good and end up being a blessing, it is quite possible that starting a new relationship without grieving the last one will only postpone pain and growth. We all have something to learn from breakups," she says. “Open the dating profile when you've reflected on all those questions (about the previous relationship) and are ready to choose right and engage in healthy relational interactions. Don't open it to ‘heal’. You heal by grieving and honoring the pain that losing a loved one entails.”

Even if your friend isn’t quite ready for the dating scene, creating the profile and swiping through potential matches can help her feel better. She can start to see some of the other fish in the sea instead of only swiping through old relationship pictures.  

Related: 7 Questions to Ask Yourself Before You Date Someone New

The three L’s – listen. listen. LISTEN.

Nothing is worse than using your own experiences as a comparison to help someone else feel better. No, the one time your cat died does not compare to my great-grandma passing away. The same thing goes with breakups. A break-up from a two-month relationship is going to be totally different than one from a long-term relationship.

Lola George, a junior from University of North Texas, says, “Understand when your friend needs support versus advice. Sometimes they just want a listening ear and comfort or positivity, and sometimes they truly need advice for moving on or coping,” she says. “It's important to be empathic and understand the proper time to comfort versus advice. Giving advice when they need comfort seems insensitive or like you're trying to ‘fix’ things, while only giving comfort when your friend needs advice will leave them complacent and slows down the process of recovering.”

Lola has a good point – sometimes your friend doesn’t need you to try to fix things. Instead, all she needs is a good ear and a shoulder to cry on. Giving advice can come across as something negative, almost as if you’re telling them ‘you messed up, here’s how you can fix it.’

Dr. Guerra also emphasizes the difference between advice and support. “When you give advice, you should be open to the other person deciding whether or not she wants to take it in and implement it. Support, however, is unconditional,” she says. “You are there for the person whether she agrees with your perspective or not. Your support is shaped by the recipient's needs, not your very own.”

Chances are, your friend already knows her ex is garbage. Repeatedly telling her will probably make her feel worse. Letting her vent about all the bad things her ex put her through will give her a self-realization that she deserves better. In these cases, silence is golden.

Related: 5 Things You Should Feel Comfortable Telling Your Best Friend

No matter what, you should always be there for your BFF. Whether you’re ready with a plate of cookies to emotionally binge eat or with a bottle of her favorite wine, just being there for her in her time of need is the best thing you can do. Most importantly, be patient and try your best to get her mind off it.

How to Stay Healthy at Football Tailgates: HC's Pick It or Skip It Guide


Ah, football season. We meet again. We can’t say we’ve missed actually watching the games and pretending we know what’s going on (it’s easy, just cheer when everyone else does and shout out general buzz words like “c’mon!”), but we certainly have missed the wondrous festivities that occur before the games. We're talking about pre-games and tailgates, of course, both of which are comprised of five Bs’: burgers, beer, booze, belligerency and more beer. But alas, as fun as all this tailgating action is in the moment, these five B’s sadly result in one dreaded son of B: belly bulge.

Luckily, this does not necessarily have to be the case this football season. With this Pick It & Skip It Guide, you can battle the bulge while still enjoying all the tailgates. Sounds like a touchdown to me — that is a football term, right?

Pre-Tailgate Plan

The best way to stay healthy at tailgates is to eat a balanced meal beforehand (think fruits, veggies, whole grains, lean proteins) so that you don’t have to fill up on the junk that’s there.

“Absolutely eat a good breakfast with lots of protein and healthy fats–like a veggie omelet,” Behavior Modification Clinician and Certified Nutrition Specialist Susan Holmberg says. She emphasizes protein and healthy fats specifically because they release a hormone that signals satiety, regulating your appetite and thus preventing sugar and carbohydrate cravings that come with being underfed.

“Make sure to eat a meal containing proteins, fats and (‘free’) veggies or even a cup of any kind of legume about a half an hour before you go so that it ‘kicks in’ and you are not hungry when you get there,” she says. “I can only speak for myself, but if I leap on the food immediately, I sort of set the tone for the entire event!”

“Another strategy in general is to hold off eating at all as long as you can so that you don't end up eating for such a long time and sometimes some of the options are simply gone by then,” Holmberg says. “I have found that it is easier to hold off than to guarantee you can stop once you start–especially once you put alcohol in the mix.”

Though the following swaps will help you save calories, typical tailgate fare is far from healthy. So if you can minimize your intake of it by arriving with a satisfied stomach, you’ll be better off. Plus, you already know it’s not good to drink on an empty stomach so eating a nutritious meal before you start will put you on the right track. Now let’s see what to skip and what to pick!


Skip it:Ice Luges, Beer Bongs and Handle Pulls

Pick it:Red Solo cup

Guzzling alcohol that’s cascading down an ice sculpture or flowing freely from any sort of tube or bottle (like beer bongs, funnels or taking swigs straight from a communal handle) may be quintessentially “college” — but it’s certainly not healthy (or safe).

First off, it is impossible to keep tabs on how much alcohol you’re downing when you consume it this way. You’ll therefore be much more likely to over-consume, which will take a toll on your health, your belly and your chances of actually making it to the game. To make matters worse, we all know from health and sex-ed classes that by putting your lips directly on something that countless other football fanatics are drinking from too, you’re putting yourself at risk for getting sick. Mono, the flu, common colds and cold sores—which all spread faster than gossip on college campuses—can be transmitted through sharing drinks. Yuck!

So rather than sabotage your health by falling victim to flashy drinking mechanisms, grab a classic Red Solo cup instead. You can use the lines on the cup to keep track of how much you’re drinking (see the picture below… who knew?!) and make sure that you’re the only one sipping from it. Don’t forget to alternate between drinking water and alcohol so that you keep your intake in check and stay hydrated. Your immune system and waistline will thank you.

Skip it:Jungle Juice

Pick it: Light beer or your own mixed drink

As with drinking straight from a bottle, it’s impossible to know how much alcohol you’re actually consuming when drinking jungle juice or any other kind of punch. These mixed concoctions usually taste so sweet and fruity, that you underestimate how strong they are and thus drink more and more, again leading to dangerous and unhealthy over-consumption. The calories will add up not only from this over-consumption, but also from all the sugar that these juices are packed with—they’re sweet for a reason!

“Mixers (like Tequila Sunrise mix) are often as high as 40 calories an ounce, more than triple the calories of soda,” Holmberg says. Let’s do the math: a cup of punch that contains three shots of alcohol, a half cup of mixer and a half cup of soda would come out to be around…400 calories per drink! Any sort of pre-mixed drink at a party is likely filled with these high-calorie mixers, or sodas and juices, so steer clear.

As for choosing what to drink instead, Holmberg explains that this depends on “whether you are looking to have a glass in your hand at all times and want to prolong how long it takes you to get a buzz, or are really interested in the quickest buzz in the ‘cheapest’ (least caloric) possible way. For the former, I suggest lite beers or wine spritzers alternated with sparkling water, or something like that. For the latter, straight liquor without mixers will do the job cheapest.”

As opposed to jungle juice, Holmberg’s suggested drinks allow you to control how much alcohol you’re consuming and what you’re mixing with it. Rather than sugar-laden sodas and juices, opt for low calorie or calorie-free drinks such as seltzers, naturally flavored waters, or unsweetened iced teas. If you’re going to go for juice, choose fresh fruit juices (like orange juice) over stuff like fruit punches or cocktails, so you’ll at least get a dose of vitamins and less added sugar. Since many tailgates or pre-parties may be lacking in healthy drink options, plan ahead by bringing your own!


Skip it: Hamburger

Pick it: Hot dog

Alright, we hate to be the bearer of bad news, but neither of these tailgate staples is the best choice for your health, due to their high doses of saturated fat and sodium content. In terms of calories however, a hot dog (including the bun) is usually just under 300 calories, while a hamburger can contain as much as 620 calories and more saturated fat, according to The Huffington Post. If you want to cut back on calories, hold the bun (which is a refined carb and therefore packs sugar but lacks fiber and won’t fill you up) and instead wrap your meat of choice in lettuce.

Skip it:Mayo

Pick it: Mustard

Depending on the brand, one measly tablespoon of mayonnaise can pack anywhere from 35-110 calories and up to 10 grams of fat (which is about how much fat is in an entire Krispy Kreme donut!). Regular yellow mustard, on the other hand, has about 10-15 calories per tablespoon and no fat. So when you’re deciding what to layer on your burger or dog, go for the mustard, or at least use the mayo very sparingly.

Skip it:Chicken Wings & Tenders

Pick it:Kabobs & Grilled Chicken

As a general rule: if it’s fried, breaded or absolutely smothered in sauce, try to skip it. Chicken wings and chicken tenders—game day favorites—sadly both fall under this category. Frying chicken adds on calories and unhealthy fats from the oil, and chicken wings do the same via the skin and sauce. Here are some shocking stats to keep in mind when those wings are tempting you: 10 hot wings from Pizza Hut have 600 calories and one order of Buffalo wings from Applebees has 1,724 calories—about as many calories as you should have in an entire day!

If the tailgate you’re at has kabobs, grilled chicken or any other main dish that’s not fried or drowning in sauce, pick that instead. You’ll save tons of calories—and a few napkins, too.

Skip it:Nachos

Pick it:Pretzels

From the chips to the high-calorie and high-fat toppings they’re swimming in, a plate of nachos typically contains hundreds of calories. To satisfy a salty craving, reach for pretzels instead. According to Livestrong.com, while pretzels do have a substantial amount of salt, they have fewer calories and less fat than most brands of chips.

Holmberg points out, however, that while pretzels are “clearly less of a calorie commitment” they “will never fill you up in the long run and it is easy to pick at them all day and never really acknowledge how much you really ate.” So make sure to portion control—if the bag is out, check the nutrition label to see the serving size, which is usually about a handful, and try to stick to one or two servings.

At the stadium, a soft pretzel would likewise be a better pick than loaded nachos or even popcorn, which come doused in unhealthy toppings (cheese, butter and salt–oh my!). Moreover, a pretzel comes in a more reasonable serving for a snack, whereas nachos and popcorn tend to come in huge bags or tubs, making you more likely to mindlessly overeat while watching the game. Your best bet: dust some of the salt off the pretzel and split it with a friend!

Skip it: Ranch & Creamy, Cheesy Dips

Pick it:Salsa & Bean Dip

Like mayo, ranch dressing and other rich dips such as nacho cheese or sour cream are loaded with calories and fat—especially saturated fat, which you definitely don’t want.

According to MyFitnessPal.com, two tablespoons of ranch dressing can have 140 calories and 14 grams of fat. Reach for the salsa instead, which is made of fresh tomatoes, and you’ll get an extra boost of vitamins and antioxidants. Bean dip can be a healthier choice than creamy dips too, especially if it’s homemade and not from a jar, because of the protein, fiber, vitamins and minerals that beans contain. So rather than dunking your chips (or better yet, veggies if they’re available!) into empty-calorie dips that won’t fill you up but will fill you with fat, go skinny dipping with salsas and bean dips.

There are only a few home games per season, so if you do end up splurging at the tailgates it’s not the end of the world—you can work it off during basketball season. But by making the easy swaps in this guide, you’ll be headed in the right direction in the battle of the bulge. Go team!

2 Explosions & Black Smoke Reported at Texas Chemical Plant Flooded By Harvey


A chemical plant affected by the rainfall from Tropical Storm Harvey confirmed that their facility in Crosby, Texas suffered two explosions in a statement early Thursday morning and state that "the threat of additional explosion remains." 

Per the statement, the company writes that they were notified around 2 a.m. by the Harris County Emergency Operations Center (EOC) of the two explosions (and black smoke reportedly coming from the plant) and noted that local officials had already evacuated the surrounding 1.5 mile area around the plant prior to the incident. They note that the facility is in a rural area and there are no hospitals, schools, correctional facilities, recreational areas or commercial/industrial spaces nearby.  

The Arkema, Inc. plant deals in manufacturing peroxides (used to make pharmaceuticals and construction materials) that need to be kept refrigerated to avoid reactions that cause fire or explosions. However, they report that the plant lost power earlier this week as the storm moved in and brought four to six feet of flood waters — adding that "the plant has never experienced flooding of this magnitude before."

In the statement, the company said that despite their preparation plans (and "redundant contingency plans") set to deal with hurricanes, the "unprecedented flooding overwhelmed [their] primary power and two sources of emergency back-up power leading their compounds that "burn if not stored at low temperature" to react. 

"We have been working closely with public officials to manage the implications of this situation, and have communicated with the public the potential for product to explode and cause an intense fire. Organic peroxides are extremely flammable and, as agreed with public officials, the best course of action is to let the fire burn itself out," the statement reads. "We want local residents to be aware that product is stored in multiple locations on the site, and a threat of additional explosion remains. Please do not return to the area within the evacuation zone until local emergency response authorities announce it is safe to do so."

According to Click 2 Houston, a local outlet, the Harris County Sheriff's Office said that at least one deputy was brought to the hospital after inhaling fumes from the plant and that nine others also drove themselves and sought medical attention "as a precaution" after experiencing headaches or dizziness near the site. 

CBS This Morning also reports that around 20 people have headed to a local hospital due to "respiratory distress issues." 

On Wednesday, the BBC reported that Arkema Inc. CEO Richard Rowe said that the flooding and lack of power made it impossible to prevent the fires or explosions. He also said that the black smoke coming from the fires would likely irritate a person's eyes, skins or lungs. 

"Any fire will probably resemble a large gasoline fire. The fire will be explosive and intense," Rowe said. 

The Daily Beast reported that Row also said any fires coming the plant wouldn't pose a "long-term harm or impact" and that there would be "minimal" lasting environmental impacts.  

The Creator of Pepe the Frog Stopped An Islamophobic Children's Book From Using His Character


Pepe the Frog — one of the most well-known and iconic Internet memes famously co-opted by white nationalists online before his untimely death (RIP) — was used as a main character in a children’s book with islamophobic themes earlier this year.  However, Matt Furie (the artist who created the comic series Boys Club — making him Pepe's Dad) took a stand against those who would use his creation for evil by teaming up with some intellectual property lawyers. 

According to Motherboard, Eric Hauser ( a former middle school assistant principal) wrote The Adventures of Pepe and Pede, a self-published children's book that allegedly depicted the main characters, Pepe and Pede battling  a bearded alligator named Alkah that many believed was a reference to Muslim people. They add that Furie teamed up with Louis Tompros and Don Steinberg, intellectual property lawyers, to call-out Hauser on the copyright infringement and obvious use of Pepe in the book. 

Soon after, Hauser and Furie's team reached a settlement that detailed stopping future sales of the children’s book and required Hauser to donate the entirety of his already-earned profits to the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR).

Since the rise of Pepe as a symbol of the so-called alt-right and white nationalist movements, Furie has railed against the idea of the once-beloved stoner frog representing anything but love.

In a statement to Motherboard, Furie's lawyers said the cartoonist is prepared to "aggressively enforce his intellectual property, using legal action if necessary, to end the misappropriation of Pepe the Frog in any way that espouses racism, white supremacy, Islamophobia, anti-Semitism, Nazism, or any other form of hate."

“It’s important for everyone to stand up against hate, whenever and wherever they can," Tompros said to Huffpost. "Matt Furie was willing to do that by fighting back against the alt-right’s efforts to claim Pepe as a symbol of hate. We knew that we had the ability as intellectual property lawyers to help in that fight, so we did.”

7 Surprising Things the 'Gossip Girl' Cast & Producers Just Revealed About the Show


All you Gossip Girl fans out there absolutely need to read Vanity Fair's new secret-spilling profile, published in anticipation of the show's upcoming 10-year anniversary. If you're too lazy to read the whole thing (seriously, read the whole thing!), we've picked out some especially juicy facts. 

1. Producers reached out to Blake Lively because fans wanted her to play Serena.

Executive producers Stephanie Savage and Josh Schwartz turned to message boards for casting suggestions. That's where they found that fans of the GG book series believed Blake would be perfect for the part of Serena. “We didn’t see a lot of other girls for Serena,” Schwartz said. “She has to be somebody that you believe would be sitting in the front row at Fashion Week eventually.” Mission accomplished!

2. Blake almost didn't take the role because she had her eye on Columbia University.

"I said, ‘No, I want to go to college. Thank you, though.’ Then they said, ‘O.K., you can go to Columbia [University] one day a week. After the first year [of the show], it’ll quiet down,'" Lively explained to VF. "'Your life will go back to normal and you can start going to school. We can’t put it in writing, but we promise you can go.’ So that’s why I said, ‘O.K. You know what? I’ll do this.’"

As you can probably guess, because of the show's popularity, Blake never made it to Columbia, but her character did (briefly) attend the school in Season 4.

3. Leighton Meester and Blake weren't friends.

Rumors about an on-set feud between the on-screen BFFs were the norm. Executive producer Joshua Safran set the record straight, saying the leading ladies got along but they weren't friends. "Blake and Leighton were not friends. They were friendly, but they were not friends like Serena and Blair. Yet the second they’d be on set together, it’s as if they were."

4. Blake was scared of the popularity that would come with the show.

It's hard to imagine that one of this era's biggest celebs was worried about being well-known. "I’m actually a very shy person and the idea of losing my anonymity was one that was scary to me," Blake said. "I remember saying when I read this script, ‘Whoever does this will not be able to walk out of their house ever again and be the same as before they started this.’ You could tell it was a cultural phenomenon. That was both exciting and thrilling, but also very scary."

 5. Penn Badgley and Blake kept their breakup a secret for months.

Everyone knows Dan and Serena dated IRL, but not even their coworkers knew when they broke up. Safran told VF, "The shocking thing was, I found out on the set of the Season 2 finale that Blake and Penn had broken up months before. They kept the breakup hidden from the crew, which you could never do now. I don’t even know how they did it. They kept it from everybody which is a testament to how good they are as actors. Because they did not want their personal drama to relate to the show."

6. When Blake dated Leonardo DiCaprio, she sent him photos of a doll…in a non-creepy way.

I'm still confused by this, but apparently this doll helped Blake communicate with Leo on the down low. "We learned a lot from Blake. When I think about shooting the L.A. episodes, Blake was dating [DiCaprio] at the time, and she had this thing where she had a doll that she took photos of that she sent to Leo," Safran said. "Blake was way ahead of the curve. It was pre-Instagram. She was documenting her life in photographs in a way that people were not yet doing."

7. Ed Westwick is still in the dark about Gossip Girl's identity.

Josh Duoff, who wrote the Vanity Fair profile, emailed Westwick about his favorite GG storylines and memories. According to Duoff, Ed responded, "I still am not sure who GG was lol."

highly encourage you to check out Vanity Fair's full profile. There are plenty more secrets where those came from. 

Here's All the New Models That Will Be Walking the Victoria's Secret Fashion Show this Year


You're probably lying if you say you don't look forward to watching the famous Victoria's Secret Fashion Show every year. Even if you don't actually watch it, there's no escaping reading all about it on social media. This year, however, the VSFS has been surrounded by a lot of secrecy. There are rumors that it will take place in Shanghai and we still have no confirmed date, even though we're steadily approaching the holiday season. The one thing certain is the list of models that will be walking the runway. Take a peek below to see all of the new models repping VS this year!  

1. Samile Bermanelli

Samile Bermanelli is an 18-year-old model from Brazil who has walked for the likes of Valentino and Armani. In an interview with Harpers Bazar, she spoke about her career. "My biggest highlight was walking in my first fashion week in Paris for the S/S 17 season. I was in a city on the other side of the world to where I come from, working with some of the best ateliers in the word. It was surreal."

2. Roosmarijn de Kok

This 22 year-old Dutch bombshell is sure to be a fan favorite this year! 

3. Daria Khlystun

This model from the Ukraine is taking the world by storm. She has represented Acne Studios, Dior, Fendi, DKNY, and was on the cover of Harpers Bazar last June.

4. Estelle Chen

Chen is a French model from Paris, and at only 17, she can say that she was the first Asian model for Dior Haute Couture in 2015.

5. Mayowa Nicholas

"I think it is just being where I am today—all the things I've accomplished in a short period of time, and being able to grow as a person through all of it", she said when asked what her greatest achievement has been in an interview with Interview Magazine.

6. Julia Belyakova


7. Alexina Graham

Originally from England, this model moved to New York to fulfill her modeling dream. I'll say she's doing pretty well so far!

8. Grace Bol

Grace Bol moved to New York City after being called "too high-fashion" in her hometown of Kansas City. Shout-out to the #haters!

9. Aiden Curtiss


10. Gizele Oliveira 

This model has been blogging since she was a teen. Her website, Gizele a Go-Go, covers all things fashion, beauty, and travel.

11. Alecia Morais


12. Amilna Estevao

"The most fun is the whole spring/summer fashion season. I feel like you can enjoy everything more because of the better weather, and I love all of the cities then because I'm doing what I love to do in beautiful places", Amilna said in

an interview with PAPER.

13. Nadine Leopold


14. Victoria Lee


15. Vanessa Moody


16. Frida Aasen

November can't come fast enough!



5 Ways to Boost Your Resume During the Semester


School is back in session! If you’re entering the fall semester sans internship, don’t fret. While you may feel like your career skills are getting rusty, there are plenty of other activities that you can do during the semester to keep your resume up-to-date, interesting and most importantly, competitive. Here are five tips on how to boost your resume that will keep you ahead of the curve!

1. Take a leadership role in a student club or organization

Participation in a club, society or sorority is a wonderful opportunity to grow outside of your academic major, but taking a leadership role in one of these organizations will help you stand out professionally.

Rachel Walden, Career Development Specialist at Belmont University, says that companies are definitely looking for strong, involved leaders. “Employers seek job candidates who have student leadership experience because it shows that you can balance multiple priorities at once – schoolwork, student leadership and oftentimes an internship or part-time job,” she says.

As you get more involved in your organizations, you’ll also gain new skills. “Leadership roles can demonstrate many transferrable skills: teamwork, initiative, people skills, mediation, project management, etc.,” Marianne Brigola, Assistant Director of Career Services for the School of Communications at Elon University, says. 

If there are leadership roles available that don’t speak to you as much as others, you can still make them work for you. For example, being your club’s secretary may sound dull, but it’s a role that’s visible and requires accountability and organization, which are great skills to have on a resume. Even if you were only selected because you type the fastest, you’ll be a point of contact for all of your club members, other officers will come to depend on you and you’ll be taking an active role in a group that’s important to you.

You can also gain leadership experience in a student organization even if there aren’t any actual leadership positions available. If you think that the only way to be a leader is by being the president of a club, you’re missing out on valuable chances to show what you have to offer to your peers and potential employers! “Leadership doesn't have to mean leadership of the organization as a whole - it can also be demonstrated by your willingness to lead a committee, to organize an event, or to manage publicity efforts for your organization. Leadership can take on many different forms,” Brigola says.

If you think hiring managers will gloss right over your involvement in clubs or organizations, think again. “I have been asked several times during interviews about my involvement in the clubs and activities on my resume,” Meghan Gibbons, a recent graduate of Boston College, says. “To be a leader and to tell the person interviewing you the different roles you took shows organization, time management, dedication and commitment.”

2. Volunteer

Volunteering is awesome - our career experts agree!

“I highly recommend that students volunteer during their time in college,” Walden says. “Not only is it a great way to gain relevant skills and experience, but it is a great way to give back to the community!”

Brigola agrees. “It's something that employers like to see on resumes, as it not only demonstrates civic engagement and social responsibility, but it also tells employers what you're passionate about,” she says. “Sometimes students come in with the misconception that it's not as valuable as an internship or other type of professional experience. Volunteering can be just as valuable as an internship in developing transferable skills and exploring potential career options.”

Walden says students should find volunteering opportunities that align with their career goals. This is one way that volunteering can do double duty: you’ll give back while gaining the transferable skills that Brigola mentioned. “Selecting volunteer opportunities or projects that will allow you to gain a new skill is a great idea and can add to your resume,” Walden says. “For example, if you are interested in pursuing a career in marketing, volunteer to create a nonprofit’s monthly online newsletter using Emma or Constant Contact. Interested in graphic design? Volunteer to create flyers for a nonprofit’s upcoming fundraising event using InDesign or Illustrator.”

When deciding how you’ll allocate your time to volunteer projects, think critically about how much time you’ll commit to an organization. “I recommend volunteering with the same organization over a period of time as it shows employers that you can commit to an organization or cause and see events or initiatives through to completion,” Walden says.

In addition to a steady time commitment, be sure to pick volunteering options that you’ll actually enjoy. “Students [should] choose volunteer opportunities that they are interested in–whether it relates to your major or not,” Brigola says. “You will have a more meaningful experience if you are interested in what you are doing or the cause, rather than simply volunteering to check it off a list.”

3. Take an industry-specific class

These days, “Experience with Microsoft Word” doesn’t exactly count as a resume skill. However, “experience using Photoshop” or “working knowledge of HTML” will certainly be worth a second look. If your academic schedule is light this semester, consider adding a skills-based course to your schedule that will benefit you in your career, or taking a course online.

“I recommend doing research into the industries or professions [students] are interested in exploring and choosing classes that will help them build skills specific to their chosen interest area,” Brigola says. “For example, if you are interested in exploring marketing or public relations, you might look into courses that could help you gain a better understanding of media analytics. If you are interested in careers in cinema or entertainment industries, you might consider taking a specific editing course that will give you some familiarity with editing equipment and software.”

If you’re not sure where to start, tech skills are always good to have. “Lynda is a great resource for students who want to learn new computer programs or software, or brush up on existing skills,” Walden says. “Being proficient in Microsoft Office, Mac programs, graphic design programs such as InDesign or Illustrator, Photoshop, HTML, CSS, e-mail marketing software such as Emma or Constant Contact, WordPress or Blogger are all great skills to have.”

4. Continue working for a previous employer in a smaller capacity

If you just finished an internship, it may seem counterintuitive to keep putting in work for them. But there are a lot of benefits to doing small projects for a previous employer without being an intern. Not only will your schedule be more in your control, you’ll gain resume longevity by having an employer on your resume for an extended period of time. You’ll also stay in the front of the employer’s mind should any openings become available.

To ask a previous employer if you could contribute to a project they’re working on, call or send a quick email to your supervisor. For example:

“Hello ___________,

How are things going at the museum? I hope the exhibition planning is going well for the traveling show in November. School is starting up again here so things are all over the place, but it’s nice to be back!

I’m writing today because I have a little free time in my schedule this semester and I wondered if you might need help with any small projects in the department. My Monday afternoons are free after 2 p.m., so I could come in for some envelope stuffing, filing, or event set-up for the evening lectures if you like. I’m also happy to do some small research projects remotely and brainstorm ideas for any new programs coming up, if you’d find that helpful.

These are just some ideas, but I’d love to talk about it some more if you think we could work this out. I hope to speak with you soon!



When asking about potential projects, make your availability clear so that you don’t over-commit yourself. Give suggestions about the work you’d like to do as is appropriate for your industry. If those turn out to be areas where your previous employer needs help, perfect. If not, be open to some other options that he or she may have in mind for you to contribute in a different way.

5. Link Up!

Use this time to strengthen your professional connections. Regular contact with these individuals while you're not working will demonstrate your interest and help them remember you for the future. “LinkedIn is the best website for professional networking, and it’s a great way [for students] to showcase their skills and experience, research career paths, connect with individuals working in their industry and stay on top of industry and hiring trends,” Walden says. If you keep in touch with your former internship supervisors, you can use them as references for your resume. If you don’t keep in touch with them, it will be hard for them to remember how awesome of an intern you were when a potential employer asks them about you!

Take your connections to the next stage by setting up informational interviews.  “One of the best things students can do to prepare for their future career is to set up informational interviews or even shadow individuals working in their field of interest to learn about career progression in their chosen occupation,” Walden says. “It’s also helpful if they are not sure where they want to end up after graduation.”

Being a diligent networker even when you’re not working ensures that you don’t miss any upcoming opportunities, that you continue to learn about your industry, and that you build relationships little by little with influential people in your field. This will certainly help when it comes time to find your next internship!

Do you have any tricks for boosting your resume during the semester? Let us know in the comments! 

Kim Kardashian Thinks North West Would Be a Better President Than Trump


Kanye West may have claimed that he would’ve voted for Trump (if he'd voted at all), but we haven’t heard much of Kim Kardashian's political opinion since the election. In a recent interview with Harper’s Bazaar Arabia, Kim made a bold statement against the president, though. “Anyone can run the U.S. better. My daughter would be better,” she said.


My forever mood

A post shared by Kim Kardashian West (@kimkardashian) on

Kardashian continued, "We’ve worked so hard to get to where we were and to have so many things that we were so proud of in our country, to just literally revert backwards is the most frustrating thing. Every single day when you can’t really believe what’s going on, the next day it’s something else even more crazy and tragic. It’s really scary, the world that we’re living in now. And when you did feel safe at home, now with Trump in presidency you just don’t feel safe anymore.”

Kim also explained why she doesn't talk about politics very often. “You have to be really careful about what you say, because a lot of things can be taken in the wrong context and I always want to be respectful, I don’t want to hurt anyone’s feelings.”

North West 2020, anyone?

3 Tips to Make Adulting Less Stressful


Adulting isn’t something that just happens post-college, it’s a practice that actually begins right when you graduate high school! Without mom and dad around, lifestyle growth happens fast­. You’re learning how to make pasta, do laundry and pay bills without their help, and that can mean a whole lot of stress when you’re trying to balance school and friends too.

That’s why we’ve partnered with Brita to share our best tips for filtering out pressure, so you can master adulting on your own speed and have an easy transition into collegiette responsibilities. Here are our three top pieces of advice:

1. Find a comfortable schedule

The hardest part about adulting is, well, having no idea how to do it. That’s why in your first few weeks of college it’s important to take life day by day, relax and feel in control during this exciting fresh start.

Try setting your own schedule of when to adult and when to spend time taking in all the fun college has to offer. Invest in a planner or journal, and make a calendar where you can pencil in activities like Sunday brunch with friends or a philanthropy event with your sorority. Also put in some “adult” type activities like grocery shopping or researching internships for next semester. And if you fall behind on your grown-up responsibilities, don’t sweat it! What’s important is finding balance so that whatever you’re working on, you’re having a great time doing it. Just set some new adulting-related goals for the next week, and start fresh then. 

2. Ease in at your own pace

A huge tip for taking the pressure out of adulting is to slip in to it naturally when you’re ready. Try not to get caught up in what you “should” be doing with your life, but instead focus on the right timing for you!

Don’t put the weight on your shoulders to get a campus job, pay your own cell phone bill and basically be a perfect student immediately. Nobody expects that of you! Instead, set some expectations with your parents before you go back to college about what new responsibilities you plan to master that semester. Don’t be afraid to ask for help when you do need to call mom or your big sister to ask how long you should boil the water for pasta. Soak up their encouragement that you’re really doing a great job during this transition so far, and then continue to set new goals for yourself of what big thing you’ll accomplish next.

3. Celebrate your successes

Pride yourself on wins like learning how to do the perfect load of laundry or packing a well-rounded lunch. Pat yourself on the back when you keep plants alive for more than a month, or make it to the gym a few days each week. Congratulate yourself when you switch from drinking tap water to buying a Brita Stream and reusable water bottle.

Adulthood is about feeling proud of all your successes––even the ones that only mean drinking cleaner, better tasting water! Finding joy in adulting automatically filters out the pressure since you can appreciate the way you’re learning and growing.

Even if the college transition initially catches you off guard, know that you’ll eventually figure it out! By utilizing our tips for easing out the pressure, asking parents and friends for help and not rushing the process, you’ll find success and fun in your adult responsibilities. Enjoy the ride, collegiettes!



This 'Look What You Made Me Do'&'Bet On It' Mash-Up Will Convince You Taylor Swift Stole Troy Bolton's Song


Could Taylor Swift be looking to our favorite DCOM crush for musical inspiration? I'd be willing to bet on it.

It’s no secret that Tay's latest single, "Look What You Made Me Do," and video are full of shade-throwing. Most fans have been carefully combing the lyrics and video for hidden messages, but YouTuber Jon Cozart caught an overlooked yet crucial detail: "LWYMMD" is eerily similar to High School Musical 2's "Bet On It."

Who doesn't remember "Bet On It"? Troy Bolton running around a golf course vowing to turn his life around because it's time he stops choosing basketball over his friends. Pure magic!

While the lyrics of both songs feature emotional outbursts by singers having an identity crisis, Cozart's "LWYMMD" and "Bet On It" mash-up also sounds scary good. Now if Taylor would’ve included some angsty golf-course choreography in her music video, her transformation into HSM2 Troy would've been complete.

Kamala Harris Is Co-Sponsoring Bernie Sanders’ Medicare For All Bill — Here’s What That Means 


Sen. Kamala Harris took to Twitter Wednesday night to announce her plans to co-sponsor Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders’ new “Medicare for All” bill. Harris, a Democrat from California, first revealed her plans at a town hall in her hometown of Oakland, California, according to a report from 

I'm co-sponsoring @BernieSanders' Medicare for All bill because health care is a right. Add your name if you agree: https://t.co/pD7PtYj4ZF

— Kamala Harris (@KamalaHarris) August 31, 2017">CNN.

“Here, I’ll break some news: I intend to co-sponsor the Medicare-for-all bill, because it’s just the right thing to do,” Harris said.



But what does “Medicare for All” really mean for the average American?

According to Sanders’ blueprint, listed on his website, his plan would create a universal, federally administered single-payer health care program. This means comprehensive health care coverage for all Americans, covering everything in the realm of health care.

“Patients will be able to choose a health care provider without worrying about whether that provider is in-network and will be able to get the care they need without having to read any fine print or trying to figure out how they can afford the out-of-pocket costs,” the plan states. “As a patient, all you need to do is go to the doctor and show your insurance card – no more co-pays, no more deductibles, and no more fighting with insurance companies when they fail to pay for charges.”

The plan would cost an estimated $1.36 trillion per year, with the United States currently spending $3 trillion on healthcare each year and would save the average middle class family over $5,000. CBS News reports the plan will be paid using a combination of income tax rates, a 6.2 percent income-based premium paid by employers, and a 2.2 percent income based premium paid by households.

Sanders also took to Twitter Wednesday night to thank Harris for throwing her support behind the bill.

For Harris, Sanders’ plan is a step in the right direction when it comes to health care reform and making quality health care accessible to more people.

“There’s no question that people should have access to affordable health care, and as we talk about moving toward a single-payer system, I think there is certainly energy and momentum toward that,” Harris said.

Harris went on to say that the move makes sense not just from a moral standpoint, but an economic one as well.

“This is about understanding again, that health care should be a right, not a privilege,” Harris said. “And it’s also about being smart. It is so much better that people have meaningful access to affordable health care at every stage of life, from birth on. Because the alternative is that we as taxpayers otherwise are paying huge amounts of money for them to get their health care in an emergency room. So it’s not only about what is morally and ethically right, it also makes sense from a fiscal standpoint, or if you want to talk about it as a return on investment for taxpayers.”

Harris’ co-sponsorship of the bill is also a sign that the Democratic party is moving away from the private health insurance market, according to CNN, favoring a federally run program instead.

The White House Removed an Important Sexual Assault Report From Its Website On The DL


The White House has discreetly removed an important sexual assault prevention report produced during the Obama administration from its website.

The removal came to light when KnowYourIX founder and civil rights attorney Alexandra Brodsky tweeted that the report, “Rape And Sexual Assault: Renewed Call To Action,” was missing from the White House’s website on Wednesday morning, The Huffington Post reports.

“I went looking for it because I’m working on briefing for a client who’s a survivor and was looking for some literature about the impact of sexual violence and that’s been a really helpful resource for that kind of research," Brodsky told HuffPost. "But it was no longer on the White House website. It’s not anywhere on the White House website."

According to Bustle, the report was created in 2014 by the Council on Women and Girls, along with the help of former Vice President Joe Biden, and is a collection of important information and data regarding sexual assault, as well as how criminal justice system and college campuses can better combat sexual assault issues.

“The report is titled ‘A Renewed Call To Action’ and taking it down is really a discouragement from action. That’s particularly troublesome when we know that the administration is actively considering undermining important policies for survivors like those reaffirmed by the Obama administration regarding Title IX,” Brodsky told HuffPost. KnowYourIX has since added the report to its own website.

Brodsky told HuffPost that the removal of the report reminded her of another instance where the White House removed climate change information from its website, just days after President Trump took office.

“I think one of the reasons that that example comes to mind is because this is a report of facts and research,” Brodsky said. “This is a summary of really important and, in some cases, government-funded work that was done to understand the causes and effects of sexual and gender violence. What does it mean that the Trump administration doesn’t want the public to have that information?”

It has since been speculated that the removal of the sexual assault report was due to the Trump administration’s handling of sexual assault and Title IX issues. Education Secretary Betsy DeVos was looking to roll back Title IX guidelines and met with so-called Men's Rights Activists back in February, and was met with great criticism. The removal of the report also follows that recent inaction and reported "evaluation"by the Trump administration of the Council on Women and Girls — the very council that authored the recently removed report.


Joel Osteen Responds to Harvey Criticism & Says Houston Didn't Ask Megachurch to Be a Shelter


During an interview on NBC’s “Today”, Pastor Joel Osteen responded to the social media storm of criticism that had engulfed him in recent days with allegations that his Lakewood Church didn’t open its doors to Hurricane Harvey victims. Osteen said that he hadn't opened his megachurch up to displaced people sooner because Houston city officials didn’t ask him to use it as a shelter, TODAY reported.

“[The city] didn’t need us as shelter then,'” Osteen said on TODAY. “If we needed to be a shelter, we certainly would’ve been a shelter right when they first asked. Once they filled up, they never dreamed that we'd have this many displaced people, [and] they asked us to become a shelter. I think this notion that somehow we would turn people away or we weren't here for the city is about as false as can be.”

According to The Huffington Post, after several churches, mosques, schools and community centers opened their doors to hurricane victims (also without a direct request from the city), Osteen was inundated with criticism on social media for not offering his church as a sanctuary to those in need of shelter as Hurricane Harvey ravaged Houston.

On Sunday, Lakewood Church posted on social media that the church was “inaccessible” due to the flooding and encouraged hurricane victims to look for other places to seek shelter.


After all of the criticism, a spokesperson for the church posted on Tuesday that the church would begin to provide shelter “once the city and county shelters reach capacity,” HuffPost reported. Later Osteen tweeted that the church would begin to take in those in need of shelter.

“Our church doors have always been open. We took people in right when waters started to recede, which was a day or two after the storm hit,” Osteen told TODAY. “It’s easy to say, ‘Wow, there’s that building. They’re not using it.’ But we don’t have volunteers,” Osteen said. “We don’t have staff that could get here. We’re all about helping the city whenever we could ― if they would have asked us to become a shelter early on, we would have prepared for it.”

According to HuffPost, when Osteen was asked if he would do anything differently to prevent the criticism. To that, Osteen said, “Yeah, I’m sure we would have done something differently. [But] [t]he fact is I don’t know that we would have opened any sooner, because again there were safety issues.”


Taylor Swift Might Be Referencing a Calvin Harris Proposal in the 'Look What You Made Me Do' Video


Is there a reference to a proposal in the “Look What You Made Me Do” video? Just when it seemed like every little detail from Taylor Swift’s new video had been exposed, Swifties have pieced together another earth-shattering revelation. Apparently, Taylor might've included a subtle nod to a proposal from her ex Calvin Harris.


Exhibit A: Locket

Scene: Bathtub

While most people focused on the dollar bill in Taylor's tub of jewels, which supposedly pointed to her recent sexual assault lawsuit victory, more observant viewers spotted the word “no” spelled out with a gold necklace on the floor beside her. And that's not just any necklace. It suspiciously resembles the locket Calvin gave Taylor for their one-year anniversary.

Exhibit B: Engagement ring box

Scene: Stream Co.

Later in the video, while Taylor and her cat-masked accomplices rob a streaming company, an engagement ring box is propped open in the background on a pile of cash.

Fans believe that the combination of the ring box and the necklaces spelling "no" could be Taylor's sly way of saying she never would've accepted a proposal from Calvin. Or maybe that he did propose and she rejected him. Or she wanted him to propose and he wouldn't.


If this seems like a stretch, remember that Taylor plans everything perfectly—particularly in this video. It’s hard to believe anything you see in "LWYMMD" wasn't purposefully placed there.

Trump May Be Making Plans to End DACA In The Near Future


Fox News reported on Thursday that President Donald Trump could announce plans to abolish the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program as soon as Friday, September 1. 

In case you’re terrible at dissecting acronyms, DACA is a program that the Obama administration fine-tuned to allow adolescent immigrants to temporary live and work in the United States. Essentially, the programs allows anyone who entered the country when they were under the age of 16 to defer their deportation, hence the “deferred” in the program’s title.

While there are many other criteria that need to be met in order for undocumented immigrants to be eligible for DACA, the program allows some people who have entered the country a grace period to either experience life in the United States or to take that time to apply and become a citizen.

Additionally, the program allows participants the opportunity to attend school in the U.S., which gives DACA participants the chance at education. You know, because education is the key to success.

Abolishing DACA could also have negative implications for the young people brought to the United States by their undocumented parents —referred to as DREAMers based on the proposed Development, Relief, and Education for Alien Minors (DREAM) Act that failed to pass in 2010. Though DACA and the DREAM Act are not the same, DREAMers are at risk for being deported if DACA is nullified.

A senior administration official told Fox News that, should DACA be axed, DREAMers will be allowed to stay in the U.S. until their work permits expire, which can give them up to two years to stay in the country. Although this might seem like a fair compromise to allow DREAMers to live out their work permits, DREAMers could face major challenges for finishing their educations and could face a scary reality of being deported from the only country they'd ever known.

Not to mention, as Vox noted, there was hefty criteria to become a DACA recipient that included being younger than 15 when they arried in the United States (before 2007), younger than 31 when DACA was created in 2012, having a spotless criminal record and being enrolled in high school or having a high school diploma or GED. 

According to CNN, almost 800,000 people could be deported should Trump eliminate the DACA program. Although this might not seem like a big deal, especially to those of us who were lucky enough to be born in the U.S., these 800,000 undocumented immigrants are contributing members to this country.

Deporting this amount of people from the U.S., could have negative effects on the rest of the U.S. as well. Especially as it has been debunked hundreds of times that undocumented immigrants do not steal jobs (because those weren’t anyone's job to "steal" in the first place.)  Not only are they working in this country to help support the economy, they’re also bettering themselves by getting an education.

Meanwhile, as Politico reported, White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders said in a press briefing on Thursday that Trump has yet to make a decision on the fate of the program, regardless of what reports might've said. She added that Trump intends to treat the DREAMers with "heart," echoing his previous statements on the subject.

While the rampant xenophobia targeted toward undocumented immigrants continues, we’ll continue following the fate of DACA —with fingers crossed that DREAMers can still dream. 

Bachelor in Paradise's Taylor Nolan Explains What Being Sober on the Show Is Really Like


Although drinking seems to be a part of everyday culture these days, there are still some people who don’t drink alcohol. Bachelor in Paradise contestant Taylor Nolan is one of them.

In an interview with Refinery29, Taylor explained why she doesn't drink. “The only time [I drank] was when I was 13. And I never even got fully drunk, I just got tipsy. And really didn't like it. I didn't like the position it put some of my friends in when they would get really drunk. I try to be really healthy in what I put into my body and making sure that it's nourishing me in some way, and I find alcohol doesn't do that at all. I also just feel like I'm already a young female who's very physically weak and vulnerable to being taken advantage of in multiple different scenarios. I just like to stay level-headed and have clear rational judgement and just like control over my own decisions. I don't ever want to weaken that by drinking.”

Aside from just not liking the taste of alcohol, she also doesn't want to rely on it as a coping mechanism. “I find that a lot of people wanna get drunk or wanna drink to kind of escape someone or numb feelings that they don't want to feel. And I just find other coping skills to deal with that,” she said

So how did that affect her time on The Bachelor and BIP, especially during the frequent champagne toasts? “They ask you before the group dates and the toasts and stuff what you want to drink, so when you sit down everyone has their drink, and I would always ask for a ginger beer, which is non-alcoholic," Taylor explained. "At the end of the rose ceremony, they give everyone champagne. They would hand everyone champagne, and I would fake drink mine.”

Her relationship with Paradise costar Derek Peth hasn't been affected by the fact that he drinks. “Everyone I've ever dated has drank. Most people in our society do so it's not something I'm uncomfortable being around. I like to try to make sure whoever I am dating is at least drinking moderately and isn't getting blacked out on a regular basis. [Laughs] I think that's a good standard to have. He certainly drinks, and the first night actually he was very very drunk and I immediately did not like him. I was like, ‘Mm, not for me.' And then the next day he came out and apologized to everyone, and he was super sweet about it all. Clearly, it was really out of character for him. Producers were like, ‘Is Derek okay? Derek needs to go to bed.’ It was very out of his character. I give him crap for it throughout the season.”

Taylor deserves snaps for staying sober on a show where alcohol is practically a contestant itself. It’s especially cool that she’s so willing to be real and transparent about it.

Special Prosecutor Robert Mueller Teaming Up With The New York Attorney General Could Be Scary For Trump


Robert Mueller’s special counsel team has formed an alliance with the New York Attorney General Eric Schneiderman. The powerful team will be investigating Paul Manafort’s financial transactions, including potential money laundering charges. In a word: Yikes.

Going deeper into the complicated situation surrounding Paul Manafort and his “alleged” involvement with Russia, Mueller is allegedly investigating President Donald Trump's controversial former-campaign chairman because he had written down the term “donations” during a meeting between Russian officials and Trump's campaign reps (including Donald Trump Jr. and Jared Kushner) in June 2016, as the Washington Post noted

According to Politico, Mueller’s and Schneiderman’s associates have information regarding Manafort’s alleged financial crimes. Seeing as Manafort was Trump’s former campaign chairman, any charges found against Manafort could possibly implicate other members of the Trump campaign and administration in some less-than-savory situations. Guilty by association, right? Granted, we don't know if Manafort engaged in any illegal behaviors (or much of anything) just yet.

However, as NBC News mentions, again,  Manafort's notes from the Trump Tower meeting with Russians did include the term “donations.” As the meeting was held during 2016 presidential campaign, depending on the context, these “donations” could be anything but innocent. After all, it is illegal for non-Americans to contribute funds to a United States election.

One point about the duo of Schneiderman and Mueller that has caught a lot of attention: The fact that it introduces potential charges on the state-level. While President Trump flexed his pardoning powers late last week in his decision to pardon his loyal ally former-Arizona Sheriff Joe Arpaio, the inclusion of Schneiderman (and any New York State legal woes that follow) could leave Trump without the power to pardon Manafort (or anyone related to any alleged wrong-doing, including himself) because his pardoning power only extends to federal crimes. (Isn't the constitution fun?) 

As partner at Thompson Coburn, Renato Mariotti, explained to Vox, “If I represented Paul Manafort, I would conclude that my client has significant criminal liability,” which essentially translates to water is wet. While Manafort doesn't have any proven charges against him, the allegations stacked up against him seem pretty hefty. 

However, a spokesperson for Manafort straight-up denied the allegations in an interview with NBC News.

 “It is 100 percent false to suggest this meeting included any discussion of donations from Russian sources to either the Trump campaign or the Republican Party," Jason Maloni, Manafort’s spokesperson, said. "Mr. Manafort provided the Senate Intelligence Committee with the facts and his notes so this speculation and conjecture is pointless and wrong."

As more and more is revealed about this controversial June 2016 meeting, Mueller’s team clearly isn’t convinced that Manafort was “100 percent” innocent of these allegations. (And TBH, we don’t blame them.)

10 Clever Tattoos For The Intellectual Girl


Tattoos are an exceptional way to make your body into an even more beautiful work of art (because, girl, you’re already fine art). They are an easy way for you to show off what you know and love, whether that’s a corgi or a taco; however, every intellectual girl can find a way to make even the simplest tattoos meaningful. Every intellectual girl is different which is why you deserve a variety of brilliant tattoo designs to choose from before you decide to head down to your local tattoo shop.

While tattoos like dreamcatchers and anchors might be perfect for some girls, others also want to pay homage to their knowledge. Thankfully, we’ve cultivated some unique tattoo ideas for every type of intellectual girl, so you don’t have to worry about getting a generic DNA strand imprinted across your ankle (unless you want one, of course).

Related: Armpit Tattoos Are Officially The New Coolest Tattoo Trend 

1. An awesome tribute to your favorite composer

Like this Tumblr user who got the notes from Fur Elise by Beethoven tattooed on her thigh, any musically-inclined intellect should consider getting their favorite stanza somewhere on their body. After all, reading music takes years of patience, practice and skill, and you probably already have a chord in mind from your favorite song. You know, the one that made you realize that music is just more than pretty noise — it’s powerful.

The only con to getting a musical tattoo is that you might end up with that symphony stuck in your head, so you might want to take some time and really think about what song you wouldn't minded getting permanently stuck in your head.

2. A portrait of your role model

There’s nothing more flattering than getting a portrait of someone you admire on your shoulder, even if that person is an archaeologist who died in 1875. Plus it’s an awesome conversation starter. While most people might get annoyed after the eighth time someone asks them, “Is that your grandma on your arm?” you welcome their curiosity. After all, if you’re passionate about their revolutionary mind, you’ll probably love talking about your role model and teach others and him/her.

3. Get some ink with a double meaning

After all, clever girls are all about getting the most out of their ink. While most tattoos have more than one meaning (beyond, it’s pretty and cool), it’s time to use your noodle to combine your love for chemistry and cats.

If cats aren't your thing, you could always get a lit AF tattoo of a white wine molecule. How else will anyone know that you aced organic chemistry and you’re the world’s best, albeit unofficial, wine aficionado? We’re sure you’ll be able to come up with your own “corky” idea to combine a few of your interests into one classy tattoo.

4. A quote from your role model

While a portrait of your favorite artist or ecologist might be a bit lavish for your particular taste, you can opt to get a meaningful quote from a person that you look up to. Zoe Strickland, a senior at Western Oregon University, says, “I have a tattoo that says ‘Remember at any given moment there are a thousand things you can love,’ which is from The Realm of Possibility by David Levithan. I think it's an important sentiment to remember and David Levithan is one of my favorite writers, and for a long time I viewed him as a career idol.”

Quotes from the person who is essential your career goals is a remarkable way to remind yourself to push yourself and be the boss chick you deserve to be.

5. Your favorite specimen

Whether you’re a medical student, or simply have a healthy (some might say unhealthy, but whatever) obsession with anything related to nature, you should show it off with a tattoo. Personally, I have a couple of my favorite beetles tattooed across my back. No, not The Beatles. Although you might not have a passion for entomology, getting a tattoo that represents your passion is a reminder that will never go out of style.

6. Quotes from your favorite production

While quotes from a specific role model might not be your ideal tattoo, you can easily find a quote that has meaning and pays tribute to an outstanding production or person.

Kayleen Parra-Padron, a senior at Florida International University, explains that while she doesn't brag about her knowledge, she still loves a tattoo that represents herself. “I’m the observant type, and I'm DYING to get ‘Talk less, smile more’ from the musical Hamilton tattooed somewhere on my wrist or behind my neck,” she says. While you could get a quote from your favorite musical that also speaks miles to you, it's important that you pick a quote that you'd be proud to showcase on your skin.

7 . Add some comedy to your skin

We get it, humor and intellect aren't typically synonymous; however, every intellectual girl should be able to poke fun at something (even if that something is themselves). Being a tattoo addict, I also have a tattoo on my knee that says, "bad to the bone joint," on knee to declare to world that I have arthritis find some humor in my disability. Although many people try to cover up their scars with tattoos, any intellectual girls knows that she should celebrate every inch of her body — scars in all. 

It’s up to you whether you want to get a funny paleontology joke tattoos on your hip or you want to make art out of what others might consider a “flaw.”

8. Show your allies some support

Even if you’re heterosexual, any clever gal understands that every type of love and individual needs to be celebrated and supported. Even if you don't want to ink your body with the infamous LGBTQ+ rainbow, there are hundreds of clever designs that will allow you to ink a reminder than love wins.

9. Pay homage to your roots

If you’re passionate about a part of the world you were born it, why not show some pride by getting a tattoo that represents the country or state you grew up in? Although you could get a state bird or flower on your ankle, you could also be an archaeology buff who wants to pay tribute to some of your more distant ancestors, like in the form of the infamous evolution diagram. 

10. A feminist tattoo

Who wouldn't want to represent feminism literally on their sleeve? We get it, not everyone is a feminist, but getting a tattoo that supports a movement or cause that you adamantly believe in says a lot more than a pink pussy hat or any t-shirt.

Zoe explains that she wants to continue getting inked: “I also really want to get a feminist tattoo; to me there's nothing more strong and intelligent than physically proclaiming your stance on something. I'm not sure what I want to get though.”

Regardless of which tattoo design—no matter how tiny—you think is perfect for you, it’s vital that you weigh all of the pros and cons of getting a tattoo. Even if you’re absolutely certain that you want some sort of tattoo, it’s always smart to experiment with custom temporary tattoos to make sure that tattoo is really right for you.

After all, what intellectual girl doesn't plan ahead?

'Bachelor in Paradise' Couple Taylor Nolan & Derek Peth Have Gotten Engaged


Get excited, Bachelor Nation! Us Weekly has confirmed that Bachelor in Paradise Season 4 stars Taylor Nolan and Derek Peth are engaged! 

“Derek and Taylor got engaged last night,” a source told Us Weekly. “No one knew Derek was going to propose. He gave her a Neil Lane ring.”

The couple got close during the first few days of BiP filming in Sayulita, Mexico, before production was suddenly shut down after allegations of misconduct on set emerged back in June. Fortunately for Taylor and Derek, they had already formed their close bond and were making plans to see each other soon after, as they both didn't think that production would resume.

However, after an investigation concluded there was no misconduct on set, filming resumed and the couple was reunited on set. The two obviously remained one of the strongest pairs there, despite the bump in the road they experienced while discussing their relationship during Tuesday's episode.

Derek reportedly popped the question during the BiP after show taped on Wednesday, Aug. 30, which must have been an incredible moment for Taylor and the audience to witness! Fingers crossed for seeing this proposal at some point this season. Dreams really do come true when you fall in love on Paradise.

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