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How To Land Your First Job in a Field You Have No Experience In


Landing your first job can be tough. Whether it be in college or after graduation, some career-seeking collegietes are wary about what exactly they want in a first job. Maybe during college you changed your major three times, making it difficult to gain experience in your field when you didn't even know what your field was! Maybe upon graduating, you just figured out where you'd like to start, but had no internships to put on your resume. Being undecided is okay! You just have to do some extra work to sell yourself to employers when you don't have relevant things in your cover letter that say, "Hire me!" 

Do your research

Don't just research the responsibilities of your dream job. Research every factor that made that job come to be. Look for the people you would be working with, their accomplishments, their contributions to the company, and similarities or talking points that can be centered around them. Don't just hover on the "About Us" page on the company's website. Research the founders individually, learn about their backgrounds, how they came to be successful in their fields, and what you admire most about them. Making your investment in the company personal can be a major selling point. Say your goal in life is to work at Self - mentioning that you heard Editor-in-Chief Joyce Chang speak at Her Conference would sound great in an interview! Most importantly, ask questions! As Danielle Tullo, editorial assistant at Cosmopolitan.com said at Her Conference, employees love when job-seeking students ask them about their experience and even offer to buy them coffee in order to pick their brains about their daily life. Reach out to anyone and everyone in your desired role, you never know what could come of it! 

Visit the Career Services Center on campus

Perhaps the most important place on campus (other than the dining hall) is your one-stop-shop for all things career. The experts in this office make it their job to find students successful employment opportunities. Don't feel shy about setting up an appointment with a career counselor, it is what they are there for! If you haven't already, setting up a meeting to figure out next steps with a career counselor at your school would be a great way to find some assistance in searching for a job if you have limited or no experience. 

Use college courses as "Relevant Experience." 

While you may not have had an internship at a finance or insurance company, you may have taken several Accounting, Economics, Business Law, and Financial Management courses at your university. Use that to your advatage! Create a section on your resume entitled, "Relevant Coursework" and use it to boast about all the amazing work you did during your four years! Employers appreciate the significance of hard-earned A's in college, and would love to hear you make a connection between your studies and their company. So if you took an integral capstone course where you worked intensively on industry-leading companies, write up the skills you acquired in that class, and feature them on your resume. 

Accept any job in the field you are interested in

While it may not be the high level, super trendy, Devil Wears Prada job you were dreaming of, working in any department of a firm that specilizes in what you are intersted in is a huge first step. For instance, if you are interested in editorial, but end up working in marketing at Hearst, don't sweat it! If you work your butt off and make worthwhile connections, the next time Cosmo is hiring, they may look within the organization (to you!) for their next editorial employee. Job hunting is a complex maze of networking and learning how to work the system. Starting at an entry-level job can be all about meeting the right people and taking steps toward your future. 

15 Memes That Are So You As the Mom of Your Friend Group


Whether you were born to play the role or were forced into it once you realized all your friends are hot messes, being the mom of your squad has its ups and downs. Sure, you're forced to be the responsible one most nights, but the satisfaction you get when you realize all your kiddos are safe and sound in their beds after another night of close calls is enough to make any mom proud. We salute you moms, and so do these 15 relatable memes.

1. When people ask you why you make your bed every morning

2. When your friend calls you drunk and in distress

3. When they try to fall asleep in a bush on the way home

4. When you ask them if they used protection after they hook up with someone

5. When you have a panic attack if they don't come home at night

6. When the creepy guy you're trying to pull them away from asks what your deal is

7. When you drop them off at a party you're not going to

8. When you make sure they keep you updated anyway 

9. When you're finally ready to have a wild night and remember responsibilities 

10. When they don't answer your calls and you have no other way of getting ahold of them

11. When they make it back alive but need additional assistance

12. When people ask you how you became the mom

13. When the guy your friend is talking to is incapable of taking a hint

14. When everyone passes out and you can finally relax

15. When they return the love you so rightfully deserve 

My Parents Shamed Me When I Asked to Use Birth Control


“I’d like to go on birth control,” I said to my mom one day, standing in the kitchen after helping her out with dinner. I did not say that I was sexually active (although I wanted to start having sex at the time), nor did I give any other reason for my wish to start popping those expensive pills.

I was entering a new relationship. I had never had sex before, and one of my greatest fears in life is having a baby. For that reason, I wanted to find the right birth control for me. I began the conversation with my Republican, conservative, Catholic mother knowing that it might be awkward. I figured my parents would not be pleased with this decision of mine to not wait to have sex before marriage, but I did not anticipate the blatantly sexist response that I received, and the emotional abuse I continued to suffer for months after the fact.

Let’s begin with the fact that I was nineteen years old. I’d just begun a relationship that I was very positive and happy about. I had the title of “good girl” almost all of my life. I received only A’s, read books vivaciously, participated in extra-curriculars, went to church every Sunday and complied with my parents’ archaic household rules. But these are only behaviors that were once attributed to me. According to society, these attributes spoke nothing of my character or integrity as a person, as a woman, which was evident by the way my parents’ perspective of me changed.

As soon as I worded my way around the fact that I would probably start having sex, my parents changed their mind about this “good girl.” I became a daughter that was a disappointment, ruined, wasting her life on boys, a girl who didn’t focus on the important things in life (like school and homework) and who was straying away from the family path. The days I needed a ride to Walgreen’s to pick up my birth control were days of the silent treatment, raised eyebrows and passive aggressive comments. I was not asked about my relationship, my feelings, my love or how my days went. I became a person that my mom and dad could try and change, rebuild and re-inspire to join the Catholic faith and adopt their traditions once more.

There were nights my mother cried about my actions. She cried because she lost her little girl. She cried because I left the faith. She cried because my body was no longer an extension of hers. I began to take control of my behavior, although I still could not really afford to pay $30 per month for the use of my own body on my own. The monthly fee of female independence further discriminates between class lines.

I began to rebel, for complete lack of a better word. I was entering the stage of developing a complex and wonderful sex life. In so many cultures, this is considered sinful, taboo, wrong. By stripping away your clothes and joining your body with another person for no other reason than love or personal pleasure, you are committing a grave sin. This makes logical sense to some.

I was torn. I was a young woman in the throes of love, while at the same time being in the pits of despair when her body was in contestation to her loving, caring parents. I understand that my mother and father wanted what was best for me. Most parents do. While they may have meant well, they did not do well in this stage of parenting. But I do not blame them one ounce. They did not want me becoming pregnant, contracting an STD, or becoming disappointing with my love life and feeling used. All these were possible outcomes of having sex. But they also did not want me losing my value in society.

As we read and laugh about the archaic ways men and women viewed female virginity in days and literature of old, we neglect to see those blood splattered bed sheets still blowing in the wind as they hang off the balconies of those members of society today who cannot let go of the past. We profess to be liberal and progressive, but we call out celebrities and public figures and call them “sluts.” In so many ways, our bodies are still not our own. The parades and marches of the proud women before us led to legalized birth control, and more well educated women. And yet, I still have to spend $30 per month for the use of my vagina, and my friends still text me pictures asking if their skirts are “too revealing” or their shirts too low.

For months my mom would remind me to be careful. My dad would mention other female family friends who have had more than a few boyfriends and therefore had to settle in marriage because “no one would later want them.” My parents constantly bombarded me with these opinions, and they became emotionally abusive. I liked to have sex...did that make me a slut?

No. It made me a human being who identifies as a woman, who happens to enjoy having sex for reasons other than to procreate.

I wanted to have a relationship with my mother again. I yearned for the days when I could discuss boys with my mom over a cup of tea. A few months later when my relationship started falling apart, I was in pain and cried over the fact that I couldn’t turn to the one person who could help me. I was depressed and I wanted my mother. But my mother would only look at me and say, “I told you so.”

Our bodies are still not our own. Our bodies are battlefields in which personal and public wars are being played out. Our bodies are being fought for on the street as we’re catcalled by passersby, in our homes as our very own parents slut shame us, by our churches who shackle us to their paradigms, and by Supreme Court justices, half of which probably don’t even know what a clitoris is. More importantly, however, our bodies are being used and abused by our very selves as we ruthlessly judge other women for the choices they make with their bodies.

In my challenges, I have learned that one way to combat the shame and pain inflicted upon us is to turn to other women. We must turn to one another and offer discussion and avid listening. Listen to other women’s family situations, faiths, restrictions, rules and plans. Listen and try to understand where all these regulations upon our bodies are coming from. Perhaps once we see the hidden sexist agendas in both our courtrooms and at our dinner tables, we can begin to heal our minds and hearts from this shame and begin refining our society into a true habitat of equality.

This Hoarder Lived With Her Dead Son's Corpse for 20 Years


An elderly Brooklyn woman, Rita Wolfensohn, was found on Sept. 15 to be living with skeletal remains, most likely of her son, for possibly as long as 20 years. Even more bizarre, she's a legally blind hoarder ––and it is quite possible that she didn't even know he was there.

Josette Buchman, Wolfensohn's sister-in-law, found the body while Wolfensohn was in the hospital. Buchman was supposed to pick up some of Wolfensohn's things and bring them to her.

But when she entered the house, she found that it was in complete disarray ––as if "a garbage truck had dumped its load" inside, police said. Police sources also told the New York Post that Buchman "found a 'completely intact' skeleton, dressed in jeans, socks and a shirt, lying on its back on a thin mattress on the floor." 

Police now believe that Wolfensohn may have no knowledge her son died in her home, as she apparently talked about him like he had moved out.

Authorities believe that is Wolfensohn's son, who would be 49 today, and that he died of natural causes.

The details of Louis Wolfensohn's death ––and Rita Wolfensohn's involvement–– remain a mystery. The home is now vacant and it is believed that Rita is in an assisted living home in Long Island.

You Can Now Take a Voting Selfie in At Least 9 States


New Hampshire selfie-aficionadoes rejoice! The state-wide ban on taking selfies in voting booths was declared unconstitutional by a state court ruling on Wednesday, NBC News reports.

Taking and sharing photos of voting ballots has been illegal in New Hampshire since 2014, and was punishable by a fine of up to $1,000, according to NBC. A federal judge struck down the law a year ago, and the state appealed. Why? They thought letting people take pictures in the voting booth might encourage bad behavior—someone might buy votes, using photos as proof that people actually voted the way they promised. But the First Circuit Court of Appeals in Boston didn't buy that, basically saying it was a made-up fear in the ruling.

"Voting is an act of extraordinary importance," William Christie, one of the lawyers on the case, said in a statement."And it is because of this importance that the First Amendment also ensures that citizens are free to communicate their experiences at the polls, including the people for whom they voted if they so wish."

Believe it or not, snapping a pic with your ballot is still banned in 26 states, and 14 states have unclear laws—so you probably don't want to risk it. But if you're a selfie-taker in Arizona, Delaware, Indiana, Maine, North Dakota, Oregon, Utah and Wyoming (and now New Hampshire!) you're good. There's reason to be hopeful that the law will be changing in more states, though, as Snapchat is a major player in fighting voter-booth-selfie bans. They claim that young people want and need the chance to share their voting experiences with others. 

All we know is that if Snapchat offers Election Day filters that transform us into Hillz or the Donald, we're totes going to use them in the booth if our states allow it. No matter whom you vote for or whether or not you can take a selfie, get to the polls on Nov. 8!

The 25 Struggles You'll Face in Your 20s


One minute you’re walking through campus without a care in the world. Next thing you know, you blink your eyes, and college is a distant memory. Sleeping in on weekdays and day drinking are a thing of the past. Paying bills and grocery shopping are here to stay. Growing up is no fun, especially when you feel pressure to have your life together and still can’t remember to make your bed in the morning. Read on to learn the 25 biggest struggles of your 20s and know that you will survive the quarter-life-crisis.

1. Having FOMO every time you see another friend backpacking through Europe.

2. Wanting to go on an extravagant vacation but wishing your parents would still pay for it.

3. Knowing you should go to the gym, but choosing Netflix instead.

4. Trying to eat healthy, but not being into kale, quinoa or anything gluten-free.

5. Getting way too excited about the couple dollars you saved by using your grocery store's loyalty card.

6. Cooking something more sophisticated than Ramen and making an absolute mess in the kitchen.

7. Buying a surplus of socks and underwear to avoid doing laundry.

8. Wanting to live on your own but also not wanting to give up the perks of living with your parents.

9. Celebrating another birthday but feeling no different than any other day.

10. Seeing the first sign of wrinkles or a strand of gray hair.

11. Being too old to sit at the “kids' table” at family parties.

12. Getting your first real job and feeling like an intern again. 

13. Wanting to finish one more episode of Law & Order SVU, but knowing you have to wake up at 6 a.m. for work.

14. Missing happy hour because you’re still at the office.

15. Using a vacation day to run errands and do chores.

16. Being excited about getting a paycheck and then realizing you have no money left after paying all of your bills.

17. Buying gifts with your own money instead of borrowing cash from your parents.

18. Hoping to get carded at the bar so you can hang onto your youth.

19. Wanting to order a shot of Fireball, but drinking a glass of wine instead so you won’t be judged.

20. Saying no to that second drink because hangovers are the worst.

21. Starting to realize that maybe college really was the best time of your life.

22. Feeling like you have no friends because everyone lives in different cities now.

23. Being too old for Tinder but too young for eHarmony.

24. Feeling incomplete without a ring on your finger, house you can call your own, pet to take care of or baby on the way.

25. Being pressured to have your life together, but still figuring it all out.

The struggle is real.

Acne Is The Key to Long-Term Youth


If you've ever suffered from acne, you probably known the pain of trying every facial cleanser in the Target aisle, changing moisturizers and exfoliators and makeup at the expense of your skin, maybe even trips to the dermatologist every few months. Finally, my pimple-prone friends, science is on our side. 

According to a study published in the Journal of Investigative Dermatology, signs of aging that appear on your face, such as the thinning of skin and the appearance of wrinkles, appear much later in life for those who have fought acne. 

As Cosmopolitan reports, the study looked at more than 1,200 sets of female twins, with a quarter of them having experienced acne. Those who'd had acne? Their white blood cells and skin samples showed longer "protective caps," or "telomeres," at the ends of their chromosomes.

The telomeres prevent chromosomes from weakening. As they get smaller over time, the skin ages, which means that people with longer telomeres age more slowly. 

We know how much of a pain acne is now, but just think how great it will be have the greatest skin later in life.

For the First Time, 'Playboy' Featured a Woman Wearing a Hijab


Playboy is known for their centerfolds and naked, bunny-costumed women, but recently they just revolutionized their brand in the best way possible.

Last Thursday, Sept 22, Playboy published an inspiring profile piece on Libyan American journalist Noor Tagouri. She was featured on their “2016 Playboy Renegade” vertical and she is the first ever hijab-wearing women to appear in the iconic magazine.

The lengthy yet inspiring piece highlights the journalist's charming personality, her intelligence and her ambition. She strives to be the first hijab-wearing new anchor. From her countless news videos, she definitely has talent telling stories and goes in-depth in her pieces.

On being a Muslim woman, she says, “To be honest, I think being a hijabi Muslim woman, helped me gain that [personal] trust. I know what it’s like to have the narrative of our community be skewed and exploited in the media. I was like, ‘Hey, I know what it’s like to be misrepresented in the media. I won’t do that to you. I want to tell your story because it’s important and deserves justice.'”

She wants to empower with her stories, knowing first-hand the impact stories about marginalized groups have on those communities.

She acknowledges that she may at first glance appear different from others in mainstream media, but that doesn’t stop her from doing what she loves and we hope she continues to do so! Read the rest of her interview here

7 Reasons Why Jackson & April Will Be The BEST Parents


Jackson and April have had one of the most dramatic love stories on Grey's Anatomy ever. From the hookups, to the marriage, to the miscarraige, to the fights, to the divorce, these two can handle anything life throws at them. From day one, Japril stole our hearts and have made us fall more and more in love with them every season.

At the end of season 12, viewers saw April have an emergency C-section in a kitchen, with Ben delivering the baby. This woman was cut open without anesthesia while Jackson was on the phone encouraging her. We don't know about you, but the strength and courage from April and the constant encouragement from Jackson is what is going to make these two the perfect parents. 

No matter what they go through, they will always come back to one another becuase they are meant to be. Shonda Rhimes created these characters to be the next Meredith and Derek, and we can't wait for them to get back together to raise their newborn baby. Japril is the ultimate power couple and will make the BEST parents. Here's why:

They are the definition of true love

When their daughter grows up, she will see how much love Japril really has for each other. They're role models and an inspiration, and they will teach their daughter that waiting for that one person is worth it.

April knows her self-worth

She knows that she is amazing and that no man should ever let her go. As a mother, April will teach her daughter how to love herself and to never settle. 

They survive anything together

Their story is the ultimate definiton of strength. With that personality trait, they will teach baby Harriet how to push through the hard times. 

Jackson is always there for the women in his life

Jackson loves the women in his life—Catherine, April, and now his new daughter. As a father, Jackson will love Harriet even when she's going through her crazy teenage stage.

They work through their problems

Communication is key. With their amazing honesty, they will teach Harriet to speak her mind and to not hold back. 

They put their daughter first, no matter what

When April had to get the emergency C-section, she didn't care if she died, as long as the baby was alive and healthy. That is the true defintion of an amazing mother.

They make the best team

Parenting is hard work, and these two are dynamic together. Don't mess with Japril.

5 Reasons Why Meredith & Riggs Should Just Date Already


We know what you all are thinking: nobody can replace Derek. Although we agree that Derek and Meredith are forever (#soulmates), we also think she shouldn't sit around and live life without Derek. As we saw her evolve into a single woman again throughout season 12, we also saw the internal emotional struggle she was facing since losing the love of her life. Our hearts broke at the death of Derek, but Meredith needs to learn how to live life on her own again and move on.

Since she is now a widow and a single mother, it's time she puts herself back out there, into the dating pool. Not only would Derek want that for her, but it will bring a little more happiness into her life. Throughout season 12, we noticed heavy sexual tension between her and Riggs. In her mind, she didn't want to feel those feelings again because she only had those kind of strong feelings for Derek. Nevertheless, she and Riggs would be really good together, and here are a few reasons why.

She's ready to date again

We've seen her hurting, and we've seen her happy. Let's see happy Meredith again soon, Shonda. 

They see each other all the time 

It's hard not to get feelings for somebody at work. It's also easier to date someone when you see them 24/7.

They have incredible chemistry 

We know, we know—it's not a Derek and Meredith kind of chemistry, but it's a start!

Derek would want her to live her life

Derek loved her so much. He wouldn't want her to be miserable and alone.

Riggs is sexy AF

Well, this one is a given. Who wouldn't want to date him?

The First-Ever Baby With Three Parents Was Born This Year


Scientists say that the first baby has been born with DNA from three people—mom, dad and donor.

According to CNN, the mother of the child had a mutation in her mitochondrial DNA, and all mothers pass on these genes to the baby through the egg. The mitochondria creates energy by taking in nutrients and breaking them down.

The mother’s DNA was believed to have caused Leigh syndrome, an often fatal neurological disorder, in her previous two children, the Associated Press reports. Both children passed away, one at 6 years old and one at only 8 months old.

In order to combat this, a team of doctors lead by Dr. John Zhang, founder of the New Hope Fertility Center in New York City, decided to try out a controversial procedure using the DNA from three individuals. According to CNN, since the Food and Drug Administration hasn't approved this procedure, the medical team headed to Mexico, which doesn't have the same rigorous regulations.

The procedure required that some of the mother’s DNA be extracted from the egg, leaving behind the disease-causing DNA, the AP reports. The mother’s DNA was then inserted into the donor’s egg and fertilized. As a result, the child, who was born on April 6, got DNA from the parents and the donor.

Experts, however, have criticized this procedure. Lori P. Knowles, assistant professor at the University of Alberta School of Public Health, told CNN, “It's unfortunate to have people decide they're just going to quite willingly engage in this kind of reproductive tourism—to go outside of a system that is in place to create the safest, most scientifically reproducible way forward. That's the precedent then, that if you think you can do it, then let's just hop the border and see what happens, hope for the best.”

This prodcedure is so new that other doctors are worried the baby might have health problems later on—we just don't know, because the procedure hasn't been done before. But let's all wish this baby a long, happy and healthy life!

Win $50K By Getting Your Friends to Check Their Voter Registration


We all know that voting is SUPER important—after watching the debate on Monday, we know you want to make your voice heard through your vote. But when you’re busy studying, socializing and being the #GirlBoss that you are, time can slip by...and suddenly the deadline for registering in your state has passed.

You don’t want this to happen, and neither does VotePlz. They’re a nonpartisan, nonprofit initiative designed to help YOU register to vote. They’ll help you register online, and if your state doesn’t have that option, they’ll mail you the registration form and even pay for the postage! Even better, they’re running a sweepstakes where you can win amazing prizes just for checking if you and your friends are registered.

When you check if you’re registered on VotePlz, you’ll get a referral link that you can pass on to friends, so they can check their status too. Once at least one person uses that link to check their registration, you’ll be entered into the sweepstakes, and you’ll get additional entries (one per referral) up to 25. The prizes are incredible—20 grand prize winners will each receive up to $50,000 in student loan forgiveness, up to $50,000 in college scholarships or $25,000 in cash! And 2,000 second prize winners will get a $20 prepaid gift card.

If you’re the competitive type, there are even individual and school leaderboards that show who’s referred the most people to the site. You KNOW your school should be No. 1.

Ready to register? Head to VotePlz.org to get started!

The 6 Do’s and Don’ts of Senior Year of High School


It’s the final stretch of high school – and while it may seem like the perfect time to sit back and relax, it’s also a great time to take advantage of your final days at high school. From participating in events to talking things out with your S.O., here are the essential do's and don’ts of your senior year!

1. Do get involved

After four years at the same school, you might be a little tired of the same old activities. But keep in mind that this is your last chance to get involved with everyone at your school! Take advantage of your last year and amp up the school spirit.

Toni Martini, a senior at Molloy College, really encourages getting involved with clubs and extracurricular activities. “Even if you've never been involved, this is a good year to meet new people and have new experiences,” she says. Just because you’ve been in the same place for the past few years doesn’t mean there are no opportunities to experience new things!

Even if you feel content with the friends you have and the amount you participate, consider attending another football game or go to the next school dance! While you might feel like you’re over the whole high school thing, remember that this is your last chance to contribute to the school spirit. Take advantage of the events and activities during your senior year and make the most of your last high school experiences.

2. Don’t slack off

A little senioritis is understandable, but just because it’s your final year doesn’t mean that you don’t have to put in any effort! Senior year is definitely a time for friends and fun, but keep in mind that academics still apply.

“A definite don't is being completely unserious about schoolwork,” says Rachel Petty, a junior at James Madison University. “I didn't try very hard in my classes senior year and I didn't end up getting into a college that I wanted to. Grades are still important!”

While being a senior might mean you’re exempt from a couple things, it doesn’t mean you’re exempt from schoolwork! You can take time to make memories with your friends, but make sure that it’s not hindering your academics. Use a reward system when completing homework assignments (no Netflix until you’ve finished that essay!), make sure your work is done before heading out with friends and keep in mind that your report card still matters.

3. Do connect with teachers

The last thing you probably want to do with your final months of high school is spend time with your teachers – but trust us when we say it pays off! In college, you’ll learn that it’s important to foster relationships with teachers that are important to you – they’ll be there when you need guidance, a recommendation or even a job! Start the habit early by staying in touch with your high school teachers.

You don’t have to force a relationship with every teacher you have – but if you have a good connection with a favorite teacher, make sure you keep it going throughout the year so you can stay in touch after graduation. Hang back after class to chat, ask for advice when it comes to your future or write them a thank you note for their guidance over the years. Even the smallest steps now can help you immensely in the future!

4. Don’t wish yourself away to college

You’re probably dying to pack up the car with your Target haul and head off to college right away, but we recommend slowing it down. You’ll have years to make memories at college, so take the last time you have to cherish high school.

We understand that the transition from high school to college is an exciting one, but you’ll have plenty of time to focus on it once you’ve graduated. Stay in the present and make the most of the final stretch of your high school career. Ace your classes, connect with classmates and spend time with your high school friends while you have the chance. Stay focused on the present by attending local events, spending time with family and doing your favorite hometown pastimes.

5. Do be honest with your S.O.

With graduation (and possibly college) coming up within the next year, your senior year of high school can be a time of many changes – including changes in your relationship. No matter what you’re thinking of doing when it comes to your significant other, whether it’s stay together or take a break, you need to be honest with yourself and with him or her.

“My major regret of my high school senior year was staying with my boyfriend through senior year when I knew it was super toxic and had no chance of survival once we both entered freshman year of college,” says Donna Amore, a senior at the University of Scranton. “Don’t be scared of being super honest with your partner and your relationship status. If you think this isn't going to last in college then it is most likely not going to.”

No matter what your thoughts on the future of your relationship are, you need to communicate with your S.O. In order to make the next year a smooth one, make sure you’re being honest with your partner!

6. Do spend time with friends

Since you might have a slight case of senioritis, it can be tempting to sit out when it comes to social activities. You may be looking forward to meeting the new friends you’ll be making at college, but that doesn’t mean you should completely forget about your high school pals!

Take this time to make memories with your high school friends. It’s hard to say when you’ll be seeing them again, so be sure to spend some quality time together before you part ways. Hit up your favorite hometown restaurants, take a road trip or even make a bucket list and check off all the activities you’ve been wanting to do over the years.

It’s the last year of your high school career, so make sure you make the best of it. You don’t want to graduate with regrets, so take advantage of the opportunities around you while you have the chance!

Kylie Jenner's Phone Number Will Be Off Limits For A Year


Rob Kardashian may have tweeted Kylie Jenner’s phone number, but it's Kylie who is suffering after their petty drama went too far. As expected, Kylie has to get a new number altogether.

TMZ contacted Verizon, Kylie’s phone carrier, to get the details on what will happen to her old phone number following the leak. According to Perez Hilton, Verizon will take the number off the market for a full year so that another customer will not be stuck with the aftermath of Rob's revenge move.

In typical number-swapping situations, phone numbers are only withheld from use for 50 days. Clearly, Kylie's level of fame warrants more intense regulations.

Heads up, Kylie: if we were you, we definitely wouldn't be giving Rob our new number. Just saying.

Princess Charlotte Wears Her Brother's Hand-Me-Downs


While at an event for military families on Thursday, Princess Charlotte wore her brother’s hand-me-down sweater, and her absolute adorableness was on full display. Yes, even the royals share clothes every now and then.

According to People, Charlotte's charming dark blue cardigan was the same one worn by Prince George when he arrived to meet his newborn sister at the hospital in 2015.

It seems like sharing clothes (one of our favorite pastimes!) has been approved by the royal family, and we couldn’t be more delighted. Look out, Princess Charlotte—we're coming for your wardrobe.

Blake Lively & Ryan Reynolds Welcome Their Second Baby


The world just got even more beautiful. Blake Lively and Ryan Reynolds have welcomed their second child, Us Weekly confirms. 

Details are scarce, and it's likely they will stay that way for a while, given how long the pair took to reveal their daughter's name. To this day, we still have never even seen a picture of little James, who is almost two years old. 

Your guess is as good as ours as far as the baby's name and sex are concerned. Page Six reports that Blake's bestie, Taylor Swift, has already been to the hospital to visit baby Reynolds, so maybe she could clue us in. 

One thing is for sure: this likely won't be the last little bundle for the Gossip Girl star and her hubby. Blake has already proclaimed that she and Ryan are "breeders."

We don't know about you, but we definitely wouldn't mind living in a world full of Reynolds. 

2 Black Women Were Called "N*****s" Outside a Frat House at the University of Missouri


As 2016 enters its last season, many are coming to the conclusion that there's still a clear racial divide in America. In a world where numerous incidents of police brutality are caught on camera, presidential candidates and their supporters regularly make racist remarks, and people are still uncomfortable with the phrase "Black Lives Matter," it's impossible to say we're anywhere near ending racism. And an incident this week at the University of Missouri proves that even further.

According to Cosmopolitan, protests took place Wednesday at the University of Missouri in response to several fraternity members hurling racist and sexist insults at a group of black students on campus. On Tuesday night, the two black female students were walking past the Delta Upsilon fraternity house when a white woman standing outside with fraternity members allegedly said, "Look at those two n*****s looking at us." The two students called other members of the Legion of Black Collegians Activities Committee to walk with them, and those students were subsequently also called names, even when police tried to deescalate the situation, according to the Columbia Tribune.

The group released a statement explaining their frustration, saying “To say that we are disgusted is beyond an understatement.” This is not the first time that this campus has dealt with racial disparities—protests at the school rippled across the nation last fall—a fact that the group had to address: “It is often said that history repeats itself, but the ignorance that occurs on the University of Missouri’s campus always seems to be too familiar. Due to the continuation of an intolerant culture, students of color have been attacked again.”

In response, the Delta Upsilon International Fraternity suspended the university’s chapter in an ongoing effort to learn more about the specific individuals involved, The Washington Postreports. The school's administration is also taking action. “I am outraged and saddened to hear of this!” Hank Foley, the interim chancellor of the university, said in a written statement. “The safety and security of our campus is our No. 1 priority; the University of Missouri is committed to fostering an inclusive campus environment where all students, faculty, staff and visitors can live, learn, work and feel safe.”

The FBI May Have Been Able To Stop the Charleston Church Shooter From Buying The Gun He Used


People around the country have wondered how Orlando shooter Omar Mateen was able to buy an AR-15-style assault rifle and a handgun, or how the San Bernadino killers obtained Smith & Wesson assault rifles and handguns. A Department of Justice investigation has just found that, Dylann Roof, the 22-year-old man charged with the 2015 Charleston church shooting, may have been prevented from buying the firearm he committed the murders with if he hadn't slipped through the cracks of FBI background checks.

On June 17, 2015, Roof, who is white, killed nine African Americans at the Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church in a racially-motivated mass killing. Two months prior, Roof purchased the gun used in the slayings from a dealer in West Columbia, S.C. According to BuzzFeed News, he was allowed to buy a .45-caliber handgun, despite having a “prohibiting incident report” on his record.

A Department of Justice audit revealed that this “prohibiting incident,” which charged Roof with drug possession, was only documented on the National Data Exchange (N-DEX). N-DEX is separate from the National Instant Criminal Background Check System (NICS), the system normally used by the FBI for deciding who should be allowed to buy guns.

This reveals an unfortunate break in the system. Roof could have been denied purchase of the gun because he admitted in a police report to possession of controlled substances. Instead, the police report was not documented in the NICS. Although the NICS examiner sent a request to the Lexington County prosecutor for a police report, the office did not respond within the three-day waiting period for the background check.

Roof, counted among the “exceedingly low” amount of people who slip through the background check system, was therefore able to purchase the weapon he eventually used at the Charleston Church. According to BuzzFeed, an FBI audit following the shooting showed that the FBI “appropriately followed its processes in 375 of” 384 firearms transactions investigated.

In a letter responding to the audit, the FBI acknowledged that there are weaknesses in the background check system, and that N-DEX could be used to prevent some of those breakdowns. Unfortunately, the fact that anyone can evade proper FBI procedures for background checks, however rare that may be, can have serious and violent consequences.

People Need to Stop Reporting Creepy Clowns to Police


Clowns are creepy—at least, that's how most people feel about them. And people seem to be using clowns' creep factor as a way to scare the shit out of their neighbors all over the country. According to The New York Times, there has been an epidemic of alleged creepy clown sightings in several states, and 12 people have been arrested. After a report in South Carolina of people dressed as clowns trying to lure kids into the woods with money, a rash of clown crimes spread up the coast from Alabama to Maryland. USA Today has summarized alleged clown activity in 13 different states.

Most recently, there have been sighting of clowns in the Ohio area, as people are reporting them breaking into cars and homes, according to 10TV. Police haven't actually found anyone in costume. Police in Marion, Ohio say they've responded to at least 20 clown sightings in the past week, and they ask that "persons not dress in clown costumes with the intent of creating fear or hysteria." Oy vey.

Pretty much all of these alleged clown sightings have been hoaxes, but people are still being arrested for things like obstruction of justice and making terroristic threats (even if they never intended to follow through on, say, attacking a school in a clown costume). So while it may seem fun to be part of the creepy clown craze—one professor told the Times that people might be making false reports out of some kind of sick FOMO—know that there can be serious consequences if you get caught making things up.

There has been one very real death linked to the mostly-imagined clown epidemic. PennLive reports that a 16-year-old in Pennsylvania was fatally stabbed last Sunday after someone wearing a clown mask provoked a fight.

So, don't call the police unless you actually see a clown committing a crime. Okay? Okay.

Michelle Obama and Chris Harrison Killed It in a New College Humor Sketch


In a sketch released on Thursday by comedy website College Humor, First Lady Michelle Obama is shown for a brief time recreating her resume and helping a college student out with her FAFSA.

In the video, a college aged girl appears on a game show hosted by Chris Harrison (yes, that Chris Harrison) that promises students free money for college. The twist? Harrison is really just asking the girl to answer the questions on the FAFSA. The girl struggles with the first question—which asks for her name. This results in her calling FLOTUS as a lifeline, who easily helps the girl stay in the competition.

Before talking to the girl, we see Michelle fixing her resume. Under the skills section, she changes "Public Speaker" to "Best Public Speaker." After the call, she comments, "Just a few months left... Oh! Gotta change my address!"

First Lady Michelle Obama has always advocated for everyone—especially women—to have the opportunity to be educated. In the video, which isn't her first for College Humor, she and Harrison help promote the FAFSA and try to encourage students to fill it out. The video repeatedly notes how easy it is to do, and that upon completion students can "win free money for college." While many students feel that the FAFSA takes a lot of time and can be difficult to figure out, this video is a good reminder that there are tons of resources available to college students to help fill it out with ease! Don't let fear or intimidation stop you from getting the money you need for your education.

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